I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1028: Is this 72 change he is aiming at?

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When Yu Sheng saw the little animal, Yu Sheng's eyes flickered. Yu Sheng stared at the chameleon in front of him, his eyes motionless, as if he was afraid of missing something.

Yu Sheng stared at the chameleon in front of him scorchingly. He saw that the chameleon in front of him was quietly changing.

Yes, it is changing.

The chameleon seemed to feel that the temperature around Le was the same as the environment. The color on his body was gradually evolving from the original earthy yellow to green. This kind of change made the rest of his life a heartbeat.

"Yes... Animals can change color, and the main purpose of the disguise is to achieve the effect of camouflage. Then, why can't I disguise it? I can disguise as a snake or some other animal. Although a person is still a person, the disguise is In order to deceive people's vision, when the enemy is not easy to detect, so as to achieve the purpose of disguise."

The more Yu Sheng thought, the brighter his eyes, Yu Sheng seemed to understand something.

All predation here is camouflage, and the camouflage of these animals is so clever that most people can't even notice it.

If you can also have such a clever disguise, who can see yourself if you don't observe it carefully?

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng suddenly realized.

"So, I understand that the most powerful part of the blood of the chameleon in this thousand years is its camouflage. Even, the most powerful, it is because of changes in the environment."

"This kind of disguise is the most powerful."

"The combination of camouflage and my acting skills, who can detect it."

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng became excited.

"Didi, congratulations to the host. Congratulations to the host of the thousand-year-old chameleon blood, the first form, seventy-two changes."


As the sound of the system fell, this made Yu Sheng's forehead almost licking on the stone, and Yu Sheng was dumbfounded on the spot with a dumbfounded look.

The first form? Seventy-two **** changes?

Damn it, are you **** fooling me? Even your uncle's seventy-two changes have come out? Whose exclusive skill is the 72nd change? It seems to belong to Monkey King, can you not rely on the score?

You made a seventy-two change, isn't it that I will become whoever I want to become.

Yu Sheng was a little confused by the sudden sound of the system. For a while, he didn't know how to deal with this matter. Yu Sheng couldn't help but ask: "System, what the **** is this seventy-two change? Say, I, like the big brother, have seventy-two changes and can be transformed into anything? Am I considered a fairy?"

"The host thinks too much."

The system’s dull voice slowly resounded in Yu Sheng’s mind, and the system faintly said: “Seventy-two changes are just a title and a name. To some extent, the host has 72 kinds of disguise. , In order to demonstrate the amount of disguise, the host cannot become immortal."

"If the host can become an immortal, then this system is heavenly."

"The host shouldn't daydream, it's better to be realistic, think about becoming immortal every day, and be careful to become mentally ill."

"Depend on."

After Yu Sheng heard these words, Yu Sheng looked constipated, and Yu Sheng became a little speechless. This is your sister, isn't this a fool.

After doing it for a long time, it was just a title. I thought there were seventy-two changes. If I really had the ability of a big brother, then I would become a soldier and go straight to immortality.

Yu Sheng shook his head slightly, it was a pity.

However, the realization of the first form of the chameleon in a thousand years has made the rest of his life full of excitement and excitement. With such a thinking skill, then he can leave here.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng opened his eyes and looked carefully not far away. At this moment, Harry did not change his sniper point, because there is no better sniper point on Harry’s side. Now, almost all of them are deadlocked together.

For the rest of his life, he lay in the pit, motionless. This was a long time. Harry was a little impatient at this moment. However, he is a sniper after all, so he is still patient. , Waiting here.

"This guy……"

Harry gritted his teeth. He looked towards Yu Sheng and took a deep look, which made Harry a little uncomfortable. Unexpectedly, Yu Sheng couldn't hide there anymore, which made Harry a little angry.

But Harry also knew that he couldn't be anxious at the moment, he had to wait patiently, or think of a way to force the rest of his life out. There is no way to wait like this. If one is not good, someone will come over for the rest of his life. Of course, if someone comes from Yusheng, then Yusheng is the most passive person.

So they are not very anxious.

Hiding in the pit for the rest of his life, he took a deep breath and thought secretly: "Let me try the camouflage technique of this thousand-year-old chameleon blood."

Thinking of this, the rest of his life will change quickly. Of course, this change is not really transforming into the appearance of other things, but it affects a person's vision, making it not so easy to detect.

At this moment, Yu Sheng directly imitated a little snake.

Yu Sheng's body was lying on the ground. There was a thick layer of snow on the ground. Yu Sheng twisted his body and crawled quietly in one direction.

Yu Sheng's movements were very small. At this moment, although Harry was always paying attention to Yu Sheng's every move, he did not notice that Yu Sheng was leaving quietly.


Suddenly Harry realized that something was wrong on the rest of his life, but he didn't know what was wrong. For a while, this made Harry a little confused. What was wrong? It seems a little weird.

Harry looked at Yu Sheng's side in a puzzled way~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don't know why, the more he thought about it, the more something was wrong there, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

For the rest of his life, he didn't notice Harry's doubts at all, but twisted his body, swimming towards another place under the cover of snow.

A little bit of time passed, and in the blink of an eye, twenty minutes passed.

In these twenty minutes, Harry saw the pit on the rest of his life. There seemed to be no movement at all, which made Harry frown deeper and deeper, and Harry's face became a little unnatural.

"It seems something is wrong..."

The more Harry thought about it, the stronger the feeling in his heart became, which made Harry extremely puzzled.

It's not just Harry.

Even He Chenguang and Li Erniu looked at Yu Sheng's side in a puzzled manner. It has been a while, and there is no movement in Yu Sheng's side. This makes He Chenguang and Li Erniu, both Some consternation.

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