I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1106: Annihilated (3)

, The fastest update I have the latest chapter of a special forces system!

As for Chen Shanming, Miao Lang and others, all of them frowned, and their eyes revealed deep seriousness.

They also know that right now, the entire competition has reached the most critical moment. At this moment, there are countless pairs of eyes staring at this scene in front of them. Whether they can win or not depends on their ability for the rest of their lives.

But don't know why, they always have a bad premonition in their hearts.

"You said, can they win the rest of their lives." Li Erniu asked with some worry.

"Nonsense, it's okay." Little Bee couldn't help but muttered: "Their combat effectiveness is not bad. Although there are more enemies, they occupy a good place and it is difficult for the enemy to attack. It’s a victory, and we can definitely win."

From the point of view of Little Bee, they keep this path and there is no big problem, so he has full confidence that he can win this time.

"Yeah." Li Erniu nodded and said, "I also feel that they can win the rest of their lives. The rest of their lives have created many miracles. This time, they can also create many miracles."

"You seem to trust Yu Sheng very much?" Yan Wang suddenly asked.

"Of course." Li Erniu nodded and said: "The rest of my life is our leader and our teammate. Naturally, we must trust."

Hearing what Li Erniu said, he was amazed at Yan Wang. You must know that this trust has been built up a little bit.

I don't know what kind of Ecstasy Yu Sheng had given them, how long it took to have such trust between each other.

This ability is rare, but they didn't say anything. After all, they are not red blood cell people, and they are not qualified to say anything.


The battle at this time has also reached a feverish level. These three teams tried their best to invade this canyon, but they still underestimated Bai Yang's combat effectiveness. They attacked once, but did not attack. Time, this makes many people's complexions a little unnatural.

They have not attacked for so long, which makes them a little angry.


The SEAL captain took a look at this scene, but also showed a little anger. This attack did not go up once. Obviously, it was the result of the water release from Sakura and 707. The two teams did not use all their power. , Obviously also guarding against them.

This made the Seal Captain a bit annoyed, but it was nothing else. After all, they are just a cooperative relationship. Since it is a cooperative relationship, it is naturally impossible to put their team in danger.

The current stalemate also makes the Seal Captain's face a little ugly. If they stay in such a stalemate, it will not do them any good. If they get their points for the rest of their lives, they will be in a stalemate as they wish.

"Captain, these two teams are typically not working hard." One of them said angrily: "Should we stab them in the back and kill them?"

"Not urgent."

The seal captain's face sank and said coldly: "Sooner or later we have to teach this group of arrogant guys some lessons, but not now, now we still have something to use for this group of guys."

"If we rush up unilaterally, we will suffer heavy losses. It's okay to have this group of guys share our pressure. Let's not rush, just wait patiently for the opportunity here, and wait until the time comes, and then talk about it." Some are angry with 707 what they do, but they can't help it.

After all, they are only a cooperative relationship. This kind of relationship is the weakest. Once the interests of both parties are involved, they will soon terminate the cooperation.


Hearing the words of Captain Seal, everyone took a deep breath, suppressed their inner anger, and replied.

At this time, Yu Sheng's eyes flickered, and he took a deep breath.

"It's now……"

He waited for a long time and did not shoot at these people at the beginning. Now this time period is just right, because the enemy has already moved forward. If he attacks at these people at the beginning, these people will easily retreat and come here. Surrounding him, this will be a great trouble for him.

Therefore, now is the best opportunity to shoot.

"Then don't blame me."

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng smiled coldly.


Yu Sheng pulled the trigger, and as Yu Sheng pulled the trigger, a bullet passed through a forest and shot at a person in the Sakura Special Forces as fast as lightning.

That kind of speed is extremely fast.

However, as the gun was fired for the rest of his life, the targeted person seemed to perceive a threat. It was a feeling that his life was threatened. For a while, the person’s cold hair was erected instantly, and a chill came from The Tian Ling Gai reached the tail vertebrae, and the feeling made him a little bit shocked.

"It's not good...it's dangerous..."

When these words just appeared in his brain, he was shot in the chest at this time, and then the sensor system on his body was sensed. This person’s body was Thick yellow smoke came up.

This sudden yellow smoke also made the faces of the people present a little unnatural. Then, someone couldn't help but yelled: "There are enemies, there are enemies..."

With a loud roar, everyone concealed one after another. This sudden situation directly disrupted the whole scene, and for a while, this made everyone present a little angry.

"What's the matter?" someone said angrily.

"How can our people get shot? It's impossible."

"It's the enemy~www.wuxiaspot.com~The enemy is behind us. Everyone is careful." They are all special forces kings. After Yu Sheng fired the first shot at them, they instantly judged the direction Yu Sheng was in. Roared.


When everyone heard the words, they all looked surprised and hurriedly said: "Hidden."

At this time Captain Seal's face was also extremely ugly, he was also frightened and angry. He never expected that there was an enemy hidden in this dark place. This was indeed a bit beyond his expectation. Now, how could it be possible? Are there enemies hiding in the dark? You know, only their team and China's team are on the entire battlefield.

Logically speaking, other people shouldn't appear behind them, but what I didn't expect is that there are other people behind them, which makes their faces a little difficult to look at.


After Captain Sakura saw that one of his people had been killed, Captain Sakura was also furious.

He didn't expect that the eliminated person would be his own...

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