I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1050: quicksand

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I couldn't see the enemy, and there was so much wind and sand, and even, there were other factors, but... Yu Sheng, this guy, just forcibly hit the opponent...

Moreover, many people were destroyed, and only three people were left. How could this not surprise them? They also want to know how the rest of their lives did it.


In retrospect, they feel that they are all watching sci-fi blockbusters. In reality, those blind snipers are a bit nonsense. Even if they are blind snipers, they can determine the position of the other party before they can be blind snipers. , When the black storm came, they themselves were all confused.

Also determine the location of the enemy? That is idiotic dream.


After Zhao Yunfeng heard this, he couldn't help taking a breath. Zhao Yunfeng took a deep look at Chen Shanming. At this time, Zhao Yunfeng exclaimed: "Tian Lei, I didn't expect that you have such a strong soldier in Langya. It seems In this international special forces competition, the rankings won are better than I expected."

Having said this, Zhao Yunfeng also became a little excited.

Fan Tianlei nodded slightly when he heard the words. The points on them for the rest of his life are too eye-catching. It is estimated that many teams are coveting these points in their hands for the rest of their lives.

These points on them for the rest of their lives can be described as a happy family and a worried family.

"By the way, there is some good news to tell you." Chen Shanming suddenly thought of something and said immediately.

"What good news?" Fan Tianlei asked.

"He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing have both been promoted to the King of Soldiers, and the rest have also reached the ranks of the top special forces, and even some of them have been promoted to become the King of Infantry." Chen Shanming explained.


When Fan Tianlei heard the words, smiled and nodded, and said: "They are all good seedlings. I am not surprised to be promoted to the King of Soldiers. I just didn't expect that under these conditions, they would be promoted. They become King of Soldiers. Then they protect themselves. Another point is added to his ability."

Fan Tianlei was also overjoyed. Zhao Yunfeng couldn't help but said: "So, their team has three kings?"

"Not bad." Chen Shanming said.


Zhao Yunfeng was also surprised. If there are three soldiers, the overall strength of the red blood cells will increase a lot, and the probability of them going to the back will also increase a lot.

Chen Shanming asked: "On the 5th, how is the overall international situation now?"

Fan Tianlei said: "Now more than 1,700 people have been eliminated. The competition is very fierce. At present, there are still about 600 to 700 people left. If converted into a team, it is estimated that it will be about 100 teams. Many of the teams are the team of the King of Soldiers, and some teams, because of luck, walked in here."

"Next, is a real contest."

When Chen Shanming heard this sentence, it made Chen Shanming and the others take a sigh of relief. There are more than one hundred teams, which is indeed unimaginable. Nine Nine Chinese

However, Chen Shanming and the others did not say anything more. Next, it was not luck, but real strength. However, the points on them for the rest of their lives are too greedy, so much. Points, and control in the hands of a weak team, it is even more troublesome.

"Well, all go to the lobby to find out the news from their side, now we can no longer monitor their situation." Fan Tianlei said.


Afterwards, Chen Shanming and Miao Lang left here.

Fan Tianlei sat here, pondering a little, and no one knew what he was thinking.

Let's talk about the rest of my life at this time and He Chenguang and his party...

The group of them, at this moment, came to a strange place, but... the sand here is not unfamiliar, because in the desert, almost all places are exactly the same. After the rest of their lives and the group came here, they His complexion revealed a little dignity.

At this moment, they only have two days of water resources left. Therefore, in two days, they must find the source of experience. If they can't find it, the trouble will be even greater.

They did not follow the route on the map, but took another route. There is no way, because which route must be full of dangers. There are countless people who are secretly coveting them. The human strength is not weak. It is obviously unrealistic for a group of people to rely on their strength to fight. After all, the opponent’s combat effectiveness is much stronger than them. Now, Chen Shanming and Miao Lang are eliminated, which has led to them. The number of people is also decreasing sharply.

Of course, this combat effectiveness has naturally weakened a lot, so the rest of my life decided to take a detour, but this detour is risky, and it is not as easy to go around as imagined. If there is sufficient food and water, these are for them. , It's nothing. But... if there is no water source, even they can't hold on. After all, this is a desert, and the water source is more precious than gold.

Everyone was moving forward step by step, and Song Kaifei couldn't help but vomit: "When we keep going like this, when will we be heads?"

"Yeah... here is a piece of desert. We need to walk through such a large desert on foot, and now we are taking a detour. I don't want to go through it in a month." Xu Tianlong also sighed slightly. Soundtrack.

"Could there be no other way?" Song Kaifei said painfully.

"Yes, unless we meet some kind people on the road, we can take us for a ride." Wang Yanbing also felt helpless and said casually.


Song Kaifei sighed and said, "If you go on like this, you will be exhausted sooner or later."

Everyone also knows that this is also impossible. If they don’t leave, it will be more troublesome~www.wuxiaspot.com~Of course, unless they ask for help, but if they ask for help, it means they have to give up themselves. They will not be able to participate in this international special forces competition again, and their results will stop there.

Of course, along this path, it is not that no one has given up on themselves. Those who are not determined have no choice but to give up. It is better to give up than to give up their own lives.

"not good……"

At this moment, Li Erniu, Xu Tianlong and others all exclaimed.

With an exclamation, all of Yu Sheng and He Chenguang's expressions changed drastically, because they all saw that the bodies of Li Erniu, Song Kaifei and Xu Tianlong were declining rapidly.

In such a scene, the faces of the three of them suddenly became extremely ugly for the rest of their lives.

"It's quicksand."

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