He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing, you all followed me and shot the rock. Come on. "

Yu Sheng set his gaze on He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing, and hurriedly spoke.


Afterwards, all the people in the group followed Yu Sheng's instructions and looked at the stone in the distance.


After Yu Sheng gave an order, immediately, everyone shot at the stone.

The bullets hit the rock one by one, which caused the rock to sway. Finally, the rock couldn't withstand the impact of the bullets and fell directly from the mountain.

The stone rolled down, and a big snowball rolled out almost quickly. The big snowball fell down halfway up the mountain, and the rumbling sound resounded, and the whole mountain trembled along with it. .

However, with the fall of this big snowball, this caused the entire mountain to be hauled, especially the white snow at the halfway point of the mountain, which was trembling. For a while, a large swath of snow , One after another slid down from this halfway up the mountain.

This moved the whole body, and as one place slipped, this caused the whole piece of white snow to slide down one after another.

The rumbling voice resounded through the world, and the movement was extremely quiet.

The sudden situation also surprised all the people present. They hurriedly looked behind them, and when Park Min and Liu Minjun saw the big avalanche behind them, their pupils were suddenly tightened.

"not good……"

When they noticed the snow falling, their faces were shocked.

"It's an avalanche, hurry, run."

It's true that Park Min and the others are top soldiers, but... in the face of this kind of natural power, even if you are the soldier king, you can't resist such a big avalanche.

Once such a big avalanche covers them, then they will undoubtedly die. Under such extreme weather, they can survive, relying on God's appreciation.

They never expected that they would be so cruel for the rest of their lives, which directly caused an avalanche, which made them all furious. Obviously, they were fighting their lives for the rest of their lives.

If they can’t run, they won’t be able to run for the rest of their lives. At that time, everyone will be buried in the ground by a big avalanche. This is not something you can move if you want to, otherwise, there won’t be any. So many people died in this harsh environment.


With Park Min’s roar, all the people present immediately ran away. They had lost their sniper rifles and escaped extremely fast. After all, straddling the sniper rifle, they had a certain degree of escape. Influence.

Looking at Yu Sheng, Yu Sheng also yelled: "Run."

He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others heard the words and ran away. They listened to the rumbling sound, and for a while, it made their scalp numb.

Such an avalanche, once buried in the ground, it is dead.

They didn't expect that Yu Sheng's so-called gamble was actually to cause an avalanche. This Nima, where is a gamble, this is simply terrible.

He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others all ran toward the other side as if they were desperate, at least it seemed that it was safe there.

The snow mountain fell extremely fast, and their escape speed for the rest of their lives was fast, but... compared with the speed of this avalanche, it was a little insignificant.

Countless snow accumulates on some rocks, and the snow splashes everywhere, but the powerful impact force also rushes these rocks away.

not only that.

More than that, these stones were washed away with great force, and they shot towards Yu Sheng one after another. After Yu Sheng noticed this scene, his face changed drastically, Yu Sheng hurriedly avoided these stones, but The snow still buried the rest of my life directly in the snow.

"not good……"

He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others noticed this scene, and their expressions changed drastically. At this time, they all knew that it was impossible to escape there. Right now, they could only find a place to hide.

The two saw a bare rock not far away, and immediately jumped to that place and squatted on the ground.

Song Kaifei, Li Erniu and others are also looking for shelters. With such an avalanche, it is too late for them to escape. They can only find a place to see if they can survive.

Look at Park Min, Liu Minjun and others. There are a total of seven people in their group. These seven people were originally hidden in the dark because of this big avalanche.

As a result, all the hidden figures of these seven people were exposed, and they also fled to safety as if they were desperate.


The speed of this avalanche was so fast that they didn't give them time to escape to this safe place. Therefore, they were rushed out directly by the heavy snow, and they didn't know their life or death.

Some people are rushed to the bottom of this cliff. Whether they can survive or not depends on God’s will. On the contrary, they are lucky for the rest of their lives. They are farther away from the avalanche, which causes them to react faster, so they don’t. Was washed down this cliff.

But even so, what they are facing is also a life and death crisis.

I don't know how long it took. The big avalanche has stopped. Looking at the place where they used to be for the rest of their lives, it was already covered by a piece of white snow.

I don't know how many things are buried in this white snow.

At this time, in one place, Yu Sheng was lying underneath. He noticed that there was no movement. At this time, Yu Sheng's face was a little blue, but in the bottom of his heart, he was a little relieved.

"The avalanche seems to have stopped."

When I noticed this scene, the rest of my life was a little more relaxed, but the rest of my life at this time was faced with a huge problem~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that is how to get out.

The snow was buried on him, and it was very heavy, and it was extremely difficult for him to go out.

"No, you must get out as soon as possible."

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng's complexion became a little bit sharper. He must go out quickly and be buried under the snow. The temperature is extremely low. If he stays in this environment for a long time, he may be frozen alive. Death, in fact, most of those who were buried under the snow were frozen to death.


Yu Sheng gave a violent shout, trying to break free of the snow, but the snow was so deep that even Yu Sheng exhausted all his energy, he couldn't break free, which made Yu Sheng feel an unprecedented sense of crisis.

"No, no, I can't get out."

Yu Sheng's face changed drastically.

(End of this chapter)

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