I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1105: Annihilated (2)

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With the sound of a gun resounding between the world and the earth, the pupils of everyone present suddenly shrank: "The enemy has shot, be careful."

With a loud roar, everyone present became more careful, and at the same time, Bai Yang also said loudly: "Everyone obeys the order, give me a hard hit, don't let them attack, pay attention to saving ammunition."


Bai Yang's voice fell, and everyone shot.

However, when they fired, they paid much attention, because the bullets on their bodies were limited.

Therefore, they must save money. If the bullet runs out, it will be even more troublesome. They have fewer people and do not have the advantage themselves. Once the enemy rushes up, more than 20 soldiers will be enough to destroy them all.

Therefore, they must save ammunition. Fortunately, they still have enough ammunition. Otherwise, it will be a big trouble.

"Boom boom boom..."

The sound of gunshots reverberates between the world and the earth. For a while, you come and go, and no one can do anything. At the beginning, everyone’s firepower is relatively fierce, not to mention that this place is still easy to defend and difficult to attack. Locally, none of these three special forces can attack, and they have no way.

If you rush to attack, it is likely to become a target, especially in the final stage of the game. These three teams have their own minds. They all don't work hard. This has led to a sharp decline in combat effectiveness.

After all, at this time, where a team is eliminated with many people, then that team is at a disadvantage, especially the three teams of them are only cooperative in name. Even when fighting, they are all commanding themselves. People who fight, you can imagine that the other side does not give the other side a chance at all.

They are also afraid that the other party will treat them as cannon fodder. In the end, these guys will profit.

For a while, the whole scene was in a stalemate, Bai Yang and the rest of the people were also a little relieved when they saw the situation in front of them.

He Chenguang and others know that at this moment it must be the reason why the minds of the three teams are no longer in line. If these people are from the same country or from the same team, these people can unconditionally obey orders. , Then, it was difficult for them at that time, and now this situation is exactly what they want.

However, this situation cannot continue forever, as long as the time comes, and they persist for a few days, they will be a complete victory.

However, even if the enemy did not work hard, the enemy is always the king of soldiers and has superior combat effectiveness. They still feel a great pressure, and that pressure makes them a little breathless, so they are too. Be extra careful.

"These guys are really insidious and cunning." Song Kaifei cursed, and said with some dissatisfaction: "The three teams unite to bully us. It really treats us as good bullies."

"That's right." Xu Tianlong was also so crushed that he couldn't raise his head. In this, if you say that the combat effectiveness is the worst, it is no different from the two of them. An inexplicable danger, that kind of danger, made the hairs of both of them stand upright.

Therefore, they are also very afraid of this, and they dare not shoot, and because of this, the two of them are constantly being suppressed, and this is nothing that can be done.

"Longlong, let's not dare to take the head right now. You said that this group of grandchildren are simply too powerful." Song Kaifei said with a painful voice: "This is still the most awkward battle that Song Kaifei has ever fought. ."

Xu Tianlong was also a little annoyed when he heard this, and said coldly: "No hurry, although they suppress us now, we can't raise our heads, but...the enemy must pass through the routine in front of us if they want to enter here, and secondly, either Turning over from the cliff, it is almost impossible to turn over, so they can only use this road to snipe us, as long as we stick to this road, they have nothing to do with us, and now we don’t use it. Anxious, what should be anxious is how can this grandson be right, let's deal with them patiently and don't let them come over."


Song Kaifei nodded solemnly when he heard the words. As Xu Tianlong said, they don't need to worry at all at this moment. The enemy is the one who should worry. The enemy must want to attack here quickly and get the points. As long as the points are not available, the enemy is like a grasshopper on a hot pot.

No matter how many soldiers you can do, as long as the points are not obtained by them, everything is easy to say.

Song Kaifei and Xu Tianlong both stared carefully at the front, firing two shots from time to time, and the battle also started.

And Yu Sheng, who has been hiding in the dark, stared at the direction of these three teams. There was a bit of coldness on Yu Sheng’s face. Yu Sheng did not rush to shoot, because he knew that as long as he fired, he must Will be discovered by the enemy, and once discovered by the enemy, there will be some trouble.

Therefore, the rest of his life has been looking for opportunities, not in a hurry to shoot, but patiently waiting.

With Bai Yang and the others fighting, Fan Tianlei and the rest became a little nervous at this time. They knew that the very dangerous moment had come, and it had also reached a very critical moment.

On the entire battlefield, there are only China and the other three teams. There are a total of four teams. These four teams are undoubtedly the top teams in the world.

But now...

The whole scene is extremely unfavorable for China~www.wuxiaspot.com~, because the three teams of the opposing team are united together. It is difficult for them to be secretive, but there are more than 20 soldiers, which makes them all too. It was anxious, and they all knew that there was no way to do this. Right now, the only thing left to do was to let the wolf-fangs pass it by themselves.

It’s just that it’s not that easy to make it through. After all, the opponent has more than 20 soldiers. What a terrifying combat power this is.

"Bai Yang has played against those three teams." Zhao Yunfeng's expression was condensed at this time, and he said solemnly.

As soon as Zhao Yunfeng's words were uttered, all the people present became dignified, and the eyes of those present flickered, revealing a little heaviness.

"I hope they can survive this level." Fan Tianlei took a deep breath, sighed slightly, and said helplessly.

For now, we can only hope that Bai Yang and the others can survive. If they can’t make it, it will be troublesome. At that time, they will have to withdraw from this international special forces competition. Although they don’t care about the result, it is more or less. Will also be very disappointed.

"Hope." Zhao Yunfeng also sighed slightly.

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