I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1103: Play with you

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"Distribute the battle plan." The SEAL captain said coldly: "I will command the battle below, and you will follow my orders."


As soon as this statement came out, it made the faces of the captain of the Sakura Special Forces and the captain of the 707 Special Forces condensed. They all looked at the Seal Captain deeply and sneered: "Listen to you fighting? What qualifications do you have to command our great empire? Special Forces, don’t forget, the relationship between you and us is just a cooperative relationship."

Upon hearing this, Captain 707 also sneered and said: "When it comes to commanding the battle, it should be our 707 to command the team. Our combat experience is better than you. We are the strongest special forces in the world."

The words of Captain 707 made Captain Seal cold. Captain Seal took a deep breath. His expression was a bit unsightly. Indeed, they are all cooperatives. It is a big trouble to command everyone to fight. If these people are their own, then the rest will be easy to handle.

Their combat effectiveness must at least soar by one level, but because of the estrangement between them, this will cause frequent problems between them, which is also a disadvantage.

As for Captain Sakura, he sneered in his heart and was commanded by the Seal Captain to fight. How could this be possible? He said that it is impossible for the seal person to command his own person.

If the seal people treat them as cannon fodder, the loss will be great. What's more, they are also competitive. Right now, it is only cooperation, and cooperation is likely to be terminated at any time. Cooperation It is for the benefit of both parties itself.

If they were sold, it would not be what they wanted, and what kind of virtues each of the seal people had, would he still not know?

All of them are arrogant, rude, and have bad intentions every day. These people can do anything, and they can definitely do it as cannon fodder.

If their people suffered heavy losses, in the end, what would they use to fight the SEALs against the 707 unit? You know, there is only one champion, and the points between them are almost the same. The reason for working together is only for these points. Therefore, it is impossible for them to release their troops and be controlled by others.

And Captain 707’s idea is obviously the same as Captain Sakura’s idea. They say that it is impossible for the SEALs to control the army. This is not a good thing for them. In case they are pushed out as cannon fodder, That would be a big trouble.


The Seal Captain cursed inwardly.

However, the idea in his mind is indeed the same. He wants Sakura Special Forces and 707 Special Forces to act as decoys to attract Bai Yang's attention, and then they will kill Bai Yang from the side, so that he can achieve The purpose of consuming these three teams.

It can consume the combat power of these three teams, which is also a huge benefit for their seals, because they can take advantage of the fishermen.

However, the two teams were not under his control, which made the Seal captain curse in his heart.

The SEAL captain said faintly: "Since you don't want to be commanded to fight by me, then let's fight separately."

Hearing this, 707 looked at Captain Seal with a mocking look, and sneered: "We don't want you to direct the battle, but you can let your people be included in our team and be under our command. Don't worry, we It must be treated equally."

The words of Captain 707 made Captain SEAL's face sinking. Captain SEAL glanced at Captain 707 coldly. How could their team be led by these two guys, and they couldn't be incorporated into their team? The thoughts in his mind. Isn't it what Captain 707 had in their minds?

"These guys." The Seal Captain took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and thought secretly: "When these Chinese soldiers are resolved, you will be destroyed. I really think that with your team, you can follow We made comparisons, cannibalism, idiotic dreams."

The SEAL captain said faintly: "My team, you are not qualified to control it. Your little 707 captain would dare to control my SEAL team, wishful thinking."

The words of the SEAL captain made Captain 707's face sink. All of a sudden, the green and red alternated. Only the SEAL captain said faintly: "If this is the case, let's fight separately. Let's go from three areas. You choose which area you want to go to."

The words of Captain Seal made 707 and the others coldly snorted. Immediately, Captain Sakura said faintly: "Let's go to the left."

"Let's go to the right."

The two quickly chose the direction, the Seal Captain heard the words, secretly mocking.

However, for these three paths, it is obvious that the middle is the worst, because the middle is easy to withstand the most direct attack, but on the sides, there is a chance to block some bodies, so Bai Yang will not be able to hit them. This is why they want to choose these two places.

The SEAL captain said coldly: "If this is the case, then let's act separately. The enemy is inside. If we don't destroy the enemy, we will never get points. We will win the special forces of China at that time. I hope You should show your strength and don't hide your combat effectiveness."

"Otherwise, not only will I be unlucky, even you will be wiped out. I think you don't want this group of Chinese special forces to win the championship, right?"

The words of Captain Seal made everyone snorted~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Just like the words of Captain Seal, they naturally did not want to let them win the championship for the rest of their lives. If they won the championship, wouldn't their three teams cooperate in vain? The reason why they cooperated is just to make the power stronger and completely wipe out these Huaxia teams.

Huaxia's special forces may not have that strong combat effectiveness, but they are definitely the most troublesome existence one by one. Therefore, they are very afraid of Huaxia's wolf teeth, so they came up with such a method.

Use the cooperative relationship to defeat Spikes, so that they can settle the rest of the matter with confidence.

"Hehe." Captain Sakura heard the words and sneered: "We know."

"I hope you seals don't hide their strength, if we find out, we don't mind eliminating you."

As soon as this statement came out, Captain 707 echoed, and they all sneered at Captain Seal.

ps: ask for a monthly pass, thank you everyone

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