I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1029: Camouflage

, The fastest update I have the latest chapter of a special forces system!

They are all Yu Sheng's teammates and often fight with Yu Sheng. Naturally, they understand Yu Sheng's combat habits very well. According to Yu Sheng's urinary nature, Yu Sheng will never wait so much time there.

This made He Chenguang and Li Erniu's complexion all become a little dignified.

"For the rest of my life, something happened?"

He Chenguang's brain was running fast, and such an idea appeared in his mind.

But soon He Chenguang shook his head slightly, and thought secretly: "How could something happen? He has excellent combat power for the rest of his life, and even his IQ is top-notch, so there should be no accident."

"But he has been in that pit for half an hour, and there is no sign that he is going to make a move. If such a stalemate continues, the only thing that may be troublesome in the end is ourselves."

The more He Chenguang thought about it, the more puzzled he became. He didn't understand. What was Yu Sheng thinking about and what was going on?

"Or is he waiting for the opportunity?"

He Chenguang groaned. If he changed to another sniper, he might have been waiting in this place, waiting for the opportunity to kill the opponent. After all, the location of this place is not very good. Once he appears, he may be killed by the enemy with one shot. Therefore, waiting for the opportunity here is the most appropriate.

Just when everyone was thinking about the situation on the rest of their lives, suddenly a gunshot resounded in this space.


With this gunshot, Harry in the distance was aware of it before the gunshot.

At this moment, Harry's whole body was erected instantly, an inexplicable sense of threat struck his whole body, which made Harry feel indescribable and fearful.

"No...someone shot."

Sudden danger caused Harry’s face to change drastically. Harry hurriedly lowered his head and rolled to the side. At the same time, the gun in his hand was almost reflexive, moving in one direction. One shot.


Obviously, Harry's luck was not good. The shot didn't hit anything, just hit a big tree on the side, but...

The shot fell on the top of Harry's head. For a moment, Harry's pupils suddenly tightened, and his face was full of horror.

"How can it be?"

There was a thick yellow smoke on Harry's body, his face was full of disbelief, he hurriedly looked at the source of the sound, and when he looked there, Harry's pupils shrank again.

"It's him……"

On the right rear of Harry, there is a familiar figure. This familiar figure is no one else but Yu Sheng. At this moment, Yu Sheng is lying there with a sniper rifle in his hand. With the gun's posture, Harry was dumbfounded when he noticed this scene.

"How could this... why did he get there?"

Yu Sheng suddenly went around behind him, which made Harry dumbfounded. You know, the rest of his life has always been in the pit in front of him, but...when did Yu Sheng detour behind him.

This is impossible.

If Yu Sheng detours behind him, then he should be able to find out, but...what the **** is going on?

In such a scene, even if Harry thought about it for a long time, he didn’t figure it out. He didn’t understand why the rest of his life suddenly ran over there. This was replaced by anyone who wanted to move the sniper point in that place. , Can people see it anyway, right?


I didn't even notice this guy shifting the sniper point. This... Could this guy still fail with any spells? It is rumored that China has a lot of powerful martial arts and spells, especially those immortals who fly into the sky and escape the ground. They are very powerful.

Isn't he just such a person?

But Harry quickly discarded this idea, what jokes, how would they fight this battle if they knew spells.

After Yu Sheng killed Harry, he also looked happy. Yu Sheng quickly pulled the bolt. Before the other sas member could react, Yu Sheng killed him.

For a time, the sas side has suffered a heavy loss. Harry is their captain, and the best member of their sas. The most powerful member, even Harry is damaged here, which puts pressure on the people on sas side. Doubled.

"No, Harry was killed."

When Clement noticed this scene, his face changed drastically. Obviously he hadn't expected that Harry would be killed so easily. For a moment, he also cursed secretly.

At the same time, he was a little bit jealous. He wanted to kill Chen Shanming and Miao Lang, but Chen Shanming and Miao Lang did not give him this opportunity at all. The two of them hid so deeply that they would only be given to them at some critical moments. A shot, although this shot failed to hit them, but it made them dare not act rashly.

Because they didn't know when this shot would hit them, so this made their complexion extremely dignified, and they didn't dare to mess around.

Today, their captain has been killed, which has caused their pressure to double. The ability to kill their captain means that the opponent's combat effectiveness is not worse than their captain, and may even be stronger. If so...

Maybe they will be wiped out here.

When thinking of this, Clement's face also became a little unnatural.

"No, I can't stay here anymore, I must leave here."

Thinking of this, Clement made a decisive decision and said: "We withdraw and leave here immediately."

They all know that now they are at a disadvantage. If they continue to stay here, there is absolutely no good fruit to eat. Leaving is the best choice.

With Clemente’s order ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this moment, everyone gathered and retreated in one direction. This group of special forces are all well-trained. It can be seen how well they are trained. Strict, even the retreat is so unified.

After Harry noticed that Clemente had left, he was a little relieved. The rest of his life was extremely powerful. Clemente and the others were not opponents for the rest of his life, so it was the best choice to evacuate at this moment.

At that time, it is not too late to invite people to avenge.

Yu Sheng saw Clement and others preparing to leave, which made Yu Sheng’s eyes flicker. There were only four of Clement and the others, and there were eight of them. As long as they were entangled by them, these people would never want to get away. .

I have to say that the other party's decision is really a decision.

Say retreat and retreat.


Thinking of this, there was a fierce look on Yu Sheng’s face, but he never thought of giving these guys a chance to escape...If you want to escape, it depends on whether he wants to...

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