I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1059: Want GG

It is impossible for his physical function to keep up with the speed of the bullet. What is the speed of the bullet? Could it be that you can pass the bullet as fast as possible? It is estimated that no one in the world can do faster than a bullet.

For the rest of his life, he didn’t expect that he would be killed in this situation. He thought that by relying on himself and some of the things he had obtained, he could support it to the end and even win the championship, but he was young. I saw Heroes of the World...

In this world, there are many princes of heaven, and there are many masters, but he has not encountered it. Just speaking of this soldier king, the soldier king itself has many levels, and there are also highlands, not to mention others. of.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng was also a little helpless. He might not be able to walk the next journey.

This disappointed Yu Sheng.

What is even more disappointing is that if he is on the battlefield, then he will become a dead person without any chance of survival. For a while, this makes the whole person of the rest of his life seem to have received a kind of sublimation, and the rest of his life feels like himself. , It was as if I had seen something through, that kind of feeling made Yu Sheng extremely comfortable.

"This is…"

Yu Sheng looked happy. At this moment, Yu Sheng felt a sudden realization. He knew that it was the state of mind, and the state of mind had improved...

To be a soldier also requires a certain state of mind, especially the stronger a person’s strength, the more he needs a certain state of mind to control. If the person’s state of mind is not enough, then it is easy to be controlled by his own strength. In that case, there will be some The gain is not worth the loss.

At the moment of experiencing life and death, Yu Sheng's mood got a kind of sublimation, which made Yu Sheng's whole person's temperament quietly changed.

It seems that for the rest of his life at this moment, he looks more like a soldier king, more like a special soldier.

Just before Yu Sheng changed his mind, that bullet had already arrived in front of Yu Sheng. At this time, the violent wind swept through, and the terrible gale instantly submerged them. The sudden situation caught everyone present by surprise.

Because this terrible dust storm swallowed them almost in an instant, so everyone had almost no time to react.

Even for the rest of my life!

However... while Yu Sheng was waiting for himself to be shot and eliminated, Yu Sheng waited for a few seconds, but he found that there was no movement on his body.

As if nothing happened?

"what happened?"

For an instant, Yu Sheng was a little confused, but he saw with his own eyes that the bullet flew towards him almost instantly, and the target was him...this bullet, he absolutely couldn’t avoid it, so, this One bullet was enough to kill him, but...

He was not shot! For an instant, Yu Sheng was also a little confused.

Yu Sheng's eyes squinted, and Yu Sheng's face rose from the powerful sandstorm, especially the scene where the fine sand was blowing on his face, which made them feel uncomfortable.

In this case, everyone is not suitable to speak, so no one speaks.

At this moment, Yu Sheng suddenly thought of something.

"It's the wind..." Xincheng

After thinking about it, Yu Sheng looked overjoyed. Yu Sheng secretly thought: "Yes, it must be so. When the opponent's bullets were shot at me, the wind speed was faster! Directly drown them, because the force of the strong wind is extremely strong. Strong, the bullet itself will be affected by the wind speed."

"But because of this strong wind, it caused a major deviation in the bullet, and because of this, it saved my life at a critical moment."

Thinking of the rest of his life here, he also looked overjoyed. He already knew what was going on. It was this sandstorm that saved his life at this time. All of this was luck.

"It's great, luck is so **** good."

Yu Sheng took a deep breath, but with this mouth, a lot of sand was sucked in, Yu Sheng hurriedly stopped breathing!

For the rest of my life, I feel that I can have such good luck, and it is estimated that it has a lot to do with the Qilin bloodline. This thing has been upgraded to the second-level form, and it can turn good luck.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng was also overjoyed. For a long time, he felt that the Qilin bloodline was not very useful. It was purely tasteless, but luck is a vain thing. Obviously, this thing has brought great luck to him invisibly, and he can live in peace. Things, all of this, have a lot to do with the Qilin bloodline.

"Hurry up."

At this time, Chen Shanming, He Chenguang and others screamed. Although Chen Shanming has been eliminated, the first thing to overcome is the difficulty in front of this kind of sandstorm. Who cares about the other things.

If Chen Shanming alone is alone, whether he can get out of this desert alive is a question.

Therefore, at this time, everyone should work together to tide over the current difficulties.

At this time, Yu Sheng squinted his eyes and looked ahead. He was able to pinpoint the position of the guard, because he knew that the guard was there.

It's just that now the sandstorm is very big and the visibility is almost zero, so this has caused his vision to be greatly hindered, and he can't see the other party at all.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng let out a cold snort, his eyes gleaming with strange light, and with a little coldness and killing intent.

The next moment, Yu Sheng took out his gun carefully, he lay on the ground, his muzzle raised slightly.

At this time, He Chenguang, Chen Shanming and others were all watching Yu Sheng’s actions. At this moment, they were all held by their arms and held tightly, but for the rest of their lives, they broke away. Man, the sniper rifle is set up here. This scene has changed the expressions of Chen Shanming and others.

Chen Shanming lowered his head. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com used cloth to cover his mouth. Chen Shanming roared: "The rest of your life, what are you doing, stop quickly and don't get blown away."

Indeed, under this circumstance, Yu Sheng is still playing with guns. Isn’t this a joke? In this case, you can hit the target with a shot?

This is impossible.

The sandstorm is so big, this sandstorm and wind are the key to affecting ballistics, not to mention...Under such visibility conditions, you can't see the opponent. With a gun, are you planning to hit the air wall?

Not only Chen Shanming, but even He Chenguang and others were a little stunned by Yu Sheng's series of operations. Under Yu Sheng's situation, it was really **** messy. This is not a fool. NS.

At this time, you still have to shoot, but... can you see the other person? The wind speed is so high, even if you can see the opponent, can you hit the target?

Isn't this messy?

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