I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1046: Life and death crisis

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"Damn, this kid..."

The captain of the guards noticed this scene, and his expression changed drastically. At this moment, he was also forced by the rest of his life. This guy seemed to have strength that could never be exhausted, so energetic. Is this kid still a man? ? Where did this guy come from so much physical strength?

At this moment, he felt that his body was about to be unable to support it, but every punch of this kid was still so strong, as if it was not consumed at all.

Rao, the captain of the guard, was a little scared.


For a time, the captain of the guard dodged quickly. At this moment, his strength was gradually diminishing, so he didn't dare to face it head-on with Yu Sheng. In his heyday, he was still unable to face Yu Sheng head-to-head, but it was now. Therefore, the guards The captain of the team retreated steadily.

The captain of the guards continued to retreat, which caused him to lose the opportunity. Therefore, he gradually fell to the bottom, and for the rest of his life, he was like a **** of war, constantly attacking the captain of the guards, and was in the guards. There were fist marks on his captain.


The captain of the guard was once again beaten by Yu Sheng and took a few steps back. At this moment, the captain of the guard gradually seeped blood in his mouth. The captain of the guard wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He stared at Yu Sheng sternly, and his eyes were full of anger.

Unexpectedly, he was beaten like this by a little boy. How could this make him not angry? I thought that this kid could be solved easily, but I never expected that things would develop into this way.


The captain of the guard also scolded secretly.

He looked at Yu Sheng, and he knew that if he didn't use all his power today, I was afraid that he would be eliminated. If he was eliminated, how would the Pope treat him?

Thinking of this, the captain of the guard also roared.

"Boy... this is your own death."

Thinking of this, the captain of the guard gritted his teeth, and the crackling sound in his body became more and more vigorous. That kind of sound made people tingle their scalp.

Obviously, the captain of the guard was also completely outraged.

"Not good... Captain..."

The members of the surrounding guards noticed this scene, their pupils all shrank suddenly, and immediately shouted in horror: "Captain, don't..."

This sudden voice also made Yu Sheng and others heard clearly. Yu Sheng and others looked at the scene in a puzzled manner, but didn't understand the meaning of this sentence.

However, Yu Sheng’s complexion became a little dignified, because he noticed that at this moment, the captain of the guard seemed to be a little different, although there was also a crackling sound from the body before, but still Will not pose a threat to him, but I don't know why...

This time, the sound coming from the body of the captain of the guard made him feel a numb scalp. It seemed that there was a terrible power in it. Even he... Some can't bear it.

"not good……"

Perceiving the danger for the rest of his life, his complexion also became dignified. He stared at the captain of the guards. At this moment, the eyes of the captain of the guards also looked towards Yu Sheng. When the eyes crossed with Yu Sheng, For the rest of his life, his face was horrified.

Because he saw that the eyes of the captain of the guards had become extremely red in this instant, as if they had been stimulated by some kind of irritation, which made people feel terrified and frightened.

The captain of the guard at this moment looked more like a wild beast.

"what happened?"

Such a change made Yu Sheng secretly surprised, and Yu Sheng built a dike. 53 Chinese Network


The next moment, the captain of the guard blasted towards Yu Sheng with a punch, and his expression changed drastically for the rest of his life with this punch.

"The first-level form is overwhelming."

For the rest of his life, he threw a punch without hesitation, and the terrible power exploded, and in the next moment, he slammed into the fist of the captain of the guard.

The terrible power rippled away, which made the scalp numb.


The muffled sound resounded, and in the next instant, Yu Sheng felt his whole body shook. Then, his body flew upside down, and Yu Sheng fell to the ground severely. He hurriedly got up and looked at the captain of the guard, he His eyes are full of shock and incredible.


Yu Sheng looked at the captain of the guard in surprise, he couldn't believe it.

The opponent's punch actually hurt himself. How could this guy suddenly become so strong? What is going on here?

Yu Sheng discovered that these top players all had some hole cards hidden in their bodies. For example, the captain of the guard team also did the same, hiding such a hole card in his own body.

This made the rest of his life a little jealous.


The captain of the guards seemed to have been hit with real fire. Immediately, he moved his body and blasted fiercely towards Yu Sheng again, and the terrible power exploded. For the rest of his life, his expression changed drastically.


With another punch, Yu Sheng took a few steps back again. At this moment, there was some blood oozing from the corners of Yu Sheng's mouth. He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing and others in the distance noticed this scene, and all their expressions changed drastically.

"The rest of my life..."

They didn't expect that this style of painting changed so quickly that they had suppressed the captain of the guards for the rest of their lives, but they never expected that they would be suppressed in the blink of an eye for the rest of their lives.

For a time, this made them extremely nervous.

"Boy, today I will kill you alive."

There was a little bloodthirsty light in the eyes of the captain of the guard. It was obvious that this guy had a murderous intent.

For the rest of my life, seeing this scene ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was also a little annoyed. This was originally a game. The so-called friendship is the first and the second is the game. I didn’t expect this guy to actually have a murderous heart. For the rest of his life, It is also very angry.

Yu Sheng stared at the guard captain in front of him, his eyes flashed with strange light, Yu Sheng took a deep breath.


At this moment, the captain of the guards blasted another punch. This punch was very irritable, enough to kill a normal person alive, showing how terrifying the punch was.

However, at this moment, Yu Sheng exhaled a suffocating breath. If you look closely at Yu Sheng's eyes, you will find that Yu Sheng's eyes are gleaming.

"Good job..."

When Yu Sheng saw this, the corners of his mouth were curved with a slight arc.

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