I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1054: Collective breakthrough

This is a team, not one person can support, He Chenguang can break through at this time, it is tantamount to giving charcoal in the snow...

The rest of the people were surprised when they noticed this scene.

"Morning, you actually broke through?"

Li Erniu stared at He Chenguang with some joy. He Chenguang only reacted. At this moment, he suddenly noticed that his strength, speed, and responsiveness had been greatly improved, which made He Chenguang look overjoyed. .

"Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a breakthrough. I actually broke through under this situation?"

He Chenguang also didn't expect that he would break through in this situation. To He Chenguang, it was no different from a surprise. Looking at this Wang Yanbing, there was also a look of envy in the depths of his eyes.

He has always regarded He Chenguang as his goal. No matter where he is, He Chenguang will dominate him. This makes him very uncomfortable, so he wants to surpass He Chenguang, but then he meets Yu Sheng, who knows Yu Sheng This guy is very perverted. I have never seen such a perverted guy. Later, Wang Yanbing took Yu Sheng as his goal, but when he took Yu Sheng as his goal, Wang Yanbing was hit everywhere.

This guy is simply not a person, he has never seen such a perverted guy, who regards this guy as his goal, it is no different from looking for abuse, that is, he is looking for death.

Later, Wang Yanbing regarded He Chenguang as his goal to surpass, because he and He Chenguang's strength were not much different, so he always wanted to surpass He Chenguang, and after he surpassed He Chenguang, he went beyond. It's not too late for the rest of my life.

But he never expected that on this day, He Chenguang would break through to the realm of the king of soldiers, which made Wang Yanbing also very unwilling.

Thinking of this, Wang Yanbing gritted his teeth and moved on. He wanted to surpass He Chenguang, and wanted to surpass the rest of his life.

Although he used to be a small bastard, he also has his own goals and dreams.

When Wang Yanbing thought about this, Wang Yanbing seemed to be in a certain state at this moment.

Even Yu Sheng and He Chenguang yelled Wang Yanbing, but Wang Yanbing didn't hear it. This made Yu Sheng and He Chenguang and others puzzled. What happened to Wang Yanbing?

They saw that Wang Yanbing just kept walking forward. In desperation, Yu Sheng and Chen Shanming and others all caught up, for fear that Wang Yanbing would be lost alone.

It's a desert here. Once lost and trying to find each other, it won't be so easy, so they didn't dare to be careless and hurried to catch up.

After walking for about half an hour, Wang Yanbing's body also burst into a breath. With this breath, Yu Sheng and He Chenguang and others stared.

"Wang Yanbing also broke through?"

This made no one think that at this time two people actually broke through the realm of the king of soldiers, and for a while, everyone was pleasantly surprised.

When Wang Yanbing also broke through to the realm of Bingwang, Wang Yanbing was also indescribably happy, because even he himself did not expect that he would also break through.

However, Wang Yanbing soon understood that this was probably because of He Chenguang. If it hadn't been for the desire to surpass He Chenguang in his heart, he wouldn't be able to break through so easily.

Thinking of this made Wang Yanbing happy.

In any case, I still broke through, and the gap between myself and He Chenguang was not that big, although it was only a few dozen minutes away.


Looking at this scene, Chen Shanming couldn't help but admired that He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing broke through together, which once again increased the combat effectiveness of their red blood cells.

The three kings of soldiers can already hold the ground, as long as they don't encounter teams that are all perverted, then they can go to the end.

Therefore, this makes Chen Shanming extremely happy.


Today is like a special day. Not only He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing broke through, but Song Kaifei and Xu Tianlong also broke through.


What these people broke was not the realm of the soldier king, but the realm of the semi-infantry king, that is to say, these people have been infinitely close to the soldier king, but there is still a great distance from the soldier king.

Wait until there is a chance.

They may be able to break through to the realm of the King of Soldiers, but this requires an opportunity. Of course, there are some people who have been stuck in the realm of this half of the King of Infantry.

One can imagine how difficult it is to break through to the king of soldiers.

Yu Sheng looked at these people, which made Yu Sheng also a little happy. He was happy for his teammates from the bottom of his heart. They were able to successfully break through, which also reduced the great pressure for him.

Especially the collective breakthrough, which led to their combat effectiveness, and the improvement was not a little bit ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Perhaps, this time the champion of the international special forces competition, they all hope to fight hard.

Yu Sheng looked at He Chenguang and others, and asked, "How are you feeling now?"


Wang Yanbing said a little excitedly: "Now I feel like I have unspeakable strength all over me, and I really want to find someone to do it."

When Yu Sheng heard this, he laughed. It is normal to have this feeling. After all, breaking through to the realm of the king of soldiers, whether it is speed, reaction ability, or strength, has been greatly improved.

It’s just that He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others just broke through. They still need to adapt to this feeling. Especially in combat, a slight mistake may cause themselves to be shot. Therefore, this force adaptation is also a very important issue. Something rigorous.

"Well, let's take a rest for the night, recharge our energy, and wait until tomorrow to set off." Yu Sheng said.

"For the rest of my life, why don't we take this opportunity and set off right away?" He Chenguang asked suspiciously: "It's night now, it's not as hot as daytime. We can travel at night, which will save a lot of trouble."

Yu Sheng heard this, shook his head slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Night is not suitable for driving. There are poisonous insects and ants in this desert. We don't know when this thing will come out. Secondly...it's easy to get lost at night."

Yu Sheng looked at the sky and said casually: "Have you seen it? There are no stars in the sky. It is almost impossible for us to rely on the stars to defend our way. Moreover, in the dark night of the desert, when many animals are preying, Let’s take a rest, and it’s not too late to leave tomorrow."

Yu Sheng's words caused He Chenguang and others to nod their heads, and they understood what Yu Sheng meant.

(End of this chapter)

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