I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1021: Mutated Hawkeye

Yu Sheng suddenly jumped up, which also shocked the other party. Yu Sheng just jumped out so silently, it was no different from looking for death.

When Harry noticed this scene, he also sneered coldly: "Looking for death."

Harry aimed the gun in the direction where Yu Sheng was. Harry's sharp eyes were like eagle eyes. When Yu Sheng roared to the side, Harry had already aimed at the direction where Yu Sheng was.


Harry squeezed the trigger without hesitation, and the bullet spun quickly and went straight for the rest of his life. If he was hit, the rest of his life would be eliminated.


The next scene surprised Harry because he saw that when Yu Sheng jumped out, Yu Sheng's body twisted slightly, and Yu Sheng twisted his body, which caused his bullet and The brains of the rest of his life passed by, and Harry was a little surprised to see such a scene.

"Even dodged?"

Harry gave Yu Sheng a surprised look. He never expected that Yu Sheng would avoid it so easily. It didn't make sense. His shot was already locked for Yu Sheng. According to his thoughts, Yu Sheng It was impossible to avoid his shot, but for the rest of his life he avoided it for the rest of his life.

In this scene, Harry's expression became a bit solemn. Harry stared at him for the rest of his life, but then, Harry's pupils suddenly shrank.

"This is……"

When Harry noticed the trajectory of the rest of his life, Harry's expression also changed drastically.

Because he was aware of the trajectory of the rest of his life, there was no way to speak of it, and he would never stay in place for more than 1.5 seconds. In other words, he wanted to shoot for the rest of his life, which is almost impossible. As a soldier king, it takes about 1.5 seconds from shooting to aiming. This is already a very powerful master. If they change to some other top masters, their shooting to aiming takes at most one time. Point two seconds.

When this comes to the back, the more you want to improve 0.1, the more difficult it is.

Because that's not something that can be improved casually.

It requires constant tempering and must always maintain its peak, but this is so difficult. Many people will never be able to break through when they reach the realm of the king of soldiers. Obviously, the potential has been exhausted.

It can be said that without a strong talent as a support, it is almost impossible to reach this level.

"No wonder I can kill Beta, I really have some ability." Harry glanced at Yu Sheng with scorching eyes, and also put away the contemptuous bullet that could avoid him so easily. Such a person is indeed a bit powerful, but... …

He is the captain of SAS, and he is also a true SAS member. The reserve team he leads is also going to participate in this SAS assessment. As long as they stand out in this international special forces competition, then their team will be fine. Become a real sas member, by then, he can be considered to have completed his mission.

"But... in front of me, dare to show yourself. You are the first one. It is not that easy to avoid my sniper..."

When talking about this, Harry had a cruel smile on his face. If anyone looked at Harry's eyes at this time, he could perceive that Harry's eyes gradually began to change.

On this retina, there are countless squares, but these squares look so small that ordinary people can’t see them with naked eyes, but... Harry’s eyes have happened. Weird changes.

Because these eyes don’t look like double eyes, they look like animal eyes. Moreover, this guy’s eyes have this extremely sharp feeling, that kind of cold eyes, it looks like It was extremely uncomfortable, as if it were a cold-blooded animal.

Those eyes were staring at Yu Sheng. Such sharp eyes made Yu Sheng also aware. His pupils kept shrinking for the rest of his life at this moment. He could see Harry's every move clearly, especially When meeting Harry's eyes, this made Yu Sheng even more shocked.

For the rest of my life, stormy waves were set off.

"What kind of look is this?" Yu Sheng looked at Harry in amazement, his eyes revealed unprecedented solemnity. I don't know why, Harry’s eyes are like an eagle eye. That kind of eyes are extremely peculiar, especially when these eyes are staring at him.

This made the rest of his life full of fear and horror.

Because the opponent's eyes seemed to have locked him in and regarded him as his prey.

"No, these eyes..."

Yu Sheng suddenly thought of something, which changed Yu Sheng's expression drastically.

"Eagle Eye..."

A word appeared in Yu Sheng’s mind, and Yu Sheng’s complexion also changed. Yes, it was eagle eyes. At this moment, Harry’s eyes were like a pair of eagle eyes. The eagle eyes were extremely sharp. And he looked far, far away. In this high sky, he could even see the rabbit on the ground clearly. It was obvious how terrifying this guy's eyes were...

Only when the eagle is catching prey, his eyes become extremely sharp.

Right now, this Harry obviously regarded himself as a prey.

However, Harry's eyes are obviously a little different from the eyes of normal people. He has encountered this kind of person once in the rest of his life. Right now, Harry's situation is obviously similar to these people...

"Could it be that he also changed his eyes and failed?"

When Yu Sheng thought about this place, Yu Sheng's expression changed drastically, and Yu Sheng hurriedly rushed to the side. There happened to be a small hole in that place.

At this moment, Yu Sheng's whole body's hair burst instantly, and an indescribable danger poured into his heart, which made Yu Sheng's face extremely difficult to look at.

Because he knew that he was locked.


The next moment ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a gunshot, followed by a resounding sound, made Yu Sheng's pupils suddenly shrink, because he noticed that the direction of this bullet was indeed the direction he was in. Although he also had the blood of the Golden Wing Roc, and even upgraded to this third form, he could see it clearly when the bullet spun around quickly.

At the same time, the radar warning on his body is also constantly reminding him at this time, allowing him to avoid speed, but these are only a moment.


For the rest of his life, he could only move the muzzle in the air and fire a shot at Harry's side.


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(End of this chapter)

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