I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1066: Shocking


In the next instant, a bullet hit the body of one of the guards, and then a thick yellow smoke appeared on the guard.

It was so full of suddenness that all the people present could see clearly. When everyone saw this person and suddenly yellow smoke appeared, all of them were slightly taken aback.

"Jk, how did your sensing system get touched?"

At this moment, someone couldn't help but suddenly asked.


When jk heard this sentence, he was also dumbfounded, which made jk a little dumbfounded. Obviously he did not expect that his sensing system was touched. Jk couldn't help but said, "Is it impossible? Mine. How could the sensing system be suddenly touched?"


The sensing system was suddenly touched, which makes people feel very strange and confused. What is going on? Why was the sensing system suddenly touched?

"Yes, jk, your sensing system was touched." At this time, the captain of the guard also looked confused, and he looked at jk.

"Is it because some sand was blown on the body, so it touched the sensing system?" Jk asked with a dazed expression.

"It's possible." Someone thought for a while and said: "The black storm is so big, it's probably because of the sand that touched the sensing system."

"Hurry up, don't worry about this, the most important thing is to get through this black storm first. I don't know how long this black storm will last, but... Generally speaking, this kind of black storm will not last long. In the past, I was going to solve the group of Chinese people." The captain of the guard said.


But with these people's voice falling.

Suddenly, there was another person on him. This sudden situation once again attracted everyone's eyes, and they all looked at the other person.

"His sensing system was also touched."

The sudden situation caused all the people present to frown. One person’s sensor system was touched, which can be understood as the work of the black storm, but the second person’s sensor system was also touched, and it could not be considered black. What the storm did, right?

This is a bit nonsense.

After all, this sensing system is not so easy that it can be touched. It also requires a certain degree of strength, and if it cannot be reached, it cannot be touched.

And this sensing system can also sense by itself.

A bullet hit on the body may be induced, but if a stone hits the body, it may not be induced.


For a time, the people present looked at the person in front of them with dumbfounded expressions. They all felt so incredible, and for a while, they were a little dumbfounded.

They couldn't imagine that their own people were shot again.

Immediately afterwards, another person was shot in the body. In an instant, there were only four soldiers on their side, which was also a coincidence.

For the rest of his life, none of the people hit by him was the king of soldiers.

After this person was hit, at this moment, the captain of the guard finally noticed something, and their pupils suddenly shrank.

"It's a sniper..."

At this moment, the captain of the guard could not help but roar and shouted: "It's a sniper, there are snipers around us."

As soon as these words were spoken, the expressions of all the people present changed drastically.

They hurriedly looked around, but the sky was full of yellow sand. How could they determine the position of the opponent? They could only roughly judge where the enemy was by hitting their position.


The yellow sand in the sky directly concealed these things, making it impossible for people to perceive what position it was, and if it couldn't find the position, he just took the other party and had no way.

The captain of the guard at this time also became extremely gloomy.

"How is it possible?" There was a soldier king, his expression changed drastically, his face was gloomy, and he immediately said: "How is this possible, the storm of the black storm is extremely strong, the wind and sand here are everywhere, the visibility is extremely low, plus such a strong wind , The trajectory of the ballistic trajectory will inevitably be greatly affected, how can the enemy detect us? What's more, our bodies are already in the soil..."

"Maybe it's near us, hurry up and look for it." The captain of the guard didn't even think it was them for the rest of their lives. They were some distance away from them for the rest of their lives. Because of the black storm, there was no obstruction between them. Of course, they don't know this.

If there is a backslope between them, then even if you want to hit them for the rest of your life, it is unlikely.

After hitting three people, Yu Sheng also looked overjoyed, because he heard the system's prompt sound, and if he hit one person, he could get 20 points of military merit.

This is not a small figure.

Yu Sheng set up his muzzle again. At this time, He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others looked at each other. At this moment, they saw that Yu Sheng had fired a total of three shots.

They didn't know if Yu Sheng fired these three shots, whether he hit the target or not, they didn't know what Yu Sheng wanted to do, they all looked so straightforwardly.

At this time, Yu Sheng's mouth picked up, revealing a slightly playful smile. At this moment, Yu Sheng pulled the trigger again, and this bullet passed through layers of space and ran toward the distance as fast as lightning.

This time, Yu Sheng's bullet directly hit one of the soldiers.

This soldier king was hit, which caused the surrounding people to panic. They all changed their expressions. They never thought that they would be eliminated so much in this situation.

This is **** in the dark storm situation, what the **** is going on.

For a while, everyone present was a little dumbfounded.

"What to do~www.wuxiaspot.com~ We can't find the enemy, but the enemy can find us. If we continue like this, we will soon be eliminated by the enemy." Someone said anxiously.

Even if they are the king of soldiers, at this moment, because they can't do anything, the enemy can see them, and they can even snipe them under this condition, and they are like targets on the open ground. The enemy can shoot whatever they want. Shooting, they are good soldiers, but even if they are soldiers, they can’t dodge bullets under these conditions...

"Oh shit."

At this moment, the captain of the guards finally couldn't help but scolded. At this moment, all of them felt extremely aggrieved. They never thought that things would turn out to be like this...

This is too frustrated.

Their elite guards are all elites among the elites. They have participated in various battles, and they never expected that one day they would be planted here.

Humiliation and shame have poured into their hearts one after another.

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