I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1058: Terrible black storm

Unexpectedly, their luck was so bad that they encountered a black storm here.

After Yu Sheng heard the name, he also took a breath. Obviously he had also heard of the name of Black Storm. He never expected that what they encountered would turn out to be Black Storm!

This is a big trouble!

"Black storm is a strong sandstorm, commonly known as black wind, a type of sandstorm. The sand raised by the strong wind forms a wall of sand, and the visibility of the place it passes is almost zero."

"Fortunately, when a black storm occurs, the wind is usually at level 4 to 8. This is good news for us. At least we will not be caught high in the sky, but..."

"We must not disperse, once we disperse, we really disperse, the visibility of the black storm is extremely low, we must be careful."

At this moment, Yu Sheng said solemnly.

"It's too late to run now. Let's get down quickly and wait until the dark storm is over."

Immediately, all the people present lay down. Obviously, everyone was extremely afraid of this so-called black storm. The black storm was in the desert, which was very terrifying.

The most important thing is that even if you are lying in this place, it is extremely dangerous. You must know that the sky is full of yellow sand. After a while, the yellow sand will bury you. This is a desert. Once you are buried in it In the sand, the consequences can be imagined.

This is why people are so afraid of black storms.

Everyone lay on the ground, close to each other, they glanced into the sky...

This glance shocked them, because they saw that the black storm swept the entire sky. Obviously, the strong wind was so strong that it directly blew the sand into the high sky. The dust in the sky was blowing everywhere. Yes, even a tossing wind wall of several kilometers high was formed.

This dusty appearance is quite a scene of fighting on the battlefield.

Such a scene changed the expressions of those present.

"What a big sandstorm." Li Erniu couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Damn, such a big sandstorm, we won't be buried, right?" Song Kaifei couldn't help but said.

"In the desert, the most fearful thing is to encounter black storms. Black storms are terrible. It is easy to bury people or even blow them away. We should be careful." Chen Shanming said in a deep voice at this time.

Everyone is waiting nervously on the sidelines. At this moment, the sandstorm has not yet come to their side, but it is not very far from their side. In this case, running is obviously an unwise choice, even if No matter how fast you are, it is absolutely impossible to run faster than nature.

Therefore, the easiest way is to find an avoidance point in the same place, or in other words, to maximize survival in this black storm.

Therefore, Yu Sheng, He Chenguang and others are all nervous. Such an environment is indeed terrifying.

Yu Sheng stared at the front sternly, and there was a special aura rippling on his body. Yu Sheng stared straight at the black storm in front of him, his brain was running fast, seeming to be looking for a feasible method.

However, the people on the side of the guards also obviously saw this huge black storm, and saw this black storm, even they were shocked.

They are all soldiers, yes, but this does not mean that they are not afraid of the power of nature. You must know that the battle between them and the rest of their lives is just a test, but this black storm is just one thing. The field comes from the destructive power of nature, which makes them all shocked.

"Quickly, gather together, all get down, all get down." Jing Aishu

The captain of the guard apparently saw the terrible place of the black storm, and hurriedly roared to bring everyone together.

Everyone deserves to be a well-trained team. Even in the face of the black storm, they don't have any tension or fear, and they can even be well-trained. I have to say that this guard is really scary.

When the guards were together, the captain of the guards noticed the people on the rest of his life. After seeing this scene, the captain of the guards was even more cold and stern.

"Hmph, before the black storm comes, I will kill you first."

Thinking of this, the captain of the guard got up instantly. The sniper rifle in his hand was aimed at Yu Sheng's direction. Because of the black storm, this caused the figures of Yu Sheng and He Chenguang to be exposed. Under the eyes of this guard.

At this time, Yu Sheng's hairs all over his body instantly exploded, because he sensed a danger, Yu Sheng hurriedly looked around. At this time, he saw the captain of the guard, and he had used his gun to aim at him...

When he noticed this scene, Yu Sheng's expression also changed drastically.

"not good……"

For the rest of my life, I didn't expect that in this situation, the captain of the guard would even shoot and fight with them. Is this guy crazy?

For the rest of my life in this situation, it is naturally impossible to wait and die.


Then, Yu Sheng's gun flicked a shot. At the same time, the captain of the guard also pulled the trigger, but at the moment he pulled the trigger, his wrist was trembling slightly, but the tremor was very strong. Weak, if you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all.

At this moment, Yu Sheng's pupils suddenly shrank...because he noticed the weirdness of this gun.

"not good……"

For the rest of his life, his expression changed drastically. For the rest of his life at this moment, his whole heart sank in his throat.

Because Yu Sheng was horrified to discover... When his bullet was about to collide with the opponent's bullet, the opponent's bullet seemed to bounce a bit, and actually changed the direction, although the direction is extremely subtle and small, but ...Really changed the direction.

This caused the bullet for the rest of my life~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to be shot out.

According to Yu Sheng's idea, he can snipe off the opponent's bullet, as long as he snipes off the opponent's bullet, then the opponent will not pose any threat to himself.


Yu Sheng’s ideas fell through, because Yu Sheng’s bullets almost passed by and did not collide with each other’s bullets. In other words, Yu Sheng’s bullets did not snipe the opponent’s bullets...

This kind of negligence, on the battlefield, can be said to be fatal.

It is precisely because of this that the rest of his life will look drastically changed.

"It's over..."

Thinking of the rest of his life here, his face became gloomy. His eyes could see the trajectory of this bullet clearly. He knew that this bullet was shot at him, and his heart I really want to avoid this bullet, but the rest of my life knows...

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