I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1076: Peerless master

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This was the first time in Yu Sheng's history that he had this very special feeling. This feeling made Yu Sheng's complexion extremely solemn, and Yu Sheng pondered a little and started thinking.

"No, you have to take a look, otherwise... I can't sleep even if I want to sleep."

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng's expression became a little dignified. He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "He Chenguang, I'll go out for a while. You guys are a little more careful here. I always feel something is wrong here."

Yu Sheng's words caused He Chenguang to speak solemnly: "I'll go with you."

Yu Sheng felt something was not right, and He Chenguang was also a bit heavy. You know, Yu Sheng rarely felt something wrong. If Yu Sheng felt something was wrong, something must have happened.

"No." Yu Sheng shook his head and said calmly: "It is not appropriate for you to go with me. You are watching them here, and by the way, you should be alert to the surroundings. If there is any problem, you immediately leave here and leave me alone."

"For the rest of my life, what happened?"

He Chenguang's face changed and changed again when Yu Sheng said this.

"I don't know either." Yu Sheng shook his head and said: "I always feel that something is going to happen, so I'll explore the way first."

Hearing what Yu Sheng said, He Chenguang nodded solemnly and said: "Well, if you encounter something, come back immediately. We are crowded, so it may not be impossible to solve the problem."

"Don't worry, the problem is not big."

"If there is any problem, I will come back immediately." Yu Sheng said.


After that, Yu Sheng took a gun and left here. His gun was a rifle, and it was also an AK with extremely unstable performance. This was still snatched from others. The rifle versus the sniper rifle can be said to be nothing comparable. Sex, because the power of a sniper rifle is obviously stronger than that of a rifle.

Of course, if the bullets of both sides collide, the trajectory of the bullet will definitely change, even if the bullet of the sniper rifle is strong, some changes will also occur.

The faster the speed, the greater the impact of this slight impact.

After Yu Sheng took the ak, he quickly lurked into the forest. He Chenguang glanced at the place where Yu Sheng had disappeared. For a while, this made He Chenguang frowned. He pondered a little, and he didn't know what happened in Yu Sheng. What happened, this made him a little worried.

But now the most important thing is to wait, I hope he will be fine for the rest of his life.

Thinking of this, He Chenguang took a deep breath. He looked at the people in front of him, and then cautiously warned. He knew that for the rest of his life, he would definitely not aim for nothing.

After Yu Sheng left here, he dived into the forest. Yu Sheng didn't know where he should go, so he could say that he was rushing around in the forest.

As time went by, Yu Sheng noticed that something was wrong in his heart. When he headed south, he felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart, as if he was panicking.

Perceiving this scene for the rest of his life, he knew that there must be something in the south, but, this night, what would be in the south? Is it a black blind man?

You know, this brown bear is very scary. If you encounter a brown bear, if he is not hungry, you may still be able to survive, but if he is more hungry, it will be more troublesome, because he will kill you.

Of course, maybe some people think that if I climbed to the tree, isn't this brown bear out of it?

However, I am afraid that many people do not know that this black blind man can climb trees.

As Yu Sheng deepened, that feeling deepened. By this time, Yu Sheng suddenly stopped, because he already felt that the inexplicable heartbeat feeling had reached its extreme. The sudden scene made Yu Sheng lie on the ground in an instant. On the ground, Yu Sheng cautiously watched the surroundings.

Because it is the dark night, his eyes cannot penetrate the dark night, nor can he see far away, but... he feels the things around him by feeling.

"Earth induction shooting."

Yu Sheng did not hesitate to use the earth-sensing shooting technique. Now his earth-sensing shooting technique has reached the third level. What makes Yu Sheng a little puzzled is that the skills in the past were only in three forms, but this The earth-sensing shooting technique is obviously different. He feels that the earth-sensing shooting technique will be upgraded, but he doesn't know how far the earth-sensing shooting technique will be upgraded in the next step.

For the rest of his life, he uses the surrounding plants to judge the information here. His sensing method can sense a long distance. As long as the opponent is a human, he can feel it, unless the opponent is a very terrifying expert. Melt into the realm of nature, otherwise...he could detect it.

"no one?"

Yu Sheng's brow furrowed. He observed through the Earth induction shooting technique and did not notice the existence of other people. For a while, this made Yu Sheng also slightly surprised.

"What's the matter? How could there be no one?" Yu Sheng frowned, revealing a little solemnity.

Either there is no one here, or there are top masters here, and these masters are very terrible.

For a moment, Yu Sheng's brows frowned, and he cautiously watched the surroundings, which made Yu Sheng's face a little heavy.


Suddenly, Yu Sheng realized that the radar warning in his mind turned out to be a big ringtone, and the sudden situation caused Yu Sheng's expression to change drastically.

"not good……"


Yu Sheng did not hesitate to jump to the side, the next moment, a gun rang, and a crater appeared in the place where he was originally...

The gunshot ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ broke the calm of the night, which made people within ten miles of it hear clearly.

Especially in that dream, Wang Yanbing and Lei Shen's expressions changed drastically.

"There was gunfire..."

They were awakened in an instant, all of them were hiding, carefully watching the surroundings. Such a scene made their complexions full of dignity.

"What's the matter? Where did the gunfire come from?" Little Bee couldn't help but said, "How do I feel that the gunfire is a bit wrong."

"It's a real gun." Lei Zhan said with a heavy face. They are often playing guns. He can still hear the sound of empty bullets and real guns.

Although the empty bullets look similar to real guns, there is still some gap between the sound of empty bullets and real bullets, so it is easy to hear them.

This sudden gunshot also frightened them all, because they didn't know what happened...

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