I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1053: Elite guards

good. "

With an order, then everyone set out and entered the desert.

After walking in the desert for a day, Yu Sheng and He Chenguang and the others are all unspeakably tired. Fortunately, there is no danger on this day, otherwise, it would be really troublesome.

For the rest of their lives, they walked for a day. By the end of the day, they were all sitting on the ground. The sand in the desert was really too hot, especially under the sun exposure. It's about ten degrees.

Most people really can't bear it.

They were sitting on the ground, He Chenguang sweating profusely, and said, "Damn, this desert is really not so big. It's just now walking into the desert. It's so difficult."


Xu Tianlong sighed slightly and said, "Otherwise...how can you say that once you get lost in the desert, you will be thirst to death."

"We still have one day to reach the destination, everyone should save a little water." Yu Sheng looked at He Chenguang and the others, and said in a deep voice.


Water is extremely precious in the desert. If you drink it up, the next formation will make it difficult for them to leave, or they will be thirst to death.

If people don't drink water, they will die in three days. In this desert, they will be dehydrated and die in less than three days.

The most important thing is that the desert is too hot.

At this moment, even for the rest of his life, he felt a little uncomfortable. Under such hot sun exposure, his skin was a little unbearable, and even a large amount of water in his body was being lost.


Everyone nodded solemnly upon hearing Yu Sheng's words.


For the rest of their lives, they didn't know that there was a team lying in ambush in this distance.

This team is a Vatican team, and this is also a guard team, but this is an elite guard team, compared with the previous guards, it is not known how many grades higher.

The captain of the guards looks yellow and thin, but those sharp eyes are mixed with a little bit of coldness and anger. Obviously, this person is not easy to provoke at first glance.

"Captain, we have been guarding here for a long time. When will we be tall?" Someone couldn't help but said, "The people who can walk into the desert now are basically masters. As for the weaker countries, Basically they have been eliminated. For now, it is estimated that there are only a few hundred people left. We are waiting here, can we really wait?"

"Captain, if the people we wait for are too strong, we may not be their opponents. We are just an elite guard. You know, in this international special forces competition, there are all masters of the soldiers. ."

"If we meet a team of the king of soldiers, then maybe our army will be wiped out."

They deeply know how terrifying the King of Soldiers is. If they encounter a master of the King of Soldiers, they will really be wiped out. There is no possibility of surviving. You must know that there are eight people in their party. There are only four masters at the Bingwang level.

Compared with this entire team, which is a master of the king of soldiers, there is no comparison at all, and they all know that this king of soldiers, even if there is just one more, can turn the whole battle around.

"Be patient, there will definitely be someone passing here." The captain said with a calm expression: "When they come, we will kill them. There are abundant water sources here. If they choose to take a detour, they may not be able to leave the desert alive. It is almost possible here. Said it is the only way."

Obviously, they have seen this road long ago, and it is precisely because of this that they will set up an ambush on this road in order to wait for these people to take the bait.

"Let's wait and see, until tomorrow morning, if no one passes here yet, we will leave here."

Hearing what the captain said, everyone nodded, and it didn't hurt to wait a while, not to mention the abundant water here, which was enough for them to drink.


Besides, for the rest of their lives, they are all exhausted, but they are still gritting their teeth and walking forward. They are all in a hurry. According to their plan, they must arrive at their destination within two days. , Otherwise, they will face the problem of lack of water sources.

Once the water source is missing, it is very scary. In the desert, the water source is more valuable than gold.


But at this moment, He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others all yelled violently. They were sweating profusely. At this moment, they felt that their bodies had reached a limit, which made them all endure it. This limit is still advancing step by step.

At this moment, they are obviously training. In this international special forces competition, they are training all the time, because only in this way can their strength improve faster.

As they keep moving forward, their bodies have reached a limit. They are extremely hungry and thirsty, but they have not drunk water and are clenching their teeth. They all know that their next water will not last long, and they must Save a little drink, and drink enough when you get to the destination.


He Chenguang, who clenched his teeth, suddenly realized that there was a very terrifying power in his limbs and hundreds of skeletons, and then he drilled out. That kind of power seemed to be a continuous and sudden situation, so He Chenguang was also taken aback for a moment. Obviously he didn't expect that such a thing would happen...


He Chenguang is also extremely curious, what is going on? Where did this sudden power in my body come from? Why is there a force pouring out of one's own body, what is happening in the end?

The sudden situation made He Chenguang a little dazed.

Then Chen Shanming and Yu Sheng also found something wrong~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Everyone looked at He Chenguang, which surprised Yu Sheng slightly.


At this moment, Yu Sheng noticed the change in He Chenguang's body. Yes, it was a breakthrough. The breath of He Chenguang's body was obviously that of a soldier king, but now He Chenguang is only a junior soldier king. No matter, this made Yu Sheng never expected that He Chenguang would break through at this time, which was really beyond his expectation.


When Chen Shanming saw this scene, his eyes were also bright, which made Chen Shanming also have the joy of time. He Chenguang broke through. This is of great benefit to their entire team, which proves that they There are two soldiers in this team. They all know that the reason why this team has been able to survive until now is completely supported by Yu Sheng alone, but...

The serial number of the previous chapter is wrong. The previous one should be chapter 1052. However, the content is coherent and does not affect reading.

(End of this chapter)

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