I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1027: Latest insights

The world that I came to for the rest of my life was a world full of vitality. This world was green, with trees, flowers, and grasses. All of these plants were blooming themselves, as if they were showing themselves.

This made Yu Sheng slightly surprised. Yu Sheng looked at the scene in front of him with some puzzlement, which made Yu Sheng ponder. What does this thousand-year-old chameleon gene have to do with this? How could I have entered this kind of sentiment? Isn't it too weird?

Thinking about it, Yu Sheng just stepped forward and walked forward step by step. As Yu Sheng deepened, Yu Sheng felt that this place was like a picture scroll. At least there is no such beautiful place on earth. For the rest of my life, I was very surprised.

At this time, Yu Sheng suddenly felt horrified. He felt as if he was being stared at by something. This made Yu Sheng a little startled.

"What's the matter? How do I feel being targeted by something?"

Yu Sheng's hair exploded all over, which made Yu Sheng stared suspiciously around, his eyes shot, and he didn't let go of any place, which made Yu Sheng shocked.

"It's not dangerous, why are you being targeted? What is the situation?"

This weird side is the first time I have encountered it in the rest of my life.


But at the next moment, Yu Sheng suddenly noticed a whistling sound. This sudden sound shocked Yu Sheng. Yu Sheng’s complexion changed slightly and he hurriedly flashed away. I noticed something strange biting at him.

When Yu Sheng saw this thing clearly, Yu Sheng's expression changed slightly.


The next moment, Yu Sheng escaped the blow of this gadget, and Yu Sheng quickly looked towards the ground. Only then did Yu Sheng see the true appearance of this thing.

This is a snake with a triangular head, but the whole body is green, as if it merges with the surrounding green. At that time, the rest of his life did not discover the existence of this snake. Obviously, because of this snake His appearance is so similar to the environment here, even for the rest of his life, he didn't notice it.

"It turned out to be a snake."

After Yu Sheng saw this scene, he took a deep breath. Fortunately, his reaction speed was fast. Otherwise, the snake would bit him. I know what is going to happen, but it's not a good thing to come.

"What a great disguise."

Yu Sheng's face was solemn, and he thought secretly that this snake was camouflaged on a big tree and was covered by the green color on the tree. It looked no different from the big tree. If it weren't for his quick reaction, he would have been bitten.

Yu Sheng looked at the little snake on the ground. The little snake didn't hit it with a single blow, but quickly left here. Yu Sheng didn't kill the little snake, but continued to meditate.

At this moment, what does it mean that a small snake appears, what does the blood of this thousand-year-old chameleon mean, and what does the two of them mean?

Yu Sheng frowned and walked towards the inside again. As Yu Sheng deepened, at this moment, Yu Sheng saw a spider. This spider is also a little different. The spider is lying on the tree. If you don’t see it For the rest of my life, I couldn’t believe that there was a spider here.

If you observe this spider carefully, you will find that the lines on this spider are similar to the trunk of a big tree. It looks like there are cracks on the top. When the spider is lying on the tree, it will No one is aware that once this person touches this big tree, he might encounter this spider. From the situation of this spider, 80% of it is a poisonous spider.

This thing might kill people.

In this forest, these things are extremely deadly, which is why the mortality rate in some virgin forests is so high.

Wrap some of the water in the virgin forest, and you can't just drink it, because you don't know whether it contains parasites, and even if you boil the water, you can't say that the parasites can be eliminated.

"Unexpectedly, even the spiders here are hidden so well..."

After seeing the scene in front of him, Yu Sheng took a breath, and said in shock: "This place is full of various crises, and every animal seems to have its own unique ability."

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng walked forward again. Soon, Yu Sheng came to a lake. The lake was clear. At first glance, the whole lake was green and beautiful, which made Yu Sheng also sigh.

At this time, Yu Sheng looked at the lake carefully. Yu Sheng frowned. He picked up a stone on the ground and threw it into the lake. With Yu Sheng's shot, Yu Sheng saw a few small fishes. , As if frightened, swiftly swiftly sprinted towards www.wuxiaspot.com~ This sudden scene made Yu Sheng slightly surprised, his face full of incredible.

"No, even the fish here are integrated with the surrounding lake. How is this possible?"

When Yu Sheng saw this scene before him, he was a little confused for a while, and he was a little confused. What happened in the end was really incredible.


At this moment, Yu Sheng's inspiration flashed, as if thinking of something, thinking of Yu Sheng here, his eyes lit up, and he muttered: "All the creatures here seem to have a certain ability."

For the rest of my life, I couldn’t help but recall the animals I had just met. At first it was a small snake, followed by a spider. Now it is a few small fishes. You can even see some other small animals on this ground, but These little animals all have a unique ability.


Yes, just disguise.

Their skins seem to have adapted to this piece of nature, and their camouflage is very good. Even if some people have new observations, in many cases, they may not be able to be observed. This is the weirdness of these animals.

Almost all of them have a kind of camouflage skills. When the enemy comes in front of them, they can make a fatal blow and prey on the opponent, making the place impossible to escape.

Even when some animals came in front of them, these animals could not be found. This is the overbearing part of camouflage.

To put it bluntly, the most terrifying thing about these little animals is all in disguise.

Yu Sheng just thought of this place. At this time, Yu Sheng suddenly noticed an animal, which made Yu Sheng's pupils suddenly shrink.

"It turned out to be..."

(End of this chapter)

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