I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1104: completely annihilated

, The fastest update I have the latest chapter of a special forces system!

Afterwards, Captain 707 and Captain Sakura quickly led their team, and they left here. They left as a group, and there was a fleeting glint in the eyes of Captain Seal.

"Captain, these guys don't take our Seals too much. Do you want to kill these two teams." One of the seals looked at the leaving Captain Sakura and Captain 707 with a sullen expression. This made them both. It was a little angry, especially when the two of them threatened their captain, they wanted to stand up and kill this group of guys.


The SEAL captain sneered when he heard the words: "The two teams are just a group of underdogs. Do you really think that you can defeat China's team by relying on them? Foolish dreams."

"You don't need to kill them first." The seal said faintly: "They are very good cannon fodder. Using them to contain the wolves, this can provide us with a good output environment."

"But the captain, this middle position is also the most dangerous position. Once you enter rashly, you will inevitably be attacked by people from China. What are we going to do?" This person couldn't help but ask.

Captain Seal said calmly: "What are you afraid of, who told you that we are going to enter here, we must fight against the wolf-fangs."


As soon as Captain Seal spoke, all the people present were taken aback. Obviously, they did not expect that Captain Seal would reply to them. For a while, it made them all puzzled.

"This is……"

The others asked inexplicably.

"Hehe, 707 and Sakura really think that my seals are good for bullying. If so, let them consume each other's people. We just need to be here and work without effort." The seal captain said lightly. : "We only need to attract, we don't need to shoot, wait until they finish fighting."

"By the way, even if you shoot, you have to behave."

Everyone was shocked by the words of Captain Seal. At this moment, they understood what Captain Seal meant. Obviously, Captain Seal was deliberate. He deliberately didn't work hard. He deliberately asked the opponent to fight first. Get up, then it will inevitably be consumed, which gives them a chance.

Thinking of this, they suddenly realized.

The SEAL captain said calmly: "Don't get too close to the wolffang people for a while, but always be behind, preferably behind Sakura and 707. Don't exceed the distance between them, let them bear the brunt."


As the SEAL captain issued a combat order, everyone nodded in response.

Obviously, Captain Seal is the one who wants to pit the Sakura Special Forces.

At this time, everyone was busy, and a great battle started.


To say that for the rest of his life at this time, after Yu Sheng left the team of Langya, he did not rush to other places, but came here, because Yu Sheng also noticed this canyon. In this place, Yi Shou Difficult to attack, this Bai Yang will inevitably choose here as his base, as long as they keep a path that must be passed, then the enemy will have nothing to do with them.

However, the opponents are all special forces kings with extremely strong combat power. With such terrible combat power, Bai Yang and the others may not be able to defend here. Here, it is probably just to delay time. As long as the time comes, they can get it. Victory, because of their points, is the highest.

The rest of his life is hidden in the dark. He is watching the cherry blossoms and the seal people carefully. At this moment, Yu Sheng has understood the intentions of the cherry blossoms and the seals. They want to be divided into three forces. If this is the case, Bai Yang and the others will inevitably be overwhelmed. , Which gave them the opportunity to rush in.

Yu Sheng stared at these people in front of him, and there was also a slight sneer in Yu Sheng's eyes: "If you want to rush in, it depends on whether I agree."

After Yu Sheng thought of this, he took a deep breath. He quickly hid in a place of about 1,300 meters, which is a long distance, and his current situation only allows him to be at such a far distance. Distance.

The reason why he used such a long distance was just to avoid these people. If these people rushed to surround him, it would be troublesome.

Yu Sheng looked at the front with a grim expression, his eyes revealed a little fierceness, and then he set up the sniper rifle. He did not dare to expose his murderous intentions. You must know that these special forces kings are extremely sensitive and so sensitive. Special Forces King, it is easy to find him, so he can only hide his killing intent.

At this time, both Sakura Troops and 707 Troops rushed up. They found their positions and hid them. When the two teams saw the SEAL Troops, it made them both very angry. They didn't expect the seals to be so insidious and cunning.

"Why are you so slow? The speed is up, don't you want to attack anymore?" Captain Sakura asked.

When the Seal Captain heard this, he said faintly: "We want to come up too, but there are several guns aiming at us over there, can't you let my people go and die?"

"The good positions have been selected by you. Why don't we change positions? Change to you to come in the middle, let's go to the side?" Captain Seal's words made Captain Sakura's face pale, and Captain Sakura was a little annoyed.

He knew that this was what the SEAL captain said deliberately and deliberately angered him. They all knew that the middle position was the most dangerous position because the obstacles were the fewest. In other words, the seal people were very Easy to become a living target.

Captain Sakura and Captain 707 naturally hope that the SEALs will be killed. In this way, in the end, there will be only one team like them, and they will be able to win the championship without bloodshed by themselves and others.

For such a championship ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, these three teams are calculating each other, they all hope that each other will die in the hands of the enemy.

"I hope you don't mess around." Captain Sakura snorted coldly: "Otherwise, I don't mind destroying you."

Hearing this, the seal captain's face sank: "Are you threatening me?"


Captain Sakura snorted and stopped talking.

"Captain, these guys are too arrogant, do you want to shoot them in the back?" Someone stood up and asked angrily.

"Humph." The SEAL captain sneered: "They won't be arrogant for long, don't worry, wait, these guys will be finished sooner or later."

The words of Captain Seal made everyone nod their heads, and everyone was not talking.

At this time, the gunfire resounded.


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