I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1051: Encounter thunder and lightning

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In the desert, it is a very dangerous existence. Once you are caught in the quicksand, if no one drags you up, then you will be buried alive by the quicksand, and finally you will be directly suffocated to death. Many people die in quicksand every year.

For the rest of his life, he never expected that under this situation, he and others would encounter this appalling quicksand. For a while, this made everyone's faces a little hard to look at.

"Quick, save people." Yu Sheng shouted immediately.

"Untie all the belts and save them."

Yu Sheng saw Xu Tianlong and the others fall into it very quickly, and immediately reminded them loudly: "Don't move around, the faster they will fall."

After receiving the reminder from the rest of their lives, Song Kaifei and the others calmed down. After all, they are special forces. This psychological quality is not comparable to anyone. If they were replaced by other people, they would have been scared to death.

Yu Sheng and the others took out their belts methodically, and handed them to Song Kaifei and others. Yu Sheng shouted, "Hold tight."

After that, Yu Sheng was exhausted and left, pulling Song Kaifei and others vigorously. Fortunately, the strength they encountered was so strong that they abruptly pulled Song Kaifei out. Not only that, the rest of the people were also under Yu Sheng's strength. , Pulled up, and when everyone was pulled up, Song Kaifei and the others were all a little relieved.

"Fuck it, it's so **** thrilling."

Song Kaifei and the others were all terrified, and they didn't expect that they and the others would suddenly enter the quicksand. This scene was really thrilling.

You know, the places with quicksand are basically not clear, because they have been covered by sand. Only when you walk in, you will know that there is quicksand here.

When you know, if there is no one nearby to rescue, then your chance is dead.

"For the rest of my life, what shall we do? There is a lot of quicksand in this place. If we rashly walk from here, it would be very dangerous." He Chenguang took a solemn look at the world.

Just as Chenguang said, there is a lot of quicksand here. If you enter from here rashly, it will be very dangerous.

Yu Sheng's complexion is also a bit unsightly, and he solemnly said: "If we go back, it is obviously unlikely. After this quicksand, there will be an oasis in front of us. We can replenish the water source there. If you return from here in situ, it will delay a lot of our time."

"Furthermore, after I go back, I might be sniped off by others, which will be even more troublesome."

"Then what shall we do?" Wang Yanbing couldn't help but said, "Could it be you who wanted to walk this quicksand?"

After Yu Sheng heard the words, he nodded slightly, which made the complexions of He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing and his group extremely heavy. To be honest, they were really reluctant to go to this place, it was too dangerous.

Yu Sheng smiled and said: "Quicksand generally will not kill people, unless you encounter the kind of deeper and more terrible quicksand, generally speaking, even if you fall into the quicksand, it will not kill you. The whole person is trapped in for you, so these are nothing."

The words of the rest of his life caused He Chenguang and others to be slightly taken aback, and immediately said: "Really?"

"Of course."

Yu Sheng shrugged and said casually: "Aren't you going to Baidu? These are basic common sense, okay?"

He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others were a little dumbfounded. For a while, they all looked speechless and went online? On the Internet, where do they have time to go online, you think everyone is like your kid, go online when you have nothing to do. The point is, you know your uncle’s face and quicksand, are you still a person? Beauty Nest Novel

This left everyone speechless.

"There are four types of quicksand, full quicksand, fast quicksand, dry quicksand, and wet quicksand. But no matter which kind of quicksand you encounter, it is basically not very fatal. However, if you encounter a deeper kind of quicksand, it will still Worse, we just need to be careful and the problem is not big."

Yu Sheng's words made everyone nod slightly. Since Yu Sheng said it was okay, the problem didn't seem to be a big deal, so he immediately said: "Well, if that's the case, then we will go this way."


Yu Sheng nodded slightly. He took a deep look at these people. Although what he said here, the quicksand would not cause too much danger, but in this desert, once you fall into the quicksand, you It is easy to get out, and in the desert, there will be high tide.

Once there is a high tide, it will also be fatal.

The most terrible thing is that once you get caught in the quicksand, you generally can’t move. If you want to pull your feet out of the quicksand, you might need the power to lift a car. This is the terrible thing about the quicksand, so once When encountering quicksand, the safest way is to maximize the area of ​​the body and sand so that people can float.

Of course, in this case, only the kind of person with an extremely determined heart can do this.

Under this situation, Yu Sheng and his party walked forward step by step. After walking for half a day, Yu Sheng and his party suddenly noticed a cry for help.

The sudden sound caused Yu Sheng and He Chenguang and others to slightly change their expressions.

"It seems that someone is calling for help." He Chenguang said suddenly.

"Yeah." Yu Sheng also frowned, and said, "It seems to be from Huaxia."

"Huaxia people?"

After everyone heard this sentence, everyone was taken aback and asked in astonishment: "What's the matter with Huaxia? This place is not in our country. What are Huaxia people doing here?"

"Yeah, this is not a good place either. Wouldn't anyone come to explore this place? It's a desert. Even one of us may be planted here if we are not careful. The Chinese people come to this place? Is it?"

Song Kaifei was also a little shocked~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Indeed, this place is not a good place. Come to this kind of place, isn't it just looking for death?

For a moment, everyone was slightly speechless.

"No, this voice is familiar..."

"Fear familiar?"

When Song Kaifei and the others heard Yu Sheng's words, the expressions of their group became solemn, and Xu Tianlong suddenly said solemnly: "If you say so...couldn't it be our Huaxia special forces?"

When everyone thought of this, Yu Sheng was silent for a while, and immediately said: "Go, let's go over there and take a look, the sound is coming from over there."

"Why didn't I hear the sound?" Li Erniu couldn't help but said, "Is it a mistake."

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