I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1048: Operation Dark

Yu Sheng said in a low voice: "I just noticed that there will be shifts on their side. When they change shifts for a while, we will go out and kill them as quickly as possible. However, we must be careful not to speak out. We must kill them silently. Once we disturb other people, we will be very passive."


Hearing what Yu Sheng said, everyone condensed their expressions and said in a deep voice.

"Let's not worry now, wait patiently, wait until around two o'clock, I guess there will be a general change of the guard, then the defense will be the weakest time, then we will be divided into five groups and kill the enemy."


Immediately everyone was cautious, but they all appeared to be tied up, they didn't dare to show their state.


When it was time to change shifts, when it was time to change shifts, all of them began to be cautious. They all stared straight ahead. At this time, they saw the five people around them. Walk towards the front, of course, this side is not very far from the other side.

At this moment Yu Sheng hurriedly made a gesture, and then Yu Sheng quickly opened the door of the cage and left here quickly. At this time, there were still five people left in the cage.

At first they wanted to discuss, and the five people went out, but after thinking about it carefully, the goal of the five people was really too big. In the end, they became two people directly, that is, He Chenguang and Yu Sheng.

After the two left the cage, Chen Shanming and others were all staring at Yu Sheng carefully, and their hearts were quite nervous.

Because they don't know if anything will happen to them for the rest of their lives. If they are noticed by the enemy, the enemy will definitely kill them for the rest of their lives without hesitation.

Soon, five people swiftly walked towards Chen Shanming and the others. At this time, one of them said: "I'll go to the bathroom first, shit, I have to look at these guys in the middle of the night. It's disgusting."

"Go." One of them opened his mouth: "Lazy people have a lot of poop."

After hearing these words, this person gave a cold snort, stepped on his feet, and walked to the side. This place is about 20 meters away from the cage, because the sky is dark, so I don’t see it very much. clear.

After this person came to a place, it began to be convenient, and at this moment, Yu Sheng appeared behind this guy, and a cold light flashed in Yu Sheng’s eyes. This guy went to the toilet and just gave it to He has a chance.

When this person reached the critical moment, Yu Sheng grabbed the guy's throat without hesitation, Yu Sheng suddenly used force, this person had not reacted, but was killed by Yu Sheng directly, it seemed that there was more air intake but less air vent. It's almost dead.

After Yu Sheng killed this guy, he picked up the gun on this guy. With the gun, Yu Sheng was also a little relieved. As a special soldier, many of his skills must be displayed on this gun and ammunition.

After all, this is the era of thermal weapons. If there is no guns and ammunition, the enemy may be directly abrupt. Even if he has the ability of the king of soldiers, he will not be able to exert much ability.

After Yu Sheng killed this guy, he didn't go to the cage in a hurry, but continued to wait here. He was not in a hurry, and He Chenguang was waiting cautiously on the other side.

After waiting for about five minutes, the four patrolmen suddenly frowned, and said in a concentrated voice: "What the **** is this guy doing? It's been so long, why haven't they come back?"

"It's just a pee, just one minute, how can it take so long?"

"Isn't this guy urinating?"

Several people looked at each other one after another, and one of them stood up and said casually: "I just saw this guy go over there, I'll go over there and see what is going on."


When everyone heard this, they all nodded slightly, but they didn't refuse. Someone would go and have a look. After all, they have been to the toilet for so long and haven't come back yet. This makes them more or less worried.

This person walked towards this person, and Yu Sheng who was on the side had been paying attention to this action for a long time. After seeing this guy walking towards this side, Yu Sheng's eyes also flickered.

There is another guy. If this guy is killed, the risk of exposure will be small for them.

After this person came here, he saw that there was a person lying on the ground. This person frowned and murmured: "This guy actually fell asleep here? Now when patrolling, you actually slept here. It's over."

This made this person a little bit ashamed and angry.

This person walked up to this person, kicked this person, and said, "Wake up."


But when this person just said this sentence, a clear voice resounded, and the next moment, this person was also killed instantly. The sudden situation shocked this person's heart, but... when he reacted. At that time, I found that my whole body had no strength, and even the expression in his eyes began to loosen.

Obviously, this is a sign that life is gradually dissipating.

Especially when he saw the rest of his life, it made him look incredible.

"How can this be?"

He didn't understand when he died, how did the rest of his life get out of the cage? How can this be? Why did Yu Sheng get out of the cage? You must know that they are always patrolling. The main purpose is to prevent Yu Sheng from them, and even they tied rope to Yu Sheng.

However, he did not expect that Yu Sheng unexpectedly came out, and killed the two of them. At this moment, he wanted to call for help, but... the vitality was gradually dissipating, which made him have no choice~www .wuxiaspot.com~ Finally, I can only close my eyes softly.

Yu Sheng looked at this person being killed, Yu Sheng sneered, and then Yu Sheng quickly put on his clothes, Yu Sheng was carrying a gun, and walked forward, as Yu Sheng walked forward, at this time , The remaining three people are also aware of the existence of the rest of their lives.

Immediately asked: "What's the matter? What is that guy doing?"

As these three people asked, Yu Sheng said casually: "That guy is in the tuba."


One of them snorted coldly, and yelled: "This guy is actually in the tuba at this time, this guy is really a lazy guy."

After saying this, he stopped talking, and for the rest of his life at this time, his eyes flickered.

(End of this chapter)

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