I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1075: The people from Alcatraz are here (2)

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With the departure of Fan Tianlei and others, at this moment, Yu Sheng and others have all finished their rest.

Next, they are ready to march towards this last mountain, this last mountain is also the place where the international special forces competition will decide the victory or defeat. They have to go this trip, or they are eliminated, or they can win the championship. This It's what they want.

Soon, the sky gradually darkened. In this dark sky, this made the rest of my life quite jealous, because no one knew whether there was danger hidden in the dark, so at night, Yu Sheng and others were all Dare to hurry, can only stay in this place to rest.

On that night, Yu Sheng and others were resting here, while Yu Sheng did not dare to be careless, so he was always paying attention to the surroundings. Fortunately, he only needed to rest for an hour to regain all his energy. This training Room, it can be regarded as a great benefit to him.

If not, his energy must be insufficient.

Look at He Chenguang and they can know.

For the rest of his life in this night, watching every move around him, for fear of any danger.


At this moment, several figures sneaked into this place secretly. These people were wearing camouflage uniforms with oil paint on their faces. Behind this person, there were two figures. Although there were only three of them, they were There is an unspeakable danger in these three people.

Obviously, these three people are not simple.

"Piranha, are you sure that they are in this place?" one of them spoke solemnly.

At this time, the man who had been staring at the front showed a little coldness in his expression, especially the sharp eyes, which seemed so bright even in the dark.

If the rest of your life sees this person, you will inevitably exclaim.

Because this person is the one who shot at him after he left Alcatraz in the past. This person is a piranha, that is, a top expert next to Mrs. Call.

This master is also extremely terrifying.

If it hadn’t been for him to block this person’s bullet, I’m afraid they would have died on Alcatraz. I was very curious about that lady for the rest of my life. I don’t know what the origin of this lady came from, so she could train so much at the Alcatraz Training Center. Su's killer.

"Yeah." The piranha nodded flatly and said: "The news that the lady gave me, the international special forces competition, the whole world is paying attention to every move here, according to the news that we have received, China's red blood cell team has also arrived here. , I learned from the news that the person who destroyed our Alcatraz Island in the past was the guy codenamed Yao Ji."

"In addition to this, there are also people from the Flood Dragon Commando and the Wolf Squadron."

"Unexpectedly, there are so many people involved." This person frowned and said with a solemn expression: "This China's wolffang is not very easy to deal with. Over the years, the reason why many people dare not enter China's The defense over there is too tight. Once you enter rashly, you will be chased by China."

"In the international community these years, wolves have appeared frequently, and all of them are hard to gnaw."

"Ha ha."

Hearing the words, the piranha gave a sneer and said faintly: "No matter how hard it is to chew, we must kill these guys."

"Madam gave the order to die, and at any cost, kill the enchantress, this guy, ruined our plan for several years on Alcatraz Island. This led to the destruction of our years of hard work. Therefore, at all costs, we must kill this guy. "The piranha said coldly.

Hearing these words, both of them were silent for a moment, and they also carried a little anger. They didn’t know how long they had been preparing for Alcatraz Island. In such a long time, it seemed that they would succeed. Unexpectedly, it was destroyed by several Chinese people, which caused them to suffer heavy losses.

They also knew that Madam was furious and very angry because of this.

Therefore, he directly issued a killing order. In any case, he must find the rest of his life and kill this guy.

You know, in the past few years, they have been arresting people everywhere, putting in an unknown amount of manpower and material resources. Because of a reason for the rest of their lives, they have completely given up on Alcatraz Island. All the previous investments have been turned into flowing water. .

This is also the reason why Madam will kill the rest of her life anyway.

Moreover, for the rest of their lives, they have been in China for the rest of their lives, and they have not appeared in this world, so this has resulted in them having no chance to start at all.

After all, it is impossible for them to enter Huaxia and kill them for the rest of their lives. This is also unrealistic. Huaxia is too dangerous. Once stepped in, it is easy to be spotted by the enemy, and they will not be able to run if they want to.

So they have been waiting for this opportunity.

So they waited for this international special forces competition. When they learned about the international special forces competition, they did not hesitate to come to this place. They inquired everywhere and finally found the route of this international special forces competition. Therefore, they Will lie in ambush in this place, waiting for the arrival of the rest of his life and others.

"Counting time, they have almost got here." The piranha took a deep breath and said sharply.

"Piranhas, they can walk here, it can be seen that their strength is not simple, if we face it, it is hard to say that we can kill them." Deep Sea Fish said heavy.

"Haha." The piranha sneered: "All they use are empty bullets~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is not a big problem to kill these guys."

"Okay, we are all ready to prepare. Let's move forward. According to the truth, there should be someone there. First check if this group of guys are the guys we are looking for."

The words of the piranha made both of them nodded slightly. They took a deep breath and followed the piranha slowly towards the front.

The group of them was extremely careful, but for the rest of their lives at this time, they felt that the premonition in their hearts became stronger and stronger, as if something was about to happen.

After Yu Sheng thought of this, he frowned, and pondered for a moment: "How can I feel this way? What's the matter?"

He didn't have this feeling in his heart in the past, this kind of whim, it came too suddenly, which made Yu Sheng extremely curious, and some did not understand what was going on.

Why is my own whim feeling so strong, as if something is going to happen?

Is it because someone wants to kill them?

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