I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1102: Decisive battle

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"What's the matter? Why did Yu Sheng act alone?" When Chen Shanming learned that Yu Sheng acted alone, everyone present was slightly taken aback. Obviously, they did not expect Yu Sheng to choose to act alone. .

You know, the danger of acting alone is relatively much greater. For the rest of his life, acting alone has limited power, and he is unlikely to be the opponent's opponent.

For a while, everyone was a little confused. They felt that for the rest of their lives, acting alone was the most irrational behavior. If they were with the fifth type of commando team, there was more or less some protection, and the enemy wanted to destroy them. , It's not that easy, after all, Bai Yang and the others are not vegetarian either.

"Yes, why did Yu Sheng act alone?" Li Erniu asked in confusion.

"I was too impulsive for the rest of my life." Chen Shanming shook his head and said: "A person acts alone. Once he encounters an enemy, he won't even have a place to run."

"But there are advantages." Miao Lang said: "His mobility is very good, but the enemies must all be together in groups, no matter how good the mobility is, I am afraid it doesn't make much sense."

Miao Lang's analysis is good. For the rest of his life, he can't kill the opponent's entire team alone, right? This is obviously an unlikely thing. After all, the enemies are real soldiers, their combat effectiveness is extremely terrifying, and their survival in the wild is also very experienced.

Therefore, it doesn't make much sense for a person to act alone for the rest of his life.

Fan Tianlei's brows were also frowned, and he also felt that Yu Sheng was a little impulsive. According to reason, Yu Sheng should not act alone.


Fan Tianlei also vaguely felt that acting alone might not be a good thing for Yu Sheng, because there were too many miracles that happened to Yu Sheng.

That being the case, will this time bring them some miracles for the rest of their lives?

Fan Tianlei did not participate in the analysis, but was thinking about the feasibility of this matter in his brain. As for Zhao Yunfeng, he sighed slightly. Zhao Yunfeng shook his head slightly. Yu Sheng left the fifth type of assault team, this fifth type of assault. The team is equivalent to one less soldier, and for the fifth type of commando, it is equivalent to one less force.

"Let's take a look at the development process of the matter first. At present, the Tsarist Russian special forces have been wiped out by their three teams, and there are only four teams next. I hope they can get a good result." Zhao Yunfeng paused and said.

Zhao Yunfeng's words shocked everyone present, and everyone present took a deep breath. They took a deep look at Zhao Yunfeng and were not talking.

At the same time!

Na Bai Yang and others have come to that place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. That place is indeed a good place for sniper warfare. As long as they can hold this place, then they can win, because of this. It must be these three teams that should be anxious at the moment.

These three teams don't have enough points, so they have to find a way to get points from them. Only in this way can they win the championship!

"Be careful, someone is coming."

At this moment, Bai Yang's complexion condensed. They were all cautiously hiding around. Their eyes were looking forward, with a little heaviness in their eyes.

They all know that the opponent has a lot of soldiers, and the combat effectiveness is super strong. If they want to kill the opponent, this is a very difficult task, and the possibility is very small.

But as long as they hold this place, even if they have won, they are not in a hurry. All they have to do now is only one word.


At this time, three teams rushed toward this side quickly. Soon, they came to this big mountain. They were hiding in the dark, carefully watching the surroundings.

The three headed by them were the captain of the Sakura Special Forces and the others.

The three of them gathered together, carefully watching the position of Bai Yang and others.

"Are you sure they will come to this place?" Captain Sakura frowned and said solemnly: "They will be a turtle here?"

"Yes." The SEAL captain looked cold. The SEAL captain was tall, and there was a cold and stern breath on his face, which was daunting. This man is the captain of the SEAL team, and he is also a top soldier. Wang, extremely powerful.

On the other side, there is a man who looks a little thin and weak, and has a little white skin. The man is wearing military uniform and looks like some movie stars. He looks quite handsome. This person is Captain of the 707 Special Forces.

The SEAL captain said indifferently: "In the entire mountain, there is only one place. This place is easy to defend and difficult to attack. I have heard that there are only a dozen special forces in China, and there are only about ten soldiers. , They are not our opponents, as long as we want, we can kill them at any time."

"Therefore, they will definitely not confront us head-on. They can only find a place to hide, and this place is the best place. They will hide in this place and fight with us. Now we don’t have enough points. So they can only find it from them, they will surely guess these, so now they should have been ambushing here."

The words of Captain Seal made everyone nod slightly, because Captain Seal made a good analysis. However, the fact is exactly as Captain Seal said, Bai Yang and the others have been waiting here for a long time.

Bai Yang was more jealous than them, more than two dozen soldiers, this is a fighting force that no one can ignore.

This combat power is too strong~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so powerful that it is very difficult for them to resist. Although these places are easy to defend and difficult to attack, but...even if it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, it puts pressure on Bai Yang and others. It is also great, you know, the opponent is the king of soldiers, if there are other soldiers as cover, let them rush into the canyon, it may not be impossible, and the success rate is extremely high.

This is what Bai Yang worries about.

"Should we attack next?" the captain of the 707 Special Forces spoke lightly.

Hearing the words, Captain Seal glanced at Captain 707 casually and laughed mockingly. He faintly said: "You can try and see if you can attack."

Captain 707 was a little angry when he heard this. He gave Captain Seal a cold look, which made him a little angry.

"Humph." Captain 707 snorted coldly and did not continue to speak.

Captain Sakura said coldly: "This group of cunning Chinese people chose such a place, which is really hateful."

Everyone was a little dissatisfied with Bai Yang and the others choosing such a place, this place is not a good thing for them.

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