I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1022: Golden Wing Roc vs Hawkeye


But at this moment, the bullet for the rest of his life collided with Harry’s bullet in the air, and Harry’s bullet was instantly collapsed, and the rest of his life at this time had already fallen in this pit, and the rest of his life was hit. Roll, stabilize his figure, he is also sweating profusely at this moment.

"Damn, I almost made a mistake again."

Yu Sheng took a deep breath. This was already his second mistake in the international special forces competition. He had never made such a mistake in the past.

This made Yu Sheng's complexion a little unnatural.

This kind of mistake is also a lesson for Yu Sheng, a lesson of blood. If it were on the real battlefield, maybe he would have died.

"There must be no such mistakes in the future."

Yu Sheng gritted his teeth and clenched his hands. His mistakes caused him to fall into crisis twice. This time, the reason why he was able to snipe off the opponent's bullet was entirely because of his century-old unicorn beast blood. To put it bluntly, this is completely dependent It's all luck. After the blood of the unicorn beast was promoted to the second form for a hundred years, his fortune has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

Therefore, he can turn the bad into good fortune.


For these soldiers, this kind of luck is also a person who has great luck. If there is no certain luck, it is impossible to be promoted to become a soldier.

Being able to become the king of soldiers also gathered a part of luck.

For the rest of my life, I can’t guarantee that my luck will always exist.

For the rest of his life, he did not dare to be careless.

After the rest of his life sniped Harry's bullet, Harry was also slightly taken aback: "Sniped down my bullet?"

Harry was a little surprised. Just now, the rest of his life sniped off his bullet scene. He saw clearly, his eyes had undergone some mutations, so this caused his eyes to see extremely far, and that's it. , And also allowed his eyes to see some of the bullet's trajectory. This is where his eyes mutate.

He didn't expect that Yu Sheng could still snipe his bullets in this air. Such ability is indeed a bit powerful, but in his opinion, Yu Sheng might be nothing more than luck.

He didn't think that Yu Sheng's eyes had been adjusted just like his own.

Harry cautiously walked towards another sniper spot. As a veteran, he naturally knew that it was impossible to squat at one sniper spot, because the rest of his life had already discovered his position. For him, It is not a good thing, since it is a sniper operation, he naturally wants to maximize his ability.

This is also Harry's consistent fighting style, no matter who he is fighting against, he will go all out, not daring to be careless.

Right now, Yu Sheng had obviously exceeded his expectations, and the person who could avoid his shot was indeed a bit powerful.

Hawkeye shifted the sniper point, and spent the rest of his life lying in this pit. For a while, his brows were frowned. He was in this pit, obviously not in the best position, and the enemy could not hit him, but...

Once he gets up, the enemy may hit him, which is the most troublesome.

When Yu Sheng thought of this place, his brows furrowed, and he thought for a while.

The best way right now is to find a sniper spot.

For the rest of his life, Yu Guang looked around. There was an obstacle over there that could be used as a sniper spot. Relatively speaking, this sniper spot was pretty good.

"Fortunately, I even found a sniper spot."

When Yu Sheng noticed this scene, he also looked happy.

He looked at Harry on this side again. He knew that Harry had shifted the position 80% of the time. Without thinking about it for the rest of his life, he quickly hid behind this stone. When he appeared, Harry Sure enough, he didn't shoot, and Yu Sheng came to the back of the stone, and he was a little relieved.

For the rest of his life, he looked into the distance through the cracks in the stone, and he noticed Harry's figure, because Harry's figure was also hiding behind a stone, and the snow covered the stone, a piece of white.

Yu Sheng's eyes gradually became sharper at this moment.

"Hundred-year Golden Wing Roc's blood..."

At this moment, Yu Sheng's eyes began to change. These eyes were just like the eyes of a Golden Winged Dapeng, and his eyes kept shrinking. This latitude and longitude instantly locked the stone.

This is surprisingly earth-sensing shooting technique.

Now, his earth-sensing shooting technique has reached this third form, and it has become very powerful, but for the rest of his life, it seems that his earth-sensing shooting technique does not only have these three forms, it seems that it can be advanced. This made Yu Sheng also slightly curious.

The rest of the studies and genes have only three forms, and each form has a different skill. Only the Earth induction shooting technique is somewhat abnormal.

But it's right to think about it. This Earth Induction Shooting technique is not genetic or blood. I think it has a lot to do with it.

When Yu Sheng thought of this, Harry's eyes fell on Yu Sheng's side.

Harry is not a simple soldier king. When he changed his sniper spot for the rest of his life, he had already noticed the rest of his life. They were all snipers after all, so it was easy to know where a sniper spot was the best position.

Harry was staring at Yu Sheng's side, similarly, he could see the situation on Yu Sheng's side clearly, all of which came from his mutated eagle eyes.

His eyes are fused with the gene of eagle eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So, this causes his eyes to become extremely powerful, even without a sniper scope, he can see clearly the target of two kilometers, this kind of look , Is already very scary. As a sniper, without aiming, his shooting speed is definitely much faster than others, and the shooting position is also more precise.

This is the horror of the eyes.

When Yu Sheng and Harry’s eagle eyes met, for a while, the eyes of the two people actually wiped out sparks. Obviously, this is the antithesis of the Golden Wing Roc gene and the eagle eye gene. Touch, both sides are the hegemons in the sky, and now that the two sides meet together, they naturally have to distinguish themselves.

Of course, in this world, there is no one who is the most powerful, and there is just who is stronger.

There was a faint smile between the corners of Yu Sheng’s mouth, which made Yu Sheng also have a passion for blood. Such an opponent is indeed a respectable opponent. He really likes the feeling of fighting against these masters, because only against these masters, Can make faster progress.

(End of this chapter)

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