I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1016: Scared silly


Miao Lang, He Chenguang and others were also clearly aware of this scene, which caused them all to change their expressions greatly. At this moment, their whole hearts were once again mentioned in their throats.

The sas guy who was hiding in the dark felt that Yu Sheng jumped directly from the mountain at first, and he was shocked. He never expected that Yu Sheng would be so vigorous. In this case, If you dare to jump straight down, you have to have a distance of eight meters and eight meters, if it is under normal circumstances, if you can run up, they can also do this, but...

The current situation surprised and shocked him.

Because in this situation, this guy jumped directly and **** down. It was just looking for death and seeking a dead end... Originally, he wanted to shoot and kill the rest of his life, but he didn’t know why, he felt locked in. So he did not dare to shoot, for fear that he would be sniped.

When he saw Yu Sheng jump onto the land, he was also taken aback. He never expected that this guy Yu Sheng could be so fierce that he jumped directly onto the land from here...

This is about ten meters, and this guy still jumped over in this extremely harsh environment, your uncle is a bit too much...

"good chance……"

But soon, he suddenly saw that when Yu Sheng jumped to the ground, because the ground was suspended below the ground, because Yu Sheng’s falling force was too strong, the rock could not withstand Yu Sheng’s strength, and it broke directly. Coming, such a scene made him look overjoyed.

"Now is the time to kill you. In this situation, shoot you. Even if you really fell and died, you deserve it, and I don't blame me."

A coldness flashed in this man’s eyes, and he would almost certainly die if he fell off the cliff for the rest of his life. In this case, if he could not be saved, it would have no effect, because he said during this special forces competition, This special forces contest is extremely dangerous, and if one is not careful, it may be fatal.

In this case, even if Yu Sheng died, he was not to blame, because Yu Sheng asked for it.


At the moment when he aimed at Yusheng, he fired the shot without hesitation. Naturally, he shot towards Yusheng quickly.

But at this time!

Yu Sheng also noticed this strangeness. He also knew that his current situation was a bit unpleasant, but... he was not in a hurry. At this moment, there was a strange light in his eyes, and in his brain, it seemed that A picture appeared...

The picture seemed to be a picture of a monkey. This monkey seemed to be very peculiar. When Yu Sheng noticed the monkey, Yu Sheng almost opened his mouth with an incredible face.

"I'm Cao, this the **** is the Monkey King, right?"

For an instant, Yu Sheng fell into this kind of epiphany, but what Yu Sheng did not expect was that he actually saw the legendary Monkey King. I have to say that this guy is indeed arrogant, but no matter how arrogant he is. Can't hide the fact that he is a monkey.


When Yu Sheng just thought of this place, Yu Sheng suddenly noticed something, which made Yu Sheng feel refreshed, and then murmured: "Yes... Monkey..."

"When the Monkey King passed through the Water Curtain Cave, he didn't have the slightest magic power... It was completely based on the instinct of a monkey... To say that the most powerful part of a monkey is flexibility..."

"The kind of flexibility allows them to move freely in the trees, and it allows them to even legend in the mountains, but relatively speaking, they are more free to move through the trees."

"But this does not mean that in other environments, the monkey's body is not so flexible."

Thinking of this moment, the rest of my life felt a sense of sudden realization.

"I see……"

At this moment, Yu Sheng's eyes revealed a series of brilliant lights, which made Yu Sheng excited, with indescribable excitement and movement...

"I see……"

"The blood of a century-old six-eared macaque, the third form, all kinds of exquisite."

The next moment, Yu Sheng gave a violent drink. The stone that had been broken and fell downwards, under the violent drink for the rest of his life, his feet and hands suddenly exerted force, with the help of the power of the stone, Yu Sheng's body , Jumped up, this stone was impacted by the rest of its life force, so the falling speed accelerated a bit.

The moment he jumped up for the rest of his life, that person's bullet also came in an instant.

However, Yu Sheng seemed to have noticed it a long time ago. By this time, the gun in Yu Sheng's hand also pointed the muzzle in one direction. He pulled the trigger without hesitation, and the bullet flew out in the next instant.

The bullet collided with the opponent’s bullet, and Yu Sheng’s figure jumped up and landed steadily on the ground. However, Yu Sheng did not stop too much, but rolled and hid behind a stone. For the rest of his life, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Too dangerous..."

This made Yu Sheng also secretly squeezed a cold sweat... It was a shock for the rest of his life. If it hadn't been for the realization of the third form of a century-old six-eared macaque at a critical moment, he would have been so exquisite... The edge fell off.

"Damn, I almost made a mistake."

Yu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief. The next moment, Yu Sheng looked at a stone not far away, which was only about 200 meters away from him. A fierce light appeared in Yu Sheng's eyes.

"Dare to snipe me in this place, this time, I want you to look good."

Yu Sheng stared at the front sternly. The next moment, he jumped up. He didn't seem to have any defense against the person in front of him. For the rest of his life, he ran forward as fast as lightning. Staring hard at the front, as long as the opponent has a head, he can quickly adjust the muzzle and kill the opponent.

As everyone knows, this person is hiding behind the stone, at this moment, the whole person is also a little dumbfounded.

"Sniper... sniper bullet..."

At this moment ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he finally saw what was going on. Yes, it was a sniper bullet. When he just thought that his gun could kill the rest of his life, what he didn't even dream of was...

Yu Sheng was able to shoot even when he jumped up. It doesn't matter if he shoots, he can also shoot at will, but what scares him the most is...

For the rest of his life, he could still snipe off his bullets...

I can understand that you jump up in this extreme situation, but the height of your **** jump is a bit nonsense, of course, you jump high, I can say that you are talented, it is not unreasonable Understandably, after all, there is no perverted person in the world...

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(End of this chapter)

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