I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1078: It's him

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The piranha once again set his gaze on Yu Sheng's side. The piranha's expression was cold, and there was a little coldness and a trace of killing intent in those eyes, which also extended with it.

The fact that Yu Sheng was able to escape his shot was indeed beyond his expectations. Although he could perceive Yu Sheng’s existence, he could not see the true face of Yu Sheng. Therefore, his eyes were worse than Yu Sheng’s. A lot of it, Yu Sheng's eyes can see a distance of several kilometers, and even every pore on the face can be seen clearly, so in comparison, the piranha is much worse.

However, piranhas are obviously much more powerful this night!

The piranha stared at the place where the rest of his life was. The deep-sea fish and the shallow-water fish looked calm, did not say anything, but waited patiently here.

Time is passing by a little bit!

Yu Sheng did not dare to appear, because he could not judge where the piranha was, nor could he judge how strong the piranha was and how strong it was to be able to attack him in the dark, it was also a bit troublesome for him.

"How to do?"

For the rest of his life, his brain is running fast. For the rest of his life at this moment, he is extremely calm. Yu Sheng knows that the more such conditions, the more calm he must be. If he does not keep calm enough, he is likely to be attacked by the enemy. kill.

Yu Sheng was lying here, he looked around, because it was dark night, so he couldn't see the surrounding situation clearly, Yu Sheng frowned, and he thought a little.

"It seems I can only give it a try."

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng took a deep breath. He took a dig on his body and escaped with a flash bomb. This flash bomb was also carried by Yu Sheng, but he has never used it.

Now it happens to be useful.

Yu Sheng glanced around indifferently, revealing a little dignity in Yu Sheng's eyes.

"It seems I can only give it a try."

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng took a deep breath. For the rest of his life, he pulled the safety latch and threw the flash bomb casually.

As Yu Sheng threw the flash bomb out, for the rest of his life at this time, his expression was cold and severe. The next moment, he appeared directly. Of course, the speed of the rest of his life was extremely fast, almost for a moment, and he did not aim and shoot the piranha at all. Chance.

In this world, no matter how strong you are, you need to have some time at the moment you aim and shoot. If you exceed these times, you will not be able to hit the target at all.


This trance for the rest of his life was just a blink of an eye in front of the piranha's eyes. When the piranha noticed this scene, the piranha frowned.

"This guy is testing me?"

At this time, the piranha stared at Yu Sheng's side, and saw that Yu Sheng suddenly appeared and then suddenly bowed, which made the piranha slightly puzzled.

What does this guy want to do...


Suddenly, there was a dazzling white light from the piranha. This sudden situation caused the piranha's face to change drastically. Then, the piranha closed his eyes for an instant, and for a while, he felt his eyes white. The vast expanse, this sudden situation made the piranha a little shocked.

"Flash Bomb..."

Although the flash bomb is far away from him, he can see the dazzling white light clearly. No matter how far away you are, as long as you see this dazzling white light, it will be affected, so , When the piranha noticed this dazzling white light, it made his eyes almost blind.

After the deep-sea fish and shallow-water fish noticed this scene, all their faces changed greatly: "Piranha, what's the matter?"

"The other party has a flash bomb." The piranha said with a gloomy face: "Now my eyes are a little uncomfortable and I can't see clearly ahead."

"Flash bomb?"

This scene surprised both the deep-sea fish and the shallow-water fish. Obviously, he did not expect that the other party even carried a flash bomb, which surprised him a bit.

"The two of us go up and kill him." The deep-sea fish and the shallow-water fish began to speak.

"Okay, you guys be careful." The piranha said coldly.


After that, the two of them ran in one direction, and for the rest of their lives at this time, their figure jumped up, and he rushed in one direction. He knew that his flash flick would work. No, the other party is not a fool, and the other party's consciousness is very spear, the other party must have noticed his own existence at the moment of his emergence.

Therefore, Yu Sheng dare to make such an appearance.

As Yu Sheng jumped out, Yu Sheng noticed that the opponent had not shot at him. He had already determined that the opponent had been injured by his flash bomb. For a while, he might not be able to target them.

For the rest of his life, such a short period of effort is enough.

Yu Sheng ran in one direction quickly. The speed of the rest of his life was extremely fast. He used all the speed of his whole body. With this full exertion, it can be seen how terrifying Yu Sheng's speed is.

For the rest of his life, he quickly approached a distance of about 300 meters. Such a distance was almost within his range. His gun was incomparable with the opponent because his gun was AK. Although it was not small in power, it was stable. Very bad, but in his hands, it definitely belongs to a sharp gun.

Yu Sheng lay here cautiously, paying attention to the surroundings, and soon Yu Sheng was aware of the existence of other people.

"found it……"

Others are moving, so for the rest of his life, through the Earth induction shooting technique, he easily perceives the existence of the opponent, and there is a little coldness in Yu Sheng's eyes.

"Still two."

Yu Sheng frowned, and he pondered for a little while, not knowing why, he felt that these two men were a little different from the one who had just shot. It seemed that the two were not the same person just now.

When Yu Sheng thought of this, Yu Sheng's brows were also frowned.

Yu Sheng pondered for a moment: "It seems that I can only kill them first~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Thinking of this, Yu Sheng took a deep breath.


But at this moment, there was a burst of gunfire, followed by the sound of a sudden gunshot, and Yu Sheng also changed his expression.

"No, I was found again..."

Perceiving this scene for the rest of my life, I pulled the trigger without hesitation, and I pulled the trigger extremely fast...

"Da da."

Two gunshots resounded, and the two bullets burst out in one direction like lightning, which was extremely fast.

"Ding Ding..."

But at this moment...

A hurried voice resounded...

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