I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1109: Annihilation (6)

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The three of them all stopped. The three of them were gasping and out of breath. For a while, their complexions were flushed. They looked ahead, and they all couldn't help but curse inwardly.

"Damn, how could this kid's speed be so fast?" The three of them were all swearing in their hearts. The patience and speed for the rest of their lives were really too strong. Although they did their best, they... still couldn't catch up. For the rest of their lives, this made them a little angry.


But at this moment, a gunshot resounded, and with this gunshot, the expressions of the people in the group changed drastically.

"not good……"

Everyone hurriedly concealed, this shot was obviously shot for the rest of his life.

These people glanced at the source of the gunfire, and when they saw Yu Sheng, they were even more furious.


Because they saw that Yu Sheng was in place, standing **** dancing.

Yes, just dance.

And Yu Sheng is not very far away from them, it is estimated that it is only about 500 meters away, and I don't know when Yu Sheng turned back again.

Such a scene even made the members of the three teams smoky, wishing to kill the rest of their lives.

"court death."

After seeing this scene, members of the SEAL Special Forces were also pale. He picked up the gun and pointed it at Yu Sheng, then pulled the trigger.


The bullet shot out quickly.

When Yu Sheng was dancing, he had been paying attention to these people's every move, especially when the people who saw the seal shot at him, Yu Sheng made evasion in advance.


The bullet hit the big tree behind Yu Sheng. When Yu Sheng saw this scene, there was a faint sneer between the corners of his mouth. Then, under these many gazes, Yu Sheng slowly stretched out his middle finger.

With such a contemptuous mockery, the people from the three teams that I watched are even more fascinating.



Immediately, everyone was furious. The three shot at Yu Sheng. Yu Sheng left here in a swift manner. After the three people saw the scene in front of them, they were very angry. Immediately, the three of them were chasing after them. Go up.


After waiting for ten minutes, the three of them stopped again, because this kind of running was also a great drain for them, and they had to stop and take a break.


When they took a break, Yu Sheng appeared in their sight again. The most deadly thing was that Yu Sheng was actually making mocking actions at them, even shooting them to harass them. At this time, let the three of them, more It was very angry, they were completely irritated by the rest of their lives.

Afterwards, they ignored the rest and chased them for the rest of their lives again.

that's all……

In this forest, there is a scene of three people chasing one person. The most surprising thing is that whenever these three people have to sit down and rest, they will appear in front of these people on time for the rest of their lives. The fatal thing is... for the rest of his life he will shoot and harass, and dance to taunt the members of these three teams.

How arrogant the members of these three teams are, and now they are being turned around by the rest of their lives, which makes them all very angry, almost not getting angry.

They can't wait to give the rest of their lives to peeling skin cramps. This little **** is so irritating. Is this a **** thing for humans?

Under this situation, they lasted a full two hours, that is to say, during these two hours, they have been carried around by the rest of their lives. The appearance of this scene made their three teams People are even more somber.

However, after the third hour, the three people really couldn't run because they had reached their limit. At this moment, they were panting heavily, and their bodies were sweating even more. For them, it is no less than a challenge.

Although their patience is extremely strong, but...this kind of high-intensity running, even if they can't hold on for long, what makes them most angry is that for the rest of their lives they took them to run at a variable speed.

Yes, it is running at a variable speed.

The speed is extremely fast for a while, and the speed slows down for a while. It seems that the rest of their lives is deliberate. When they slow down, the speed of the rest of their lives will be slower, giving them a chance to catch up, but when they are about to catch up, the rest of their lives The speed will increase, and the distance between them will be increased.

For three full hours, their physical strength was consumed drastically, which is not a good phenomenon for them.


But at this moment, a gun sounded, followed by a resounding sound, and the next moment, yellow smoke appeared on the 707 team member. The sudden situation also caused the 707 team member's body to tremble suddenly.


He looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief, he was actually sniped.

"No...when did he go there."

But at this moment, he looked towards the source of the sound, and he saw that Yu Sheng did not know when, unexpectedly appeared on their left side, this is the most terrifying.

You know, they have been staring at Yu Sheng the whole time, but when did Yu Sheng detour to the leftmost side of them? This sudden scene also frightened the seals and the members of Sakura.

"How can it be?"

Both of them stared, with a strong shock and inconceivability. No one thought that things would develop into this way.

"Kill him."

The SEAL team was the first to wake up, and immediately yelled.

Accompanied by a scolding ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the SEAL team did not hesitate to pull the trigger in the direction where Yu Sheng was, but Yu Sheng was already prepared. The moment the SEAL team pulled the trigger, the rest of his life was moving towards Running to the side, this caused the SEALs to shoot empty.

Such a scene naturally made them curse secretly.

"Shift, cunning kid." The SEAL team yelled.

This Sakura team member was also full of anger, staring at the direction Yu Sheng was running. For a while, it caused them one by one. Qi orifices made smoke, and Yu Sheng's behavior was really annoying. They had never seen such an annoying behavior. .

"No, I can't continue like this."

At this time, the SEAL team members also seemed to be aware of something, which made the SEAL team members' complexion a bit ugly. He knew that for the rest of his life, this was intentional and was deliberately consuming their physical strength.

Once their physical strength is exhausted, then they are lambs slaughtered by everyone, so in any case, they can't continue to chase them.

"Go back now." Everyone also made a decisive decision

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