Obviously, that person is there.

As Yu Sheng looked over, this person also hurriedly lowered his head. His face became extremely ugly. He never expected...the result of the matter would turn out to be like this, for a while, that kind of Fear also filled his whole heart.

Even the captain is not an opponent of this guy in front of him, so how strong is this guy in front of him? Especially when the captain's bones were pierced just now, he was also terrified.

He is a good soldier, but this does not mean that he has no sense of fear. Anyone will have a sense of fear, no one is exception.

It's just that some people with relatively strong psychological qualities buried that fear deeply in their hearts and did not express it.

The captain of the guard saw that Yu Sheng hadn’t shot him again, which made him a little relieved. This guy is really vicious. If he didn’t give in early, maybe this guy would just kill himself. At that time, I couldn't cry without crying.

Looking at the people on their side, the captain of the guard also sighed slightly. He knew that today their elite guard was going to be eliminated. This time, they lost completely.

This makes them a little helpless.

But there is no other way. Fortunately, they still have a team, this team is the king of soldiers, and it can last until the end, and then avenge them.

Thinking of this, the captain of the guards also breathed a sigh of relief, and then he waved to that side to signal that he surrendered, because the captain of the guards knew that this person would never be able to run. This is a desert. Locally, you must either kill the enemy or be killed by the enemy, otherwise...

In such an empty place, if you want to run, it is basically a dream. There are not many hiding places in this place, and it is easy for others to find your existence. This is why it is said that there is no need to hide here, because You can't hide at all.

Seeing the gesture of the captain of the guards, this soldier king's face was also gloomy to the extreme. Under his anger, he punched the sand fiercely, leaving a fist mark on the sand. In this fist mark, mixed With his endless anger.

"Oh shit……"

He cursed secretly. He was a dignified soldier, but he didn't expect to admit defeat. This was a shame for him, but...

Even the captain failed, is he still necessary to continue? You must know that there are still two kings of soldiers watching over here, and even that guy is more powerful than their captain, and even the captain is not the opponent of that guy. What is his own ability to beat three kings of soldiers, What's more, there are several quasi-soldier kings not far away. Such a powerful team is here, and it can be said that it is impossible to escape.

Thinking of this, this person also sighed slightly, he was deeply unwilling, but in the face of this situation, he had no way to do it. Either he was beaten and surrendered, or he surrendered directly now. .

Thinking of this, he hesitated for a moment, which was to pull the sensor system on his body. If it were on the real battlefield, he would not hesitate to fight the enemy hard, because he knew that between life and death, you must work hard. Either you just wait to be killed. Instead of doing this, you might as well take a fight. In this case, you might still have a chance.

But right now, there is no need at all.

As he pulled the sensor system, a thick yellow smoke appeared on his body for an instant. When He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing and the others saw this scene, they all showed some doubts.

"That person actually pulled the sensing system?" Li Erniu said suddenly.

"If you say that, their team will be wiped out?" Xu Tianlong looked at this scene with some surprise, which made them all have indescribable Western medicine.

Unexpectedly, the matter would end like this, and it was really beyond their expectations.

"It seems that they are still afraid of the rest of their lives. If it were not for the rest of their lives, they would definitely not give up so happily."

He Chenguang glanced at the soldier who was pulling the sensing device and sighed slightly. This time, it can be said that he taught them a deep lesson. As soon as he knew that there were people outside this person, the strong player was even stronger.

Although they have been promoted to the King of Bing, they still have a long time to go on the way to King of Bing. This is a long way.

Now that everyone was resolved, He Chenguang and the others all stood up and walked slowly towards Yu Sheng. After seeing He Chenguang and the others, Yu Sheng asked, "Are you all okay?"

"It's okay." He Chenguang shook his head and said, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Yu Sheng said casually. In fact, Yu Sheng had suffered some injuries in his body, but Yu Sheng didn't say anything.

Yu Sheng looked at the captain of the guard, and said faintly: "Hand over all the medals on your body."

A word from the rest of his life made the captain of the guard a little gloomy, but now he can be said to be a dead person, and logically speaking, this medal cannot be kept.

The captain of the guard took a deep breath, took out a small bag from his pocket, and threw the small bag to Yu Sheng. Yu Sheng looked at it casually. After it was the medal, he satisfactorily threw the small bag to He Chenguang.

"It's great that you are the guards~www.wuxiaspot.com~ very powerful." Yu Sheng said in admiration: "It's just a pity..."

Having said that, Yu Sheng shook his head slightly, then turned his gaze to He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing and others, saying: "Clean the battlefield and add ammunition. It's time for us to leave here."

Resolving the elite guards has made Yu Sheng a better understanding of combat, especially when facing such a master, how to fight, which made Yu Sheng have a physical experience.

These masters are indeed very strong one by one. If he makes a haste, he really may not be their opponent. Therefore, after this battle, when he encounters such an opponent the next time, he will have some experience in the battle.

Following Yu Sheng’s order, He Chenguang and others replenished their ammunition, while Yu Sheng took the guard’s grenade. Of course, this grenade is fake and will not send anyone out. To kill, these departments are all coach mines. Of course, if they are hit by the coach thunder, the induction system will be triggered immediately, and then they will be eliminated directly. Therefore, if you encounter the coach thunder, you still have to hide. Hiding.

(End of this chapter)

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