I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1067: Is this still a person?

, The fastest update I have the latest chapter of a special forces system!

The guards now only have three people. All three of them are kings of soldiers. Their strengths are all first-class existences. Placed in any place, they are enough to attract the attention of others. Their combat effectiveness can be said to be extremely high. scary.


At this moment, they were unable to give full play to their full strength, and the feeling of stubbornness made people feel very uncomfortable.

They have their own strength, but they can't use it. They can only watch the enemy snipe them and kill them. How can they not be angry?

"Captain, you can't continue like this. If you continue like this, all of us have to finish playing." This person hurriedly said loudly.

Indeed, there are still three people left in their guards. Originally, a group of them could kill the enemy, but now, the enemy is about to kill them, which makes them all anxious.

Although that is said, they have no way at the moment. Right now, they are in a very dangerous situation. They don’t know where the enemy is, and they can’t avoid the enemy at all. They want to stand up, then. It is impossible. As long as they stand up, they will be blown away by the black storm, and no one knows where they will be blown.

Right now, they can only be a living target.

"Go, let's go over there, move past a little bit, and the rest of the people who were shot will block the bullet for us."

At this moment, the captain of the guard gritted his teeth and spoke.

I have to say that the captain of the guard has something of cheating, letting others block the bullets for them. This is a special kind of cheating. According to the truth, the people who were shot are all dead, and the dead can move. ? And he also took the initiative to block bullets for them. What is this not cheating?

For the rest of his life at this time, he also kept his eyes on the front. He didn't know what was in front of him. He could only vaguely perceive someone. He had already killed several people. This made Yu Sheng also have indescribable joy. In this case, he can still hit the opponent, which is considered luck, of course, the most is derived from his new insight skills.

Change the seasons at once.

It's really amazing!

Such skills are simply magical skills.

Yu Sheng once again felt the breath carefully. For the rest of his life, he could judge the direction of the enemy through the breath of the plant. This was how he hit the enemy.

He felt it carefully, this made Yu Sheng, frowning, if the enemy has been killed, then there is no problem naturally, but...

If the enemy is not killed, then the enemy can breathe, and there may be mistakes in his own judgment. After all, two people standing in front of him, one of them is only killed in the conceptual sense, which will easily lead to another attack. In this person.

This can be regarded as a shortcoming of this skill. Of course, this shortcoming is only known to Yu Sheng. Others don't know the shortcomings in this area, and they don't know Yu Sheng has such a weird skill.

"It seems I can only try my luck."

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng took a deep breath, raised the muzzle again, and then pulled the trigger.


The muffled sound reverberated, the bullet turned into a sharp light, through the heavy black storm, almost in the blink of an eye, came to the soldiers of the guards, and then, the bullet for the rest of his life was hit. One of the guards, this person, was hit by the rest of his life.

When this person was hit again, he couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath: "I was hit again."

This person yelled, and the rest of the guards were shocked. They hurriedly looked at the person who was talking. As expected, this person was hit again. For a while, these people's faces were all It has become a little difficult to look...their pupils are filled with fear and amazement.

"Who is the other party? How can he aim at such a **** storm? We can't hear any gunshots or feel any killing intent. How far is it from us?" Someone couldn't help but asked aloud.

This is a doubt in their minds. With such a **** storm, you can't see clearly, let alone hit people. If these people are two or three meters away from them, they can definitely hear the gunshots. , As long as they are more than one meter away, they can't be seen, and they can't hear the gunshots, at least within 20 to 30 meters, there is absolutely no enemy...

Beyond such a large range, how did the enemy catch them? In this case, even using thermal imaging technology, it is absolutely impossible to capture their existence.

"do not know."

The captain of the guards said with a gloomy expression: "There is definitely a top expert in it. This expert is very, very terrifying, and it is very likely that he is a mutated expert."


When the captain of the guard uttered these words, they were all taken aback. They immediately said, "Mutated master? Is it a genetically modified person?"

"Now genetically modified people are already producing, but the yield is extremely low. However, the military literacy of genetically modified people is very, very terrifying, and even they will have something and become extremely flexible."

"But... these people are genetic people after all. They are not the same as our native soldiers. If they are genetically modified people, I should find that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the captain of the guard frowned and analyzed. road.

For genetic people, they also have some understanding. In recent years, they have not fought against such people. Of course, this genetic modification is also a planned modification. For example, some people’s eyes have mutated, and some people’s eyes have changed. The ears have changed, or the strength of some people has changed.

In short, there are various methods of mutation.

Of course, there are also some people who have mutated as a whole, but this genetic modification technology has a failure rate, and the failure rate is extremely high. At present, the success rate is only one-thousandth to two-thousandths. about.

In other words, it is estimated that only one out of a thousand people will succeed. Of course, this is also a matter of luck, and everything is not easy to say.

This is also the reason why the probability of genetic people in this world is extremely low. After all, humans are still dominating the world. If there are too many genetic people...that would not be a good phenomenon.

"But...if it's not a genetic person, how did he find us? As far as now, under the black storm, it is estimated that there is no positioning device that can locate us..." Someone couldn't help but ask.

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