Didi, congratulations to the host for comprehending the third form of the blood of the Hundred Years Snarling Dog. "

As the sound of the system echoed in his mind, Yu Sheng was shocked all over, revealing a slightly surprised look.

"I realized it."

When Yu Sheng heard this sound, Yu Sheng also looked overjoyed. Yu Sheng suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

"The third form of the blood of the Hundred Years Snarling Dog, which can be tracked by thousands of miles."

Yu Sheng just thought of this, and for a moment, he felt his sense of smell magnified ten thousand times, such a terrifying sense of smell, you can imagine how terrifying it is.

The smell that came one after another made Yu Sheng's nose sour and almost lost his sense of smell, but Yu Sheng still resisted it.

"We have to find He Chenguang and their whereabouts as soon as possible."

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng no longer hesitated and quickly searched for the whereabouts of He Chenguang and the others. But when Yu Sheng walked to a stone, suddenly, Yu Sheng smelled a very special smell. This smell is very, very special. Obviously it was his teammate, which made Yu Sheng also look overjoyed.

"it's here."

Without any hesitation for the rest of his life, he hurriedly excavated.

Yu Sheng used a dagger to dig with his own hands. After digging for a short while, Yu Sheng saw a figure that was frozen and trembling, as if he could lose his life at any time. Such a scene made Yu Sheng. Also followed by amazement.

"He Chenguang."

Yes, this person is He Chenguang. Yu Sheng did not hesitate. He grabbed He Chenguang and pulled him out. Yu Sheng looked at He Chenguang's face, his face was blue, and his body was trembling. , Yu Sheng hurriedly said: "How are you?"

He Chenguang tremblingly opened his mouth and said: "Ok... so cold... cold..."

Yu Sheng's expression was a little unnatural, and Yu Sheng said, "What about the rest, do you know where they are?"

Yu Sheng also knew that now is not the time to talk about this, He Chenguang has been frozen like this, then what about the rest of the people. What will it become?


After Yu Sheng heard the words, he immediately searched again, and soon found Wang Yanbing's whereabouts. After Yu Sheng rescued Wang Yanbing, he found that Wang Yanbing looked the same as He Chenguang, and it was not much better.

At this moment, Yu Sheng didn’t hesitate anymore, and quickly searched for the whereabouts of the rest of the people. After searching for a full hour, they were all found. This is because Yu Sheng’s nose is extremely unobstructed, if it is replaced by something else. People of, I'm afraid they may not find He Chenguang so easily.

An hour later, He Chenguang and the others finally slowed down. At this moment, they still felt extremely cold, and the biting sensation made them feel extremely uncomfortable.

At the same time, they are also a little scared.

This time!

They really are facing death threats.

If no one comes to rescue them, if it is not for the rest of their lives to drag them out, this time, they will really be frozen into a freezer, almost dead.

This feeling between life and death has caused some quiet changes in their whole person. It seems that this kind of life and death experience has left a seed in their hearts.

It's just that this seed hasn't germinated yet.

However, this seed is planted and will germinate sooner or later.

Yu Sheng looked at the people present. Everyone had just been rescued, and their faces were not very good-looking. Yu Sheng asked, "How are you doing? Are you okay?"

"It's okay."

He Chenguang shook his head slightly, and then took a deep breath, and said: "It is too dangerous. If you rescue us for a while at night, I'm afraid we will have finished playing."

"Yes." Wang Yanbing said with lingering fears: "Fortunately for the rest of my life, if we are not rescued in time for the rest of my life, we will lose all the heat in our body in a short time, and we will be really dead by that time."

"It's too dangerous." Song Kaifei couldn't help but said.

"It's too exciting." Li Erniu couldn't help but said: "This is the first time I have experienced such an exciting game."

The complexions of Chen Shanming and others are also a bit unpleasant. This kind of scene is indeed a big scene, and it is really too exciting, but this kind of stimulation makes everyone's hearts a little unbearable.

It's so **** scary.

They never want to play again. This is a **** avalanche. If this happens again, they can't guarantee that they will survive. This time they will survive. It's all because of the rest of their lives, or it's all because of luck.

Thinking about it now, it still gives them an inexplicable sense of fear.

"For the rest of my life, I can't take this risk in the future." Chen Shanming took a deep breath before slowly saying, "This way of taking risks is really scary."


Yu Sheng also nodded slightly, just as Chen Shanming said, he can't go blind in the future. If he is not lucky, he would not even dare to say that he can get out of it.

If this one is wrong, you will even have to fall into it.

"For the rest of our lives, we are all buried, so, what about those opponents?"

At this moment, Wang Yanbing couldn't help taking a look around, and couldn't help but speak.

"Covered by heavy snow, I can't get out, so I'm dead." Song Kaifei couldn't help but said.

"It's a mess." Xu Tianlong couldn't help but said, "Under this kind of snow-covered conditions, without the help of others, these people are almost dead."

"Yeah...buried by the heavy snow, how can this come out? It's almost impossible to come out." He Chenguang also shook his head slightly and sighed.

"Are we going to save them?" Miao Lang couldn't help but say at this time.

"Save? How to save? They were all buried in an avalanche, how to find it?" Song Kaifei said casually~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As soon as this words came out, everyone present turned their eyes on Yu Sheng's body. Obviously... They are very curious about how to find them for the rest of their lives.

You know, almost all of them were found out for the rest of their lives, and since the rest of their lives can find them, can the rest of them be found too?

"Team leader, do we want to save?" Wang Yanbing looked at Chen Shanming and couldn't help asking.

Chen Shanming also looked towards Yu Sheng, while Yu Sheng shook his head slightly, and said casually: "I am familiar with the smell on you, so I can easily find you, but... those who attacked us, I am not familiar with the smell on them at all. , So I can't find them either."

When Yu Sheng said this sentence, he actually kept some in his heart, but he didn't say it.

However, destroying such a team is also a big trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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