I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1049: fighting

"Let's pay close attention to these guys. Tomorrow, Chief Jack will interrogate these guys. Then it's time for us to make a fortune." One of them humanely.


The other person also nodded slightly: "Let's watch it tight."

Then these people walked a few steps toward the cage, and when these people approached the cage, for the rest of their lives at this moment, their eyes flickered.

For the rest of his life, he came to the front of these two men with one step. In the next instant, for the rest of his life, he pierced the dagger in his hand into the necks of these two men.

At this time, the last person also reflected, and when he had just reacted, He Chenguang appeared behind this guy and killed this guy directly.

All this is a trance, it is too fast.

These robbers did not even react.

After all, these bandits are not special forces, and there is still a big gap between them.

Therefore, it is the easiest to kill these guys.

The five people were resolved all at once, and Yu Sheng was also a little relieved. Fortunately, there was not much movement. If the movement was too great, it might be discovered.

At this moment, Chen Shanming and others all came out of the cage one after another. Yu Sheng hurriedly gave all the ak in their hands to Chen Shanming and others. Chen Shanming and others were holding guns, and they were murderous.

"We kill these guys and leave here." Yu Sheng said solemnly.


Song Kaifei also flickered fiercely. Song Kaifei couldn't help but said: "I wanted to do this a long time ago. These bastards, doing some housebreaking things every day is not a good thing at all. Over the years, I don't know how many people have died. In their hands, today, we are just walking the way for the sky."


Xu Tianlong also suffocated the fire. They did not have real guns in their hands. This caused them to be restrained everywhere. There was no way at all. It made them suffocated the anger. How to say, they are also special soldiers. , But was hijacked by a group of robbers, which made them all have indescribable anger.

Although it is an exercise and participating in an international special forces competition, but being hijacked by such a group of people is also a naked shame for them.

"Go, you can kill them while they are still asleep, but I took a look, and there are quite a few of them here, maybe there are about 20 before and after." Yu Sheng said solemnly.


Song Kaifei said coldly: "We now have seven people, only 20 people. We have destroyed them, and the problem is not big." Then he went to listen to the book.

"That's right." He Chenguang also nodded and said, "It's not a big problem to get rid of them."

Everyone nodded slightly. They knew how strong these people were. If they wanted to destroy these people, there was really no big problem.

"We act."

Under Yu Sheng’s command, immediately, everyone on the scene moved in one direction and cautiously touched it. What made Yu Sheng sneer is that the defense of these guys is really too weak. There are only five people. Came to look at them, and as for the rest of them, all of them were sleeping.

Doesn't this give them a chance?

If it is replaced by some other people, perhaps, a team will be sent for training so that no one will come close to them and bring them together.

But these people obviously don't, they are all sleeping!

It can be seen that these people's military literacy is so bad that Yu Sheng and others are a little bit disdainful.

Of course, disdain to disdain, but these people still have a little embankment in their hearts. After all, no one can guarantee that they can be intact under the bullet, so they are very cautious in participating in the battle.

Yu Sheng waved his hand and asked He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing to attack toward the left. As for Chen Shanming, they lurked toward the right. After they lurked, they waited for orders and acted together.

For the rest of his life, he carefully dived into one of the houses. These houses are made up of wood temporarily. They look very simple. Moreover, if there is a strong wind, this house can be blown apart. Obviously , Chief Jack and the others did not really regard this as their base.

People like them will definitely have a lot of enemies, so they will often change their bases to avoid accidents.

Yu Sheng sneaked into this room cautiously, and through the window in the room, Yu Sheng made a gesture towards Chen Shanming and the others, which meant that they would use a dagger to kill these people. If these people were disturbed, they would be killed with guns. , This can be done quietly.

After Yu Sheng sneaked into this room, he looked at two of them. Yu Sheng's eyes flashed with fierce light. Then he took the dagger and walked carefully towards a person. Yu Sheng placed the dagger on this side. On the person’s neck, blood flowed down the neck as soon as he exerted force, and this person also opened his eyes at the same time. Covering his neck with his hands, his eyes were full of horror.

Especially when he saw the rest of his life, this made his whole person even more terrified. At this moment, he wanted to scream and wake up his companions, but... at this moment, he couldn't send out at all. Even if it was a slight voice, he wanted to wake up the companions around him with his hands, but...

At this moment, he felt that all his strength was disappearing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that kind of strength disappeared extremely fast. After a while, he felt his eyes dizzy, and finally slowly closed his eyes.

Yu Sheng looked at the person in front of him, without the slightest pity. In his opinion, all these people were worthy of death, so when Yu Sheng started, he did not show any mercy.

Yu Sheng once again set his sights on this other person, Yu Sheng killed this person with the same fresh hair, but... when Yu Sheng killed this person, this person suddenly woke up, especially when he saw Yu Sheng’s In an instant, he hurriedly shouted.

"who is it……"

Yu Sheng's expression changed slightly when this person yelled. Yu Sheng stabbed the dagger into this person's throat without hesitation. This person covered his throat, but his eyes widened, staring directly at Yu Sheng. , He never thought that here, an enemy would sneak into them, how could this be possible.

This person could only be deeply unwilling, and finally fell to the ground.

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