I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1114: 1 dozen 2

, The fastest update I have the latest chapter of a special forces system!

Captain Seal was eliminated. In an instant, this shocked countless people. Many people were shocked by this scene. Who is Captain Seal? Everyone present, I am afraid that no one does not know.

Especially the strength of Captain Seal has made countless people jealous. I am afraid that no one would have expected that Captain Seal would be killed by the rest of his life.

Such a scene can be described as shocking the world.

"Captain Seal was killed."

At this moment, Fan Tianlei stood up all of a sudden, Fan Tianlei's eyes were mixed with deep dignity and shock, Fan Tianlei said in a somewhat unbelievable way.

"Really killed?" Chen Shanming, Miao Lang and others were shocked when they saw this scene.

"Who killed it?" Zhao Yunfeng asked hurriedly.

"It's Yu Sheng, Yu Sheng killed the SEAL captain?" Fan Tianlei took a deep breath. The shock that Yu Sheng brought to them this time was too great. No one expected that Yu Sheng could kill the captain of the SEAL Special Forces. Such strength is really terrifying.

"It's really surprising."

"Great." Li Erniu said with some excitement.

"Now there are only Sakura Special Forces and 707 Special Forces on the entire battlefield. These two teams are the top teams, but the fighting power for the rest of our lives is not bad. Maybe we have a chance to win the championship."

When talking about this, even Zhao Yunfeng’s heartbeat accelerated suddenly, and his face flushed a bit. This time... they don’t think they can win the world championship, because it is too difficult to win the world championship. After all, the world's top special forces were attacked here.

At first they felt that it was quite good to get a relatively good ranking, but they never expected that they would have reached this point and suddenly became the top three.

For a while, Zhao Yunfeng and others were a little excited.

"Now is not the time to be excited. If the rest of your life can survive the flanking attack of the captains of these two special forces, then you will be able to win this championship for the rest of your life. If you can't hold it..."

At this point, these words were like a basin of cold water splashed on the top of everyone's heads, which made everyone's complexion slightly condensed, because what Fan Tianlei said was not wrong.

It is not so easy to hold on under the hands of these two people.

"Go, let's go out and have a look." Fan Tianlei said immediately: "Presumably all the people are already gathered together now, and there happens to be a picture over there. Let's go out and take a look."

This place can already be monitored by satellite in real time, and they can see where they are for the rest of their lives, especially at this critical moment, they are also a little worried.


Following Fan Tianlei's order, the people present left here one after another and rushed towards another place. At the same time, many people rushed towards the headquarters one after another.

At this time, Fan Tianlei saw an acquaintance. This person was named Adeli, who was also the leader of the SEAL Special Forces this time. In other words, Adeli was solely responsible for matters this time.

At this moment! Edley's face is obviously not pretty. Obviously, this is also because their country's teams have all been eliminated, so this makes their faces a little unsightly.

This is also a huge blow to their prestige.

At this time, Edley also saw the existence of Fan Tianlei. The moment he saw Fan Tianlei, Edley's face became gloomy, and there was a soldier next to Edley. When the soldier saw Fan Tianlei, he I couldn't help but yelled: "shift."

This makes them a little bit ashamed to become angry.

And Chen Shanming and the others frowned when they heard this, and their faces looked coldly at the soldiers. At this time, the little bee sneered and said: "I'm still Fake your uncle."

"What do you look at? Haven't seen a handsome guy? You seals have been eliminated, and you have to go to the headquarters? What? Are you going to be ashamed? Or do you not believe that you have been eliminated? There is still a certain fluke. ?"

"I said Lao Tie, don’t read it. You guys have already been eliminated. In other words, the champion this time has basically no chance with you... So... you all still go back to your hometown honestly. Well, until the next international special forces competition, you may still have the possibility of a comeback, now..."

"You should be honest."

The little bee was sneered and sarcasm, and it was obvious that Edley could understand what little bee said. After hearing what little bee said, Edley's face became more and more ugly. For a while, Edley was so angry...

It was really annoying what the little bees said, but there was no way, because they were indeed killed and indeed lost the game.

Edley stared at the little bee with a green face, and said coldly: "You're looking for death."

When the little bee heard this, he was a little surprised and said: "Hey, you know Chinese? What I am more curious about is how did you learn Chinese like this? There are still ways to speak, but you should have heard of us. Chinese hell-level exam, right? How did you pass it? Isn't it cheating?"

The little bee was talking nonsense, which made Adley's face more ugly, and Edley snorted, ignored the little bee, and walked in one direction.

At this time, Fan Tianlei also saw this scene. Fan Tianlei did not stop it. After Fan Tianlei saw the little bee-inspired Edley exasperated ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This made Fan Tianlei's mouth a faint arc , Fan Tianlei glanced at Adley indifferently, he also wanted to be angry with Adley a long time ago.

At this moment, the little bee made a move, which also made him quite relieved.

At this time, Fan Tianlei also walked into the headquarters with Little Bee and others. At this time, the existence of Yu Sheng and others had already appeared on the big screen.

Moreover, this picture is still so clear.

At this time, Yu Sheng was cautiously crawling on the ground. Many people did not notice the existence of Yu Sheng. At this time, Captain Sakura and Captain 707 were fighting separately. At this time, the two of them naturally hoped to be able to. Kill the opponent, as long as they kill the opponent, they basically won, as for the rest of their lives...

To be honest, their party really didn't put Yu Sheng in their eyes. In their opinion, Yu Sheng was just a rookie, and they could kill the rest of their lives at any time as long as they wanted it.

Therefore, Captain Sakura and Captain 707 began to confront each other.

"Huh, where is that Chinese person?"

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