I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1108: Annihilated (5)

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"Kill him, kill that kid." Captain Sakura's eyes were red, and his complexion became a little crazy. He lost two of them at once, which is also a great loss for Sakura Special Forces.

After these 707 and SEAL special forces saw this scene in front of them, their eyes all showed a little playful smile, which was a touch of sarcasm and ridicule, and at the same time, they were secretly happy.

The more the Sakura Special Forces loses, the more benefits will be gained to their two units. After all, their three special forces are all in a competitive relationship.

Although it is the cooperation period, if they can weaken the opponent's strength during the cooperation period, they are naturally very happy...but they are more afraid of Spike.

They didn't expect that there would be enemies behind them. This was something they didn't expect. However, the three special forces kings, killing each other alone, seemed to them enough.

After all, they are all special forces kings with superior combat effectiveness. If even one person can't solve them, then these people have lived on dogs for so many years.

"The rest of the people will attack the canyon for me." The 707 Special Forces people withdrew their gazes one after another, and said immediately.


With an order, they attacked the canyon one after another. As for the rest of their lives, they directly handed over to these three people.

In the valley, Bai Yang, He Chenguang and others were also aware of this abnormality, especially when the other three teams were eliminated, they all saw it.

"It's Yu Sheng..." He Chenguang blurted out, and said, "It must be Yu Sheng."

"It must be Yu Sheng, and only Yu Sheng can achieve this level." Wang Yanbing nodded in agreement and said.

"Unexpectedly, the rest of my life will be behind these people. This is easy. At this moment, these people are attacked by us back and forth, counterattack, and teach these people some lessons." Song Kaifei said with some excitement.

They used this method when they were fighting lightning special forces before. For the rest of their lives, they went around behind the enemy and gave the enemy a fatal blow. It was a dizzy blow to the enemy. Now, for them, this is tantamount to giving away charcoal in the snow. There are endless benefits.


He Chenguang and the others did not hesitate. They shot at the three teams one after another. For a time, the battle in the whole scene was extremely fierce, while Bai Yang frowned. I don’t know why, in his heart, suddenly There was a bad premonition, that premonition made his eyelids jump.

"What's going on? Is there something big going to happen?" Bai Yang thought secretly.

However, he didn't care about anything, but continued to fight back against these people. They all knew that the other party had a lot of people, even if the other party was pinned down by the rest of his life, so many people still have a lot to them. Pressure, so if they want to take root here and persist to the end, they must destroy a few enemies.

Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to stick to it, Special Forces King, that is not for nothing.


At this time, three people rushed toward the rest of their lives. I have to say that these people are all top super masters. They marched extremely fast. It only took a short time, that is, there are still five hundred before the rest of their lives. At a distance of about meters, such a short distance, it does not take a few minutes at all to reach it.

After Yu Sheng noticed this scene, he got up and ran quickly in other directions. Yu Sheng ran extremely fast.

"No, he wants to run."

A member of the Sakura Special Forces saw Yu Sheng running away, which made him stare, and immediately shouted: "Baga..."

The people of Sakura Special Forces were very angry. They killed the two soldiers for the rest of their lives. This approach was tantamount to slap their faces severely. Therefore, it made him a little angry. Here ran away, how will their Sakura Special Forces come out in the future.

If they don't, they will be severely criticized by their boss, and even cause other consequences.

Therefore, after seeing Yu Sheng ran away, he became very angry, and immediately accelerated a little bit, and swiftly ran in the direction where Yu Sheng was.

On the other hand, the people of the 707 Special Forces and the SEAL Special Forces are slower. They are just following the members of the Sakura Special Forces, and they are not in a hurry.


These two forces also have their own minds.

Yu Sheng swiftly shuttled through the forest, a faint sneer appeared between the corners of Yu Sheng's mouth, running, but he is good at it, and now his physique has reached a very powerful level, and his body is even more powerful. He Now running twenty to thirty kilometers is easy, this is his current physique.

One can imagine how terrible it is.

Of course, this twenty to thirty kilometers is still under the condition of carrying a weight of 50 kilograms.

Yu Sheng simply let go of his speed and ran forward quickly. Yu Sheng's steps were messy and looked very irregular. Obviously, Yu Sheng was also to prevent being sniped by people behind him.

The rest of his life soon distanced himself from these people. After these people saw the running speed of Yu Sheng, all of them were slightly taken aback. They immediately increased their running speed by a few minutes, but... The distance between the rest of my life is still being enlarged.

When everyone saw the situation in front of them, they were also slightly surprised.

"Fast speed."

The three of them are a little shocked. I didn’t expect the rest of their lives to run so fast~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is a bit too much, you know, they all have undergone special training, and they have to train in the past. To maintain his peak, I did not expect that the speed of the rest of my life would be so fast.

How can this be?


The three of them are not talking nonsense, they must kill this guy, otherwise, this guy will cause them great trouble, so they will kill the rest of their lives anyway.

Therefore, the three of them all started to exert their strength and quickly ran in the direction where the rest of their lives were.

When Yu Sheng saw these three people running in his direction, a sneer appeared between the corners of Yu Sheng's mouth, while Yu Sheng was running swiftly in front of him. The running route seemed to be in a circle.

In a short while!

For the rest of my life, I took three people for a full half an hour. During this half an hour, the four of them had been running, but because the players of these three special forces were not as strong as the rest of their lives, and they were extremely fast. Running at a speed that caused their physical strength to be rapidly consumed.

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