I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1045: Dominated by fear

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In the next moment, Yu Sheng once again attacked the captain of the guard, but this time, the attack for the rest of his life became more aggressive and domineering.

Every move and every style carried a strong killing intent. The captain of the guard was naturally unwilling to lag behind. After kicking each other, the two separated instantly.

At this time, the captain of the guard took a look at Yu Sheng and said with a sarcasm: "If you have this ability, today, it will be over."

The voice fell, and suddenly there was a crackling sound from the captain of the guard, which made people feel shocked and surprised.

Rao frowned for the rest of his life. He took a deep look at the captain of the guard. This crackling sound seemed to come from the bones of the captain of the guard.

It's a bit similar to the feeling of humming.

This kind of voice, he once saw a video, that is Bruce Lee's video. At that time, Bruce Lee was able to sing together, which was very powerful.

Yu Sheng's complexion also became solemn, and he carefully stared at the captain of the guard. This guy should not be underestimated.

With a slight blast resounding, at this moment, the guard's captain's eyes flickered. The next moment, the guard's captain stepped out and came to Yu Sheng's face, and then he punched Blasted out.

This punch was fast and accurate, twice as fast as the previous speed. The terrifying force exploded, and even the air made a blast.

With such a powerful force, the rest of my life will be a numb scalp.

"So strong..."

Yu Sheng's expression changed slightly, but Yu Sheng did not retreat because of this. Yu Sheng's eyes revealed a little coldness and snorted coldly.

"The blood of the Thousand-Year Overlord Dragon, the first-level form, overwhelmingly overwhelming."

With Yu Sheng’s violent shout, Yu Sheng also clenched his five fingers into a fist, and the sound of crunching resounded. Obviously, this was the sound of Yu Sheng’s fist. Under the gaze of the captain of the guard, Yu Sheng waved without hesitation. With a punch, he blasted at the captain of the guards in the most positive posture.

Terrible power erupted.

The air rubbed against the fist, and there was also a burst of explosive noise.


Finally, the two fists met fiercely. At the moment when they met, the expressions of the two of them all changed drastically. Then, the bodies of the two flew upside down one after another. He fell heavily on the sand. Fortunately, there was more sand here and it was softer, so the two of them didn't suffer much damage.

At this time, the captain of the guard also looked at Yu Sheng with a horrified expression. At the moment when he met Yu Sheng, he felt that Yu Sheng’s fists were like endless seas, endless and terrifying. The force of the bombardment almost broke his arm.

Now, he felt a bit numb in his arm, an indescribable soreness, his right arm was trembling slightly, he slowly stood up, his face solemnly staring at Yu Sheng.

The shock that the rest of his life brought to him was too great. Love my novel network

I didn't expect that the other party could withstand this punch. This guy, where is the enchanting evildoer who ran out.

Yu Sheng got up, he also felt a little numb in his right arm, but compared to the captain of the guard, it was obviously better. Yu Sheng glanced at the captain of the guard, and his eyes flashed with a little excitement. After so long, he I really haven't had such a painful hand-to-hand fight.

Today's head-to-head fight with the captain of the guards gave him unspeakable joy. This is a real man.

"Come again..."

Yu Sheng roared, and bombarded the guard captain again. The guard captain noticed that his complexion changed drastically and hurriedly blocked Yu Sheng with a backhand. However, every move and style of Yu Sheng contained a very terrifying effect. Power, the most important thing is that this guy can even **** retract freely.

Especially when hitting the captain of the guard, it made him feel like his body was about to explode, he could only bite his teeth and fight Yu Sheng.

As time went on, the two played for at least ten minutes. For a while, the captain of the guard felt that his physical strength was rapidly draining. They were the king of soldiers. There is no doubt about this physical strength. Generally speaking, even if they are playing For half an hour, they won't have any problems.


Every move and every style of Yu Sheng is so fierce and overbearing. The most terrifying thing is that every punch of Yu Sheng contains extremely terrifying strength. Faced with such a fist, the captain of the guard can only do his best. Going, exhausted his own strength to block, which caused the captain of the guard to be consumed rapidly.


At this time, the captain of the guard was separated from Yu Sheng. He was gasping for breath, which made his chest rise and fall, and he also felt that his body had unspeakable soreness. Looking at the rest of his life, the whole person was as if nothing had happened. , It seems to be energetic and full of energy.

The captain of the guard who noticed this scene also became a little difficult to look like, what the **** is this freak? This kid, after ten minutes of fighting, still looks so energetic, this kid is **** **** good. Is it a person?

Rao is the captain of the guards, his face has become a little difficult to look like, if he is replaced by someone else, he will go all out to attack, every move and every style will exhaust his whole body, this consumption is absolutely terrifying, according to reason. In other words, the consumption of the rest of his life should be greater than him...


I didn't even dream about it... For the rest of my life at this moment, he looked energized, as if he were okay, and this made the captain of the guards shocked.

This Nima, this kid is just an animal~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is not a human at all...

Thinking of this, at this moment, the captain of the guard had a retreat, and continued to fight with this kid. In the end, this kid was bound to be killed alive. He was a high-ranking soldier, but he couldn't help but be a hairy kid. , This is also the first time in his history that he has that kind of aggrieved feeling, which is really nonsense.

"No, no..."

Thinking of this, the captain of the guard gritted his teeth: "I must find a way to kill this kid. If I continue like this, I'm afraid I will be over. I can't do it. I can only leave here. It's just that there are so many deserts here. Maybe, I can only kill this kid."

"Come again..."

But when the captain of the guard just thought about this place, Yu Sheng's expression was full of excitement and bombarded the captain of the guard again, and the terrible force made the captain of the guard scalp numb.

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