I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1096: Annihilation

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For the rest of his life, he also pulled the trigger, but the direction in which the bullet fired was not in the direction where the number one was, but toward the bullet fired by the number one.


The bullet collided, sparking sparks, almost in an instant, two bullets were blown out, and I don't know where they flew.

At this time, No. 1 flashed her eyes.

"Sniper dropped my bullet."

Number One's expression condensed, and he suddenly felt that the guy in front of him was not weaker than him. Only at this moment did he know how perverted this kid really is.

At this time, there was also a feeling of regret in No.1's heart. If he knew that, he shouldn't kill them for the rest of his life.

Number One's eyes flickered twice, and his figure rushed towards Yu Sheng. Number One also knew that it would be extremely difficult for him to escape from Yu Sheng's sniper range, because Yu Sheng is not weak in combat effectiveness. His special forces, so he must find a way to kill this guy.

Only then can they hope to leave here.

Originally, he was not very far away from the rest of his life, such a distance, as long as he was given a period of time, he could reach it.

Thinking of this, No.1 did not hesitate anymore, and went crazy in the direction where the rest of his life was.

The figure of Number One flashed quickly, Yu Sheng saw the movements of Number One, and probably understood what the other party meant. At this time, Yu Sheng was not in a hurry, because the rhythm on the battlefield has been gradually controlled by him, even if it is No matter how powerful the number one is, there is no way to do anything to him.

So, he just needs patience.

For the rest of his life, he kept shooting No.1, and No.1's figure flickered frequently. Even for the rest of his life, he was a little surprised by this ability.

With the arrival of No. 1, at this time, No. 1 is only about 20 meters away from him. For the rest of his life at this moment, his complexion has also become fierce.

"He Chenguang, stare at those two guys and leave this old guy to me." Yu Sheng spoke quickly.

"Okay, don't worry."

He Chenguang didn't talk nonsense, staring at No.2 and No.4 closely.


At this moment, No.1 had already arrived in front of Yu Sheng. As Yu Sheng came to the front of No. One, No. One’s eyes flickered, and there was a little coldness in his eyes. Then, No. One was one. The fist blasted Yu Sheng fiercely.

After realizing this scene, Yu Sheng didn't panic, stepped back a bit, and on one side of his body, he avoided the punch. Immediately after, Yu Sheng lifted his foot and kicked hard towards Number One. The speed of the rest of his life was nothing short of It's fast and accurate, and there is no reaction time for No. 1, but the experience between life and death on No. 1 is not a white experience.

When No.1 moved, he avoided the blow. However, No.1 took two steps back. When No.1 noticed this scene, No.1's complexion also became a little dignified. I have to say, Yu Sheng, this guy's combat effectiveness is indeed very strong, a little bit beyond his expectations.

Unexpectedly, Yu Sheng's close combat was so powerful, which surprised him a bit.

Number One's complexion became a little dignified.

Yu Sheng confronted No.1, and Yu Sheng secretly thought: "Is this the captain of the Lightning Commando? It is indeed a bit powerful."

"Hua Xia boy, what is your name." Number One said sharply.

Yu Sheng was slightly surprised when he heard this. He didn't expect this guy to speak Chinese. This was indeed beyond his expectation. Even Chinese would seem that the other party did not work hard.

You know, Chinese is the most difficult language in the world to learn. Even Huaxia people dare not say that they are proficient in Chinese. At most, there is no big problem in daily conversation. Everyone can look dumbfounded.

"Demon Ji."

Yu Sheng said lightly.

"Demon Ji?"

After I heard this sentence, I was dumbfounded for a while, because I didn't expect Yu Sheng to have such a name. Isn't this a character in a game?

Number One also knew that this should be a code name Yu Sheng said, and Number One did not struggle with this matter, but stared at Yu Sheng.

"You **** it."

Number One was obviously very angry. If it weren't for the rest of his life, he might have killed the team. It was because of the rest of his life that their team suffered heavy losses, and it was this guy who made trouble.

The anger of Number One did not surprise Yu Sheng. He killed so many people. If the other party was not angry, it would be strange. Yu Sheng looked at Number One in front of him with a cold expression.

"Bring your horse here." Yu Sheng said.

"damn it."

When the voice fell, No.1 shot like lightning. This time No.1 shot, without mercy, but attacked towards the vital point of the rest of his life.

They are all special forces. They are naturally critical in their shots. They will not waste time with you in the battle. You must know... If a second is wasted, there may be more danger. Therefore, they pay attention to it. These are the most effective ways to kill the enemy.

So, every move and every style of them. It's all so simple and clear.

"Boom boom..."

The muffled sound continued to spread, and Yu Sheng and No.1 were entangled together. For a time, no one could do anything about it. No.1 noticed this scene, and his expression changed drastically.

Because even he didn't expect that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yu Sheng's combat effectiveness would be so strong, such a strong combat effectiveness, even if compared to him, it is not inferior.

Thinking of this, Number One’s complexion was a bit unsightly. He thought that with his own close combat, he could completely kill the rest of his life, but he never expected that the rest of his life would be even more powerful than his sniper skills. , Is this guy still a person? Depending on his grade, it might not be too big. How did he train? How can it be so strong?

Number One is also getting more and more frightened, and he didn't expect that the rest of his life will be so terribly strong, this guy is simply too abnormal.

At this time, No. 2 and No. 4 were constantly suppressed. Although the three soldiers were all junior soldiers, they were all soldiers. There were only two of them, and He Chenguang and the others had a group of people. , Which led to No. 2 and No. 4, which could only be continuously suppressed.

They are also uncomfortable this time.


No. 2 cursed secretly, with all kinds of anger in his heart, but in the face of such suppression, they had nothing to do, and the No. 1 side was also restrained. Now they can be said to be the best in the urn, awkward. Extremely.

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