I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1026: Use Perception Card

"Didi, the host successfully used the perception card."

With the sound of the system falling, for the rest of his life at this moment, his whole body was shaken, and he immediately fell into a certain sentiment.

Time was passing by a little bit. At this time, the rest of his life did not appear, and Harry, who was in the distance, was staring at this side, which made Harry frown.

"Is it afraid?"

Harry looked carefully at Yu Sheng's side. It has been several minutes, and he hasn't appeared for the rest of his life. This makes him a little puzzled. Yu Sheng's sniper skills are also very strong, and Harry dare not take the slightest care, so he always They are all staring at this aspect of Yu Sheng, waiting for Yu Sheng.

However, the rest of his life didn't mean anything to show up, which made Harry extremely puzzled.

If Yu Sheng does not show up, then he has no choice but to hold on to the rest of his life. He can only hold on and wait for the opportunity. The reason why he can suppress the rest of his life is entirely by shaking his guns. If he competes with Yu Sheng face to face, he dare not say that he can win the rest. Sheng, his combat effectiveness is only the realm of the middle-level soldier king, and it is still in the early stage.

But because his eyes have been modified, this has led to his combat effectiveness, which is much more powerful than the average mid-level soldier king.

"If you don't show up, I'm afraid it will be a little troublesome. It seems that you have to find a way to make this guy come up."

When Harry thought about this, Harry suddenly looked not far away. He saw his subordinates, and Harry immediately said: "You, go around and attack from there, don't be found by this kid."


Hearing Harry's instructions, the man agreed without thinking about it, and then he cautiously walked around to the other side of the rest of his life.

As he walked around, Li Erniu was also coming towards this side. By coincidence, the two of them happened to run into the opposite side, and they collided with each other.

Li Erniu's pupils also shrank suddenly.

"not good……"


In the next instant, Li Erniu squatted directly on the ground, his hands were not idle, and Li Erniu pulled the trigger as soon as he squatted down.

A bullet shot at the sas member like lightning, and Li Erniu's reaction speed was obviously faster than this member.


This member fired shots at the same time as Li Erniu, but this member's bullet hit the ground in front of Li Erniu. The dirt splashed and the collapsed Li Erniu's face was a little bit painful. Fortunately, this The gun didn't hit him, otherwise, he would have been eliminated. I have to say that this bumping into his face also shocked him.

However, look at each other again. Yellow smoke appeared on the opponent's body, and for a while, this person was also dumbfounded. Obviously, he never dreamed that Li Erniu would hit him.

When Li Erniu noticed this scene, both eyes stared and his faces were full of astonishment.


Immediately afterwards, Li Erniu looked overjoyed, and he never expected that he fired a shot so casually, and it was really hit, which was completely deceptive.

Before he shot, it was almost a conditioned reflex, and he didn't even have time to aim. Now, where is there any chance of aiming. 7 questions

So, this shot was all luck, but...what I didn't expect was that it really hit the opponent, so for a while, it made Li Erniu a little embarrassed.

Li Erniu is more of a surprise.

Li Erniu got up and ran towards Yu Sheng again, but Li Erniu did not run directly towards Yu Sheng, but ran to another sniper spot. His main purpose was to clear the way for Yu Sheng.

Therefore, he will not be with Yu Sheng, with Yu Sheng, he will be watched by Harry, and Harry will watch him. This is not ideal. He is not Harry’s opponent. Once Confronting Harry, he is almost certain to die.

At this time, Harry also saw that his own people were eliminated, which made Harry's face a bit ugly, and Harry whispered secretly.


Originally, Harry wanted to force the rest of his life out, but he never expected that his own person would be eliminated, which made Harry's face a little unnatural.

Harry looked at the other person again, and said solemnly: "Go over there, look at the two of them, don't let them both make trouble."

Harry's words made this person nod solemnly, and this person quickly left here and headed towards the sniper spot on the side. At this time, He Chenguang also noticed Li Erniu, which made He Chenguang a little looser. With a sigh of relief, he was here under a lot of pressure. With the arrival of Li Erniu, this relieved him a bit, which made him a little relieved. The opponent's sniper technique is really too strong, even if it is. He Chenguang also felt an unprecedented pressure.

Especially as they went deeper, the opponents they encountered became stronger and stronger. He Chenguang could also clearly feel the pressure from the opponents. Especially when they got to the back, the soldiers he encountered became stronger. More and more, now, He Chenguang is just the realm of the king of soldiers.

This state was still trained by him. If it weren't for hard training, the combat effectiveness wouldn't improve so quickly. In one, it would be stimulated by the rest of his life.

Every training, the rest of their lives gave them very strong stimulation, which made them have to work harder and train frantically, so every time they train, they are desperate.


He Chenguang fired a shot to the side without hesitation. This shot hit the stone. The bullet collided with the stone, and the bullet was blown away. There was nothing wrong with the stone.

And behind this stone, there is obviously a member of sas.

Li Erniu also saw He Chenguang and made a gesture towards He Chenguang. For a while, the two of them fought together, constantly suppressing each other.

As for Harry's ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, his whole heart sank. He stared sharply at Yu Sheng's side, frowning, and for a while, he didn't know how to approach Yu Sheng.

He didn't hide there for the rest of his life, and he really had no way at all.


Let's talk about the rest of my life at this time.

Yu Sheng's whole person has entered a state of sentiment, and what he has sensed is also the blood of a thousand-year-old chameleon. Yu Sheng feels that the blood of this thousand-year chameleon is somewhat different, but the specifics are different. Yu Sheng can't say it, but he I feel that this thing plays a very important role for him.

The rest of his life fell into that kind of sentiment again.

At this moment, Yu Sheng came to another world, this world made Yu Sheng a little bit astonished, Yu Sheng was surprised, because the world here was a world full of vitality...It was completely different from this external world.

Of course, this is just the world that the rest of my life has felt.

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