, The fastest update I have the latest chapter of a special forces system!

"What's more, when we get to the oasis, someone will lie in ambush over there. If we don't cultivate our spirits, we won't be able to exert our peak combat power by then. Do you all understand now?"

He Chenguang and the others nodded, and had to say that there was nothing wrong with the rest of their lives.

"Let's take a rest for the night, and wait until tomorrow, and leave early in the morning." Yu Sheng said.


After that, everyone rested one after another. At this moment, the food in their hands was almost finished, so they could only find some food around.

In this desert, there are not many things to eat, and they have to maintain their physical strength. When everyone is resting, the rest of their lives will be around here, looking for something to eat, and preparing for tomorrow.

Although there is not much to eat in the desert, it does not mean that there are none. For example, some snakes and scorpions are also edible. The key is to eat only non-toxic ones.

Early the next morning!

Yu Sheng and others woke up. When He Chenguang and Chen Shanming and others saw the food that Yu Sheng had made, they were also a little stunned. They were very curious about where exactly did Yu Sheng make so much food. of? Doesn't it make sense?

But they still finish eating these things. Although it is raw, it is better than not eating them. What's more, they have all been professionally trained. Eating these things raw is naturally not a big problem.

Yu Sheng and the others walked all morning, which made Yu Sheng and the others a little tired, but now they were getting closer and closer to their destination.

Yu Sheng said loudly: "We will walk for a few hours and we will almost reach the oasis. Let's hold on."

The words of the rest of his life made all the people present nodded slightly, and the humanely speaking: "Okay."

Then everyone walked forward again, but...

As everyone knows, in this distance, there is an elite guard that has always been hidden in the dark. The elite guard of the Vatican is still very terrible. Their combat power is far beyond the imagination of others. They have four kings of soldiers. One can imagine how terrible this elite guard team is.

At this time, a person ran back quickly, and this person hurriedly said, "Captain, someone is coming."


After hearing these words, the captain of the bodyguard flashed his eyes and said in a condensed voice: "Who is it?"

"It's a group of Chinese people." This humanity.

"Hua Xia people?" When they heard the news, their expressions condensed, and they said in a deep voice, "Is the fifth type of people in China?"

"It should not be." This humanity.


Hearing that they are not the fifth type of Huaxia, the captain of the guards just breathed a sigh of relief. The fifth type of Huaxia is very powerful, and their team, but the whole team, if they follow this When the five types of teams meet together, they absolutely can't please. Although they are not afraid of each other, but... Maybe they will be annihilated. Now it is the international special forces competition. It is not a desperate time. If the encounter is the first Five types of people, they will hide first.

They were a little relieved to hear that they were not in the fifth category.

"The other two teams in China are not to worry about." The captain of the guard said coldly: "Now, they are all hidden and ready to fight."


With an order, everyone hid one after another. In this desert, if it is sniping, it is indeed not so easy, because the danger of exposure is too great.

The sky is full of yellow sand in the desert, and this soil **** is also uneven. Once a person stands on a high place, it is easy to see everything around him clearly. It can be said that sniping in the desert is a complete view. Luck.

When Zhang Yu was about to rely on the oasis, Zhang Yu's expression also became tense. In the desert, they were easily sniped, and if they were not careful, they might be caught off guard.

Therefore, when Zhang Yu looked around, there was a touch of fear and fierceness.

He used his eyes to maximize his vision, and looked around for the rest of his life. At this moment, even He Chenguang and others became cautious and stared at the surroundings closely.


Yu Sheng saw a bright light in the distance, which seemed to be a mirror reflecting lens. This surprised Yu Sheng. Yu Sheng hurriedly said: "Looking for the soil slope, there are enemies."

For the rest of his life, he screamed. He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others all responded slowly. Their combat effectiveness has been greatly improved, so the reaction speed has also increased several times.

As Yu Sheng's voice just fell, they were lying next to the soil **** for an instant. They cautiously lowered their heads, not daring to rise, for fear of being suddenly attacked by the enemy.

When Yu Sheng noticed this scene, his face also became gloomy.

"Yusheng? Where is the enemy?" He Chenguang said in a congealed voice.

"At 10 o'clock." Yu Sheng said solemnly.

"Ten o'clock?"

After He Chenguang heard these words, his complexion suddenly became fierce, and he immediately said, "I'll try the other party."

"do not want."

Just when Yu Sheng had just said this, He Chenguang had already stood up, and the next moment He Chenguang looked towards ten o'clock. He Chenguang instantly pulled the trigger and hit one direction. gun.

However, when He Chenguang stood up, the guards also fired a shot. This bullet shot at He Chenguang angrily. He Chenguang is now the king of soldiers, which made He Chenguang feel confident. Naturally, it has increased a lot. Therefore, He Chenguang has expanded a lot.

When the enemy fired the shot, He Chenguang's pupils suddenly shrank. The next moment, He Chenguang's brain tilted, and then He Chenguang was lying on the ground~www.wuxiaspot.com~ at this time. He Chenguang sweated profusely and was inexplicably horrified.


He Chenguang was also taken aback. He didn't expect that the opponent's marksmanship was so sharp. You must know that after he was promoted to the king, his reaction speed and combat effectiveness were increased several times. The shot just now was almost his condition. Dodging like a reflection, if he was replaced by the previous one, he would definitely not be able to dodge this shot, which made He Chenguang a little shocked.

Fortunately, he avoided this shot, otherwise, this shot would be enough to kill him, and the other party obviously had nothing to do.

After Yu Sheng perceives this scene, Yu Sheng immediately said: "Don't take your head, the opponents are all masters, at least they are all masters of the king of soldiers."

The words of the rest of his life made a big change for all the people present.

"Is it a team of soldiers?" Song Kaifei hurriedly asked.

"In the opposing team, there are many soldiers. These people are superior in strength. Let's be careful." Yu Sheng said solemnly.

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