I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1077: Piranha

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"No, we are missing one person?"

Lei Zhan glanced at him, and suddenly realized that something was not right on his side, which made Little Bee's expression drastically changed. Little Bee hurriedly looked around and said, "Who is missing?"

"It's the rest of my life." The old fox said suddenly.

"The rest of my life?"

The little bee hurriedly looked around, and he found that he was missing the rest of his life here. After noticing this scene, the little bee's expression became a little dignified and said, "Where is the rest of my life?"

"Yu Sheng has gone out." He Chenguang said solemnly: "Just now Yu Sheng told me that there seemed to be something wrong in the surroundings, so Yu Sheng went out to take a look. Unexpectedly, there was a gunshot."

"Isn't it the rest of my life who was shot?" Little Bee's expression changed, said.

"Impossible." He Chenguang said solemnly: "Yu Sheng's combat effectiveness is very strong, where he would be shot so easily, but he is very likely to be in danger."

"Let's go, let's go and see." Lei Zhan decisively said.


Regarding Yu Sheng's comfort, He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others did not refuse. After all, Yu Sheng was their battle. In the past, they slept together, trained together, and the friendship between them can be said to be beyond doubt.

"Be careful, there may be masters here, the guns in the opponent's hands, and they are all real guns." Lei Zhan ordered.


Everyone nodded, and then, under the leadership of Lei Zhan, they ran in one direction one after another, and this direction was the source of the gunfire.

Besides, for the rest of my life at this time...

Yu Sheng took the lead to run to a low slope. At this moment, Yu Sheng’s eyes revealed a little dignity. At this moment, even the rest of his life was secretly squeezing a cold sweat, which was just too dangerous.

Yu Sheng lowered his head and lay on this low slope. For a while, he did not dare to appear, which made Yu Sheng unspeakably dignified.

"What a powerful opponent, I didn't even notice the existence of this guy?"

Yu Sheng took a deep breath. You must know that these skills in the past were invincible. No matter how deep the enemy was, he could perceive the enemy's existence. However, what he didn't expect was... this time. He almost didn't notice it.

If it weren't for the radar warning on his body, early warning, I am afraid that he has been killed by this shot. I really want to say that I would be owed to this radar warning.

"Just now the gunfire came from over there, that is to say, the enemy should be there. Judging by the gunfire, the enemy is at least five hundred meters away from me."

"At a distance of about five hundred meters, and still in the dark, the other party can see me clearly, and even shoot me to kill me. That is to say, the enemy has either brought a very advanced weapon. Either he can see everything around him clearly in the dark."

"If the other party can see everything around them very clearly, it will be a bit of a hassle."

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng also became a little heavy. If the enemy could see him, then this enemy would be a bit scary. It can be seen clearly in the dark, at least it can prove that this guy is different from normal people.

at the same time.

In this other place.

The piranha frowned. He was a little surprised. He never expected that his shot would have been missed. Before, he had noticed the existence of the rest of his life, so he pulled the trigger without hesitation and opened it. He took such a shot, but what he never expected was that Yu Sheng escaped, which really surprised him.

"How about a piranha?" The deep sea fish looked at the piranha and said softly.

"Not killed." The piranha said lightly.

"Didn't kill?" On the side, the guy named Shallow Water Fish took a surprised look at the piranha, with a little surprise in his eyes, and said: "You fired a shot and didn't kill the opponent. It seems that the other party , It's interesting."

They knew how strong the piranha's combat effectiveness was, especially the piranha's sniper, which was even more terrifying. Unexpectedly, the piranha hadn't killed the rest of his life. This really made him feel unspeakable shock.

"It's really interesting." The piranha said faintly: "If you were to shoot me, I would be sure to kill this guy. At first, I made a mistake."

The words of the piranha caused the deep-sea fish and the diving fish to look at each other. Both of them shook their heads secretly and did not speak. However, both of them knew very well that the fighting power of the piranha was very strong. Undoubtedly, his eyes are especially sharp.

Even in the dark, you can find the enemy. Of course, the piranha’s eyes can also find the enemy in the dark. The distance is also limited. It can only be within this kilometer range. If it exceeds a kilometer, then it won’t work. It's like a blind man.

But even so, the enemy can be found within a kilometer range. This kind of vision is also very terrifying, and... this piranha has another trick, which is to blend in with nature, so that it matches his vision to kill the enemy. When it comes to fighting, it can be said that there is no disadvantage.

The enemy had nothing to do with him at all, and he also used this combination method to kill one enemy after another.

It's just that not everyone can do this with his eyes, because his eyes have been injected with genetic drugs.

That's why he had genetic changes in his eyes.

So he can see farther.

"But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you shoot now, you are not afraid to attract the attention of the enemy?" The shallow water fish glanced at the piranha and said faintly.

"How can it be caused?"

The piranha glanced at the shallow water fish indifferently, and said coldly.

As soon as these words were spoken, the shallow water fish was speechless for a while, and for a while, he didn't know what to say... Indeed, what would happen if he found it? The task still has to continue, not to mention their combat effectiveness is not weak, with the three of them, it is enough to destroy the rest of their lives.

"Piranha, do you want us to go up and kill this guy." The shallow water fish said faintly.

"Need not."

The piranha waved his hand, glanced at the shallow water fish, and said indifferently: "It's just a kid, I can kill it myself, and shoot me again."

As soon as this statement was made, both the deep-sea fish and the shallow-water fish looked at each other helplessly. If the piranha can really kill each other with one shot, then the shot just now is enough to kill each other, but neither of them is in a hurry. , Because they don’t think they can escape for the rest of their lives.

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