I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1049: Afterwards

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Yu Sheng also added his ammunition. He glanced at the guards. At this moment, the guards were staring at Yu Sheng with an angry face. With that appearance, he wanted to tear the rest of his life. Seeing this, he smiled indifferently, and at the same time, Yu Sheng was secretly grateful.

Fortunately, during the sandstorm, several people from the other party were eliminated by himself. If these people are a complete team, their red blood cells will probably be accounted here today.

Able to get rid of this guy, thanks to Black Storm.

Everyone moved forward. Because of these several ambushes, Yu Sheng and He Chenguang and others became more and more careful, because they might be attacked by enemies in the dark.

Soon they came to an oasis. Fortunately, this oasis was not affected by the black storm. Otherwise, they might be thirst to death here. In that case, it would be even more unlucky.

They supplemented their own water source. This supplementation can at least allow them to hold on for more than three days, and it is somewhat inconvenient to carry more water sources, because they can only find the next oasis.

This is also no way. During the journey, after all, it is not suitable to carry too many things. These water sources are already sufficient.

For Yu Sheng, He Chenguang, Li Erniu, Wang Yanbing, Song Kaifei, Xu Tianlong, the six of them were moving forward, hoping to reach their destination as quickly as possible.


Chen Shanming and Miao Lang have been eliminated, naturally it is impossible to continue with Yu Sheng and them. However, Chen Shanming and Miao Lang both left where they were. At this moment, Chen Shanming had appeared in front of Fan Tianlei.

Fan Tianlei, Zhao Yunfeng and others all looked at Chen Shanming. At this time, Fan Tianlei asked: "Chen Shanming, how is the situation with them for the rest of their lives?"

Chen Shanming heard the words, and then slowly said: "On the fifth, we encountered a group of masters in the desert, who seemed to be members of the elite guards."

"Elite Guards?" Fan Tianlei and Zhao Yunfeng's expressions were even more condensed when they heard the words, with unspeakable dignity, Fan Tianlei took a deep breath, and then slowly said: "This time there are also three teams from the Vatican participating in the international In the Special Forces Contest, there is an elite guard team. In addition to the elite guard team, there is also an ace guard team, all of which are kings of soldiers, which is very powerful."

"Yeah." Chen Shanming and others nodded.

"Then, what happened to them for the rest of their lives?" Fan Tianlei asked again.

Chen Shanming thought for a while and said, "They are all right now for the rest of their lives."

"In the beginning we encountered an ambush from the elite guards, which caused us to fall into a dilemma, but... at this moment a black storm suddenly came."

When Chen Shanming talked about the dark storm, Chen Shanming looked even more serious, and Fan Tianlei and the rest of the people were all horrified and inexplicable. They looked at Chen Shanming in shock, and exclaimed: "You said you encountered the dark storm. storm?"


Chen Shanming said.

"Then are you injured?" Fan Tianlei asked immediately. Write a novel

"We have nothing serious. Fortunately, the wind of the black storm is not that strong. If not, we may not be able to persist." Chen Shanming nodded and said, "However, it is because of this black storm that we escaped from the elite. The claws of the guards, and also wipe out all the elite guards."


Fan Tianlei and Zhao Yunfeng both exclaimed. They looked at Chen Shanming in shock, full of shock, and said in shock: "You said you wiped out the elite guards?"

"Yes." Chen Shanming nodded and said.

"How did you annihilate?" Fan Tianlei was full of disbelief. He brought his red blood cells here to participate in the international special forces competition. The purpose was to train the red blood cells and gain some knowledge. He never wanted to win the championship or something with the red blood cells. of.

Even Fan Tianlei had never thought of a good ranking. Although he was expecting a good ranking for red blood cells, it would be too difficult to get a good ranking.

After all, everyone who participated in the International Special Forces Competition this time was all masters, especially this king-level team, and there were quite a few. How could the red blood cells get a good ranking and be able to enter the top 100? Even if it is pretty good.

Unexpectedly, for the rest of their lives, they would annihilate an elite guard team. Good guys, this is a bit terrible. According to Fan Tianlei’s news, this elite guard team is an elite of the Vatican. At least four soldiers are organized. Needless to say, the elite guards of China, the four kings of soldiers, the combat effectiveness.

Logically speaking, it is definitely not comparable to a red blood cell.

But I didn't even dream of it. Yu Sheng unexpectedly gave him a big surprise and killed the elite guards. How did this group of guys do it? How can ordinary people annihilate the elite guards?

"Speaking of it, it still lies in the rest of your life." Thinking of this, Chen Shanming's expression became solemn, especially when Yu Sheng was mentioned, which made Chen Shanming also full of amazement.

"The rest of my life? What happened to this kid?" Fan Tianlei asked immediately.

"When the black storm blew up, for the rest of my life he shot at the guards and killed several people."


Zhao Yunfeng also exclaimed, and immediately said: "How is this possible? As far as I know, there was a black storm in the desert, the dust swept through, and the visibility was almost zero. People can't open their eyes, so what should he do? When it comes to shooting, how do you determine the location of the enemy? Or is it that you are very close."

Chen Shanming shook his head ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said, "The distance should be at least 200 meters."

"Then how did he shoot others?"

When Zhao Yunfeng heard this news, he was shocked, 200 meters, it is absolutely impossible to hit the enemy so easily, right? Unless it's Mongolian, it's just... Mongolian... It's not such a coincidence, right? You killed all the enemies at once? This is unlikely.

"Actually we don't know."

Chen Shanming smiled bitterly, and said helplessly: "At that time, the rest of his life fired more than a dozen shots in one direction, and then the enemy was killed a lot. Looking back, we can't figure out how he did it. To lock the target."

Chen Shanming was also a little helpless. Although he was right next to Yu Sheng, Yu Sheng's sorrow operation was really too sassy. So far, in retrospect, Chen Shanming didn't want to understand how Yu Sheng shot the enemy.

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