I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1095: The battle with No. 1

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He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and other three people's movements, after seeing the slightest bit of No. 2 not far away, all their expressions were condensed.

"Number two, three people have outflanked us." Number four said condensedly.

"Damn it." After seeing this scene on the 2nd, his face sank. Obviously it was a little unsightly. This situation is extremely unfavorable for them. They are crowded for the rest of their lives. Surrounded and beaten, although they are the king of soldiers, the opponent also has the existence of the king of soldiers.

If it were not for the loss of four people, they would not have a big problem, but after they lost four people, this caused their combat effectiveness to plummet. This was also a major blow to them. They didn't expect it to be here. Meeting such a difficult opponent, for a while, this makes their faces a little harder to look.

"Attack them, create time for Number One, and don't let them pass so quickly." Number Two said in a deep voice.


Immediately the two shot at He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others, but...they were only two of them, and He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others cooperated closely. When the two wanted to shoot at them, They had already made evasive actions, even lying in one place without moving, and the last person quickly ran in the other direction, after all, there was a Thor on their side.

As for the other party, there are only two people. No matter how powerful they are, it is impossible for one person to be used as two people. Therefore, this has not stopped He Chenguang and the others from speeding at all.

When He Chenguang and the others moved, they ran in the other direction again. After the scenes of No. 2 and No. 4, their complexion became even more ugly. Continue like this. It only takes a few minutes. He Chenguang and the others were able to defend the two of them. Once they were surrounded, it would be extremely troublesome.


No. 2 cursed secretly. Faced with this situation, they had no solution at all. This was the advantage of the number of people.

If all of them were there, then relying on their combat effectiveness, the difference was now half wiped out, but because of their negligence and carelessness, this led to a sharp decline in their combat effectiveness.

That led to this situation now.

"One, we can't stand it anymore." There is no nonsense on the two. He knows the situation now and must find a way. Otherwise, they will all be made dumplings sooner or later.

"Find a way to kill them." Number One said solemnly.

"Now they are surrounded by three people. These three guys are extremely powerful." Number Two quickly explained: "Once they surround us, all three of us will be in danger."

The face of Number One who was running wildly became extremely gloomy. Number One took a deep breath, and their combat effectiveness dropped sharply. This was also a major blow to them, especially at this level, if not for If the solution is resolved, the more passive they get behind.


Number One gritted her teeth and said in a condensed voice, "I will leave here immediately."

At this moment, there is no way for Number One. For the rest of their lives, they have at least four kings, and there are many top special forces. If they don’t withdraw, they might be wiped out. At this moment, they will retain the most strength. Important, once the entire army is annihilated, it will also be a major loss for them.

"Number four, withdraw."

After No. 2 heard No. 1's decision, he immediately spoke.

"I heard it, let's go."

With an order, No. 2 and No. 4 quickly retreated. He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others also smiled coldly after seeing this scene.

"Want to run, did you run."

Immediately, the two pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The sudden gunshots also made No. 2 and No. 4 panic, and then they hid them, their faces extremely ugly.

At this time, Yu Sheng was also aware of the intentions of No.1 and No.2, and a faint sneer appeared between the corners of Yu Sheng's mouth.

"Want to run now?"

Yu Sheng's eyes were full of strong killing intent. At this time, he wanted to run, but he had to see if he agreed. Yu Sheng set up the sniper rifle and aimed it in the direction of No. 1, Yu Sheng did not hesitate to pull the trigger.


The deep gunfire resounded from the forest. The gunshot sounded like a roar of a beast. The bullet passed through the forest, almost in the blink of an eye, before it came to No.1.

However, Number One seemed to have been prepared for a long time. When the bullet came over, he had already made evasion in advance. As soon as his figure moved, the bullet almost passed against his body.


After No.1 noticed this scene, Ling No.1 couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath. No.1 was also very shocked. He didn't expect...

This bullet almost killed him.

Thinking of this, Number One flung a shot and fired back.

But Yu Sheng had been prepared for a long time, and when the first shot was fired, he had already hid, so this bullet hit Yu Sheng not far away.

Yu Sheng stared sharply at Number One. So far, there are still three people on the other side. This can be said to have reduced the pressure on their side, and this also gave them the opportunity to eliminate the Lightning Commando.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng's body moved quickly. With a movement of Yu Sheng's figure, he rushed forward like lightning, and Yu Sheng's figure was extremely fast.

Number One also noticed Yu Sheng's figure, which made Number One's face sink. He could see that Yu Sheng, the fellow, obviously wanted to chase them, which made Number One also furious.

Their Lightning Commandos are among the top special forces in the world~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Unexpectedly, being beaten like this by a group of newcomers made him very angry.

"court death."

No. 1 was furious and fired a shot at Yu Sheng.

There was a muffled sound, and a bullet shot towards Yu Sheng's chest.

In his opinion, this bullet is very difficult to avoid. Generally speaking, in this battle, many people don't shoot their heads, because the area of ​​their heads is too small. This blow, but if it is to shoot the heart, it is not necessarily, because the chest area is large, so the probability of hitting is also high.

Only some very confident people will shoot at the head. Of course, this headshot also depends on the situation. It is impossible to shoot at the head under all circumstances.


After Yu Sheng saw this scene, there was a faint coldness between the corners of his mouth. If he wanted to kill him with this shot, it would be a foolish dream.


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