, The fastest update I have the latest chapter of a special forces system!

If a person acts alone, the mobility is very good, and the enemy wants to catch it but it is not so easy. This is the difference between fewer people and more people.

"Are you sure?" Bai Yang took a deep look at Yu Sheng, and asked solemnly.

"Yes, sure." Yu Sheng nodded.

Although he didn't know what Yu Sheng wanted to do, Bai Yang didn't stop it either.

"Yu Sheng, it is too dangerous for you to act alone." He Chenguang heard Yu Sheng act alone, which caused their complexions to change slightly.


There are too many enemies. Even if the rest of his life is alone, it is difficult to do anything. Once discovered by the enemy, the enemy will directly rush up, and the rest of his life will inevitably be eliminated.

After all, the opponents are all masters of the Bing King level, facing this kind of master... not everyone can leave easily.

"Yes for the rest of your life, it is too dangerous for you to act alone. You can take us with you, and we can help more or less." Xu Tianlong also persuaded.

"For the rest of your life, you are acting alone and you are weak. The enemy will not take you to heart. It is difficult for you to make a difference. It is better to stay with us and act together, so that we have some hope of winning. "Song Kaifei couldn't help but said.

The rest of his life acting alone also surprised everyone. No one thought that Yu Sheng wanted to act alone. This alone is not a good thing.

A person's power is limited. If you encounter a team, what should you do? Can only wait to die in place.

Therefore, acting alone is not a good sign.

Yu Sheng shook his head and said, "It's okay."

"I am more mobile by myself. If the enemy wants to kill me, it depends on whether they have the ability. I am not so easy to be killed."

This is also an idea of ​​Yu Sheng.

"But for the rest of my life..."

He Chenguang and others are a little anxious, because they are used to being led by Yu Sheng. As long as Yu Sheng leads their team, they will have full confidence, but no longer for the rest of their lives, which makes them seem to have lost a master mind. It's normal, so they can't help but feel a little flustered.

Yu Sheng smiled and said: "Captain Aries is also a very powerful soldier. He will lead you. The problem is not big. Okay, then you will act together, and I will act alone."

"However, if you act together, the goal is big and it is easy to be spotted by the enemy. You have to be careful."

The words of the rest of his life made everyone silent for a while. At this time, Bai Yang nodded slightly and said, "Then be careful."

Now that the rest of his life had made a decision, he naturally wouldn't say anything, but directly spoke.

"Good." Yu Sheng nodded and said.

No nonsense for the rest of his life, he said: "Then I will go first, you take care."

"Take care of yourself."

I left here for the rest of my life!

Bai Yang looked at Yu Sheng who had left. He pondered for a moment and didn't know what he was thinking. He felt that Yu Sheng might bring him some surprises.

But then he shook his head and said nothing.

As the rest of their lives left, He Chenguang and others all sighed slightly. At this time, Bai Yang said in a condensed voice: "Now we have to leave here immediately. The three teams will find us soon. We have to find a way to kill them. ."

Bai Yang's words caused everyone to pause, and his complexion immediately became a little dignified.

Bai Yang looked at He Chenguang and others again, and said solemnly: "Since your captain has handed you over to me and my command, I hope you can obey the order. Now is our most critical moment. If we are not careful, we will have The whole army may be wiped out."

"Do you understand what I mean?"

In a word, everyone present nodded solemnly, and He Chenguang and others all knew the priority of the matter. This is not the time for willfulness.


He Chenguang and others didn't even think about it, so they answered.

"very good."

Bai Yang nodded slightly and said, "The place we are going to now is here."

Afterwards, Bai Yang took out a map and said in a deep voice: "There is a natural barrier in this place, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. There is only one way to attack us. The enemy's points are not as high as ours. If we want to eat it, we can only attack from here and kill us. If we can hold on, we can win."

"So this is my battle plan."

Bai Yang’s words made He Chenguang and the others condensed their expressions. They found that the place Bai Yang said was indeed the best place. The terrain of this place is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the enemy wants to attack. Very difficult.


The enemy is a combination of three forces, so the biggest point of contention together is the points.

good! It is points.

Their three teams naturally hope that their own people can get points, so they will never share their points with each other, because they all want to win the championship.

If it is said that all the points of their tripartite forces have taken out more than their Huaxia team, and much more, but...

There is one advantage.

The points of these three teams cannot be combined, because everyone wants a championship. However, the points of these three teams are not combined. Then, the points of each of their teams are compared to theirs. It is a lot less, no team has more points than them.

The point of contention is here.

Therefore, these three teams will take the lead to destroy them, and then kill each other to get the final points. Whoever gets the final points will win the championship.

This is also the final goal of these three teams, so when fighting ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ it is very likely that there will be a situation where there is no effort.

This is naturally a good thing for them. If these people don't work hard, they will be safe.

After hearing Bai Yang’s analysis, He Chenguang and others felt that this matter was feasible. The enemy would definitely come to them because of their points. To find them, they must pass through this place. However, this place is easy to defend and difficult to attack. For them, this is a natural barrier.

So this is a good thing.

They all agreed.

With the decision to fight, they ran towards this place one after another...

As for the rest of his life, he was walking alone in this forest, and no one knew what he wanted to do...to say that he knew, I'm afraid he is the only one.

But for the whole, leaving the team for the rest of his life, in their opinion, is not a good thing...

Because Yu Sheng left the team, Fan Tianlei and the others were all astonished...

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