I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1074: Frightened

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When the captain of the guard realized that Yu Sheng actually dared to fight against himself, the captain of the guard also sent a faint coldness between the corners of his mouth.

He is a high-ranking soldier with superior combat effectiveness. Even among these soldiers, he belongs to the outstanding existence. Over the years, there have been countless high-ranking soldiers who have died in his hands.

One of the reasons why he is so powerful is that his fight is terrible.

In order to participate in the fight, he once fought with a bear, and finally exhausted his strength, and then killed the bear. At that time, he was also seriously injured, but fortunately, he killed the bear.

Later, in the midst of life and death, he constantly tempered his fighting and marksmanship, which is why he has his current achievements.

In his opinion, it is unwise for Yu Sheng to fight against himself, because his punch is so powerful that he can even break the sandbag with one punch.


Just when the captain of the guard thought he was going to be beaten half to death by himself for the rest of his life, the fists of the two people met fiercely. At this time, the captain of the guard who was still smiling at the corners of his mouth , His face became stiff, and then, a horror flooded into the eyes of the captain of the guard.

"not good……"

The next moment, the body of the captain of the guard was blasted out by Yu Sheng, and Yu Sheng's body also took a few steps back.

Obviously, the captain of this guard is also very strong, but his body can bear it, but the captain of the guard is not so lucky, because at first he looked down on the rest of his life, because he looked down on it for a while. It caused him to be a little careless, and Yu Sheng was hit by a punch.

For the rest of his life, he didn't let this guy go. This guy is very difficult to deal with. He accepts the so-called addiction that kills you. At this time, the best way is to take this opportunity to kill him immediately.


Yu Sheng took a step forward and kicked his foot towards the captain of the guards. This feeling was fast and accurate. You could even hear the sound of the leg wind. It can be seen how fast and powerful this foot is. powerful.

The captain of the guards had no time to get up, so he stretched out his arms and blocked Yu Sheng's foot. However, the foot of Yu Sheng was much stronger than his punch. Therefore, the captain of the guard received this kick. After that, his body was also a little uncomfortable.


The captain of the guard seized this opportunity and hurriedly got up, fighting with the rest of his life.

I have to say that both of them are very proficient in fighting!

Next, because the captain of the guard put away his contempt, he would go all out for the rest of his life, and the same was true for the rest of his life. For a time, the battle between the two was comparable.

Facing the captain of the guard, Yu Sheng didn't dare to be careless. These people fought with themselves, and when they fought with their own people, it was not the same.

Because when fighting with their own people, they will show mercy and will not hurt themselves. Even if they hit themselves twice, they will at most have some skin trauma and will not cause any harm to themselves.


It’s different here. The captain of the guards has sharp moves between the shots. Every move and every move can be said to be a murderous move. Such an approach is tantamount to increasing a great risk, because if there is any mistake, It may cause the death of the other party...

Therefore, when Yu Sheng faced the captain of the guard, Yu Sheng also went all out.

For the rest of his life, his face was fierce and his tricks were deadly, as was the captain of the guard! First Literature Network


At this moment, Chen Shanming and the others had a clear view of the situation of the two of them. After they saw this scene, they were all shocked.

They rarely saw such fighting scenes. When they saw it today, it gave them a sense of shock. Chen Shanming and his party were staring at the side where Yu Sheng was fighting with the captain of the guards. Fighting between masters is also very beneficial.


At this moment, Yu Sheng punched the guard captain again, and similarly, the punch of the guard captain also hit Yu Sheng. The bodies of the two people, like being hit hard, one after another. Two steps back.

Both of them stared at each other fiercely, with a strong killing intent flashing in their eyes. Obviously, both of them had a real fire...

"You're good."

The captain of the guard took a deep look at Yu Sheng. Yu Sheng's fighting skills really shocked him. He didn't expect that Yu Sheng's fighting skills would be so powerful that it would be difficult for him to win the opponent for a while. This is a bit scary.

"Ha ha."

Yu Sheng smiled indifferently, and calmly said: "You are not bad too."

"I'm curious, where exactly are you in the team."

The captain of the guards heard the words and said calmly: "Elite guards."

"The elite guard?"

After Yu Sheng heard this sentence, it surprised Yu Sheng. Yu Sheng glanced at the captain of the guard with a bit of surprise. He didn't expect that he would meet the guards again, and still An elite guard team, he had heard Chen Shanming talk about some things about the guard team before.

In addition to the elite guards, there are other guards, and those guards are more powerful than the elite guards.

"So, the guard that I destroyed before is your reserve team." Yu Sheng glanced at the captain of the guard and said coldly.

After the captain of the elite guard heard these words, his face became cold, and he said sharply: "Yes...you only destroy the reserve team."

"But...Today, I will let you out of here."

When talking about this, the captain of the guards was confident, but Yu Sheng laughed dumbly, and did not take the words of the captain of the guards to heart~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yu Sheng said indifferently: "My people are looking at yours, now there are two guns aiming at you behind me, do you feel, who is the one being eliminated?"

Yu Sheng's voice fell, and this made the guard's captain's face become a little cold and stern. The guard's captain was not afraid, but said indifferently: "Really? Then you can try."

As soon as this statement came out, Yu Sheng also took a deep look at the captain of the guard. I have to say that the captain of the guard is really confident.

However, Yu Sheng didn't dare to be careless. Since this guy dared to say that, he might have his own cards. Therefore, facing this guy, he still needs to go all out.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng took a deep breath, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

"Come on then..."

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