I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1056: Life and death crisis

Um. "

Everyone didn't dare to be careless, they were all watching their surroundings carefully, and Yu Sheng also looked around for a while, looking for a solution to the enemy.


The enemy is blocking their way. They seem to be trying to solve the enemy. For a while, I am afraid that it will be difficult to do so, and all the enemies are masters. It can be described as difficult to kill these guys.

This made Yu Sheng also anxious, and the enemies he encountered afterwards became stronger and stronger. Obviously, he was a little weak, which made Yu Sheng also a little jealous.

"How to do?"

Now they are pointed at by several guns. As long as they show up, the enemy will sniper them. But now, they are in this kind of desert with almost no obstacles. They want to leave and find opportunities. It is very difficult, because once they If you leave, you will be discovered by the enemy, after all, the desert is too vast.

Yu Sheng thought for a while, gritted his teeth, and muttered: "There is no way, I can only try."

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng immediately said: "He Chenguang, stay here and don't move, and don't show your head. Shoot the enemy's attention from time to time, and I will take care of the rest."

"For the rest of my life, it's too risky, the desert vision is too wide, the enemy is still at a high place, it is easy to find our existence."

"Yes Yusheng, here on this slope, we can compare patience with them. In this case, we can also fight with them. Once we get out, it will be difficult to fight." Wang Yanbing also said.

"As long as we don't move in this place, the enemy can't help us, and we can't help the enemy. We can only stay in a stalemate for the rest of your life. Don't take risks."

When He Chenguang and others heard Yu Sheng's words, they knew that Yu Sheng was going to take risks.

It’s just that this is not another place after all. There are more or less shelters like rocks in other places, but this place does not, and some are just yellow sand, which is easy to expose. If you are surrounded for the rest of your life, you will almost die. undoubtedly.

This is what everyone is worried about.

"Nothing will happen." Yu Sheng said: "I'll come as soon as I go."

When the voice fell, Yu Sheng was cautiously retreating towards the back. At this time, Yu Sheng’s eyes flickered. The next moment, his body began to quietly change, and the rest of his life carried on the ground to squirm quickly. At this time, if someone looks at For the rest of his life, he will inevitably exclaim.

Because the rest of his life at this moment looks like a snake in the desert, if you don't look very carefully, you can't even tell that it is a person.

Obviously, this is a camouflage technique for the blood of the chameleon for the rest of his life!

This thousand-year-old chameleon blood can provide a camouflage for the rest of your life. This is a very powerful camouflage technique, and even has a seventy-two change of title! It is precisely because of this that Yu Sheng can pretend very well.

For the rest of his life, he crawled to the side cautiously. About ten minutes later, the captain of the guard who was hiding on the height frowned.

"Captain, they are hiding beside the soil slope, and they always refuse to come out. What should I do?" one of them asked.

"Let our people change their positions and kill them from the side." After hearing this, the captain of the guard smiled coldly: "I thought I couldn't kill you by hiding by the side?"


When this person waved his hand, even if a person was quickly walked in one direction, they were at a high place. Therefore, when they acted, it was much more convenient for them than He Chenguang. This person walked to one place. After the direction, they saw the figures of He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others. At this time, a little smile appeared in his eyes. He lay down on the ground, and he stared coldly at He Chenguang and his group.

"A group of Chinese people, today, I will send you to see the Pope."

The man sneered coldly. He pointed the muzzle at He Chenguang's side. As he pointed the muzzle at He Chenguang, when he was about to shoot, suddenly, a gunshot sounded, followed by a resounding sound.


The next moment!

Yellow smoke appeared on this person’s head. The sudden situation shocked all the guards. They hurriedly looked towards their own people and waited until they saw it. When yellow smoke appeared above their heads, all of them changed their expressions drastically.


The captain of the guard also sank: "There are enemies, just around."

In an instant, the captain of the guard was aware of the existence of the rest of his life. He did not expect that at this moment, there were enemies around, which made their faces a little ugly.

"Quickly, look for this guy."

"Found it." Someone hurriedly said at this time: "Over there."

After this person pointed this direction, the captain of the guard looked in this direction, and then they noticed the existence of Yu Sheng. When they noticed the rest of their life, the pupils of the captain of the guard suddenly shrank.

"How can it be?"

"Captain? When did this kid run over there?" The rest of the people apparently noticed some of the abnormalities and hurriedly said.


The captain of the guard also took a breath. Obviously, he didn't expect Yu Sheng to run over there without their knowledge, which made their faces gloomy.

"You two, go over there and kill him, and the rest, stare at the few people under the dirt slope." The captain of the guard said in a deep voice.


The combat effectiveness of these two men is all the combat effectiveness of the King of Soldiers, which can be said to be extremely strong. The two of them quickly walked towards Yu Sheng, and, while firing, they outflanked Yu Sheng.

After Yu Sheng realized that he was outflanked~www.wuxiaspot.com~, Yu Sheng's face also became a little difficult to look at. Obviously, the enemy was deliberately outflanked. Once he was completely outflanked by the enemy, then , Even if he has great abilities, he can't escape the outflank of these two men. He can feel that the combat effectiveness of these two men is at least the strength of the king of soldiers. If the opponent is just an ordinary special soldier, he With full confidence, you can get rid of it.

But the opponent is a soldier king, which makes Yu Sheng have to be jealous. The soldier king's combat effectiveness is very strong, and their ability to reflect is also very terrible. He wants to kill the two soldiers king at once, but it is not that easy.


Yu Sheng's expression turned a little gloomy, and he also knew that he would face a certain danger when he helped He Chenguang and the others. Now these two people have outflanked him, making him extremely troublesome.

After He Chenguang and others, who were hiding behind the soil slope, noticed this scene, their expressions also changed.

(End of this chapter)

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