However... this life's violent drinking is to wake up another person around in an instant. This person instantly got up, saw the rest of his life, and hurriedly yelled: "Who are you?"

For the rest of his life, without any hesitation, the gun in his hand was aimed at this person.

"Da da da……"

With two gunshots, the bullet plunged into the man's heart, and the man fell softly to the ground. At the same time, the man was still full of unwillingness and fear.

The sudden gunshots also awakened all the rest of the people. These people are too sensitive to gunshots. What's more, their identities are not so glorious. Someone may kill them. This sudden gunshot shocked them all.


When Chen Shanming, He Chenguang and others noticed this scene, their expressions changed drastically, and they fired without hesitation.

At this time, they also assassinated a few people, but now that these people were alarmed, they didn't have to continue to assassinate latently, and shot without hesitation.

"Da da da……"

The sound of da da broke the calm of the night, because this side is deserted, so such gunshots are not afraid of being discovered by others.

Chief Jack was also awakened by the sound of the gunshot. Chief Jack turned over and picked up the gun beside him, holding the gun in both hands, his eyes flashing with killing intent.

"What's the matter? What happened?"

The sudden situation made Chief Jack furious. He didn't expect that when they were asleep, they could hear gunshots, and there must be an enemy coming.

After leader Jack noticed this scene, he was ready to go out, but at this moment, two figures quickly entered the house of leader Jack. After seeing leader Jack, the two men hurriedly said: "Leader Jack , It's not good, something happened, we were sneaked in by the enemy."

"Who is it?"

When the leader heard this, he was shocked and angry, and shouted.

"It seems to be the people we caught." One of them said with some trepidation.


After Chief Jack heard these words, his face was full of anger. Immediately, Chief Jack thought of something, which made Chief Jack even more angry.

"be cheated……"

Almost for an instant, Chief Jack thought of such a sentence and was fooled.

I obeyed Yu Sheng’s words and wanted to use Yu Sheng and others in exchange for more money. To put it bluntly, they were too greedy. That’s why I gave these special forces a chance. I never expected that they would actually Out of the cage, how is this possible? Rainbow Literature Network

"Where are our people? Don't we have five people to guard them 24 hours?" Chief Jack asked hurriedly.

"All of them are dead, and they have all been killed." The man said, crying without tears.


Hearing that his own people were all killed, this made Chief Jack's face changed drastically, and Chief Jack hurriedly shouted: "What are you still doing in a daze? Give me up, kill them, kill them for me."

With a violent drink, the two men hurriedly left here. Chief Jack also hurriedly went out. After he went out, he noticed the constant clicking sound and even some fire lights. These fire lights made Jack rush out. The leader became angry from embarrassment. He never expected that these Chinese special forces would be so cunning that they would deceive them.

"Da da……"

Chief Jack noticed a person, so he fired the shot without hesitation. This person was not someone else but was Yu Sheng. Yu Sheng was a lazy donkey and rolled around, so he avoided these shots. Yu Sheng hid beside the house. He didn't dare. Rising heads, and it is the dark night, it has a great impact on everyone present, because in the dark night, it is impossible to see the other side's figure clearly, but...

The rest of his life is not among them.

After Yu Sheng noticed this scene, he frowned. He carefully glanced to the side and narrowed his eyes, because he vaguely noticed that this person seemed to be the guy named Chief Jack. After this guy was fooled by himself in the morning, he waited for someone to get out at this time.

At that time, Yu Sheng was only deliberately uttering those words, using those words to confuse the guy in front of him, but what he didn't expect was that this guy was actually fooled. At this moment, he waited for someone to come out. After killing many of them, it must be that the leader Jack was very angry at this time, which made Yu Sheng smile coldly. The more angry this guy is, the better it is for him.

Yu Sheng thought for a while, it was a roll, and he got out from here. This leader Jack was also hidden by the house. After he noticed Yu Sheng had rolled out, the leader Jack appeared instantly, holding the ak in his hand. Shooting towards Yu Sheng, at the same time, Chief Jack was still shouting in his mouth.


Chief Jack was obviously angry to the extreme.

The sound of DaDa kept resounding, but none of these bullets hit Yu Sheng, but Yu Sheng rolled around. The moment Yu Sheng wanted to get up, Yu Sheng noticed that the hairs of his whole body were exploding in an instant. The sudden situation made Yu Sheng look big. After the change, Yu Sheng adjusted the muzzle without hesitation, and fired in one direction.

"Da da……"

Two guns resounded, and in the next instant, there was a bullet colliding with the other's bullet in the air, wiping sparks. This sudden spark also made the leader Jack look big. Change.

"what is that……"

Obviously, Chief Jack was also aware of this scene, and the sparks suddenly bursting out of the sky made him feel shocked and shocked.


But Chief Jack obviously couldn't think of so much at this moment. He continued to fire his gun, but after a few bullets were fired, there was a rattling sound. This sudden sound made Chief Jack's face slightly changed, because He noticed that there were no bullets in his ak.

Thinking of the leader Jack here, he hurriedly hid the past outside the house, but for the rest of his life at this moment, how could he miss this opportunity, a bullet shot at the leader Jack.

The leader Jack seemed to have noticed it a long time ago and moved his body, but... after all, leader Jack is not a professional special soldier. His marksmanship was only tempered by himself, and he couldn't compare with Yu Sheng.

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