I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1115: Invincible for the rest of your life

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At this moment, when the picture changed, they suddenly saw that the place where they had been for the rest of their lives was already empty and disappeared for the rest of their lives.

Such a scene also surprised the people present.

"The Huaxia kid is gone, what's the matter? How could this kid disappear suddenly?" The sudden situation also surprised the people present. Unexpectedly, the rest of his life would really disappear.

"How is it possible? Is this Huaxia kid not magical? Why is it suddenly gone?"

"It shouldn't be..."

For a while, the people present were talking a lot, even Fan Tianlei, Zhao Yunfeng and others took a surprised look and found that they were really missing.

"Why did the rest of my life disappear suddenly? It was there just now?" Li Erniu asked in a little astonishment.


At this time, Fan Tianlei seemed to be aware of something. Immediately, they saw a flash on the screen, and immediately afterwards, they discovered the existence of Yu Sheng...

When they found out that Yu was alive, it surprised them all.

"Why did he run here... when did he run over."

The people present were all boiled, and they looked straight at the scene in front of them, shocked, because they never expected that Yu Sheng would come here, which was beyond their expectation.

"No, have you noticed that this Huaxia kid seems to be integrated with the surrounding environment. If the camera is not facing him, it is difficult for us to find the existence of this Huaxia kid."


After everyone heard this sentence, in an instant, these three words were formed in their minds, disguise.

"What a clever disguise." At this time someone exclaimed: "mygod, Huaxia people should have such clever disguise, how did he do it?"

"Such disguise... No, it's not good... Captain Sakura and Captain 707 haven't found it yet..."

Soon, everyone discovered the strangeness. Captain Sakura and Captain 707 obviously did not notice the existence of Yu Sheng, that is to say, Yu Sheng is gradually approaching the two people...

Such a scene also surprised the people present.

"This kid..."

"Now Sakura Special Forces and 707 Special Forces are in big trouble."


All of a sudden, the people present were talking, and Edley's face became even more ugly. If you want to say that you don't want to see the rest of your life win the championship, this Edley is probably one of them.

Edley's face was gloomy. He glared fiercely at the rest of his life on the screen. It was all because of the rest of his life, which led to the fiasco of their SEAL team. If it weren't for the rest of his life, their SEAL special forces might be the champion this time.

The little bee also seemed to have noticed the look in Edley's eyes. The corner of his mouth was raised and his chin was raised. Edley trembled with this provocative look. If it weren't for maintaining his image, he might have been unable to help it. It's time to do it.

Edley took a deep breath, suppressing the anger in his heart.


Let's talk about the rest of my life and others at this time.

Captain Sakura and Captain 707 were both carefully watching their surroundings, and their eyes showed a little dignified color, because they noticed that...there seemed to be something wrong in these surroundings.

Yes, but something is not quite right.

"What's the matter? What about that wolf-fanged kid? How does it feel like he's gone?"

Captain Sakura frowned. He glanced at Yu Sheng's original place. For some reason, he always felt that there was no one there. For a while, Captain Sakura was very puzzled and puzzled.

"Or that kid has been hiding there all the time?"

Captain 707 is not the case. Captain 707 glanced at Captain Sakura. He suppressed the restlessness and excitement in his heart, and secretly thought: "As long as I kill Captain Sakura, I can win this championship. If this is the case, our big Han nation will be the biggest winner this time."

Captain 707 took a deep breath, and pointed his gun at Captain Sakura's side. The next moment, he pulled the trigger without hesitation.


The dull sound reverberated, and Captain Sakura had already built a dike, so when the 707 adjusted the muzzle, he had already noticed it, and immediately fired a shot.


Two bullets were pushed out, almost in the blink of an eye, they collided together. Naturally, the two bullets had a strong force, so the trajectory of the bullets was also deviated. With a bang, they were blown away. After going out, no one knew where Bengfei had gone.

At this time, the rest of my life, who was still crawling quickly on the ground, was slightly surprised when he heard the gunshot. However, when he noticed that Captain 707 had fired the first shot, the corners of Yu Sheng's mouth were also lifted. The faint arc, it was a sneer.

Obviously, at this moment Captain Sakura and Captain 707 have already begun to lie in the nest. Although these people are united, they are still not in one mind. This is also the reason why Captain Seal was eliminated. If we say, they are really set to awaken. , First eradicate the rest of your life, and then the three are in a contest. I am afraid that no one can suffer their interception. At that time, this champion will inevitably be one of the three teams.

And there is a high possibility that it will fall on Captain Sakura~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I noticed that for the rest of his life in this scene, his speed was much faster. After a while, he came around the mountain and stayed around. After the people noticed Yu Sheng’s actions, all the people present were taken aback. Obviously...no one had expected that Yu Sheng would climb to the edge of the canyon...

It's just that the rest of his life climbed to the edge of the canyon to do? For a while, the minds of those present were full of doubts and incomprehension, and they were shocked.

"What's the matter? What the **** is that kid doing?"

"That's not right, why did that kid ran to the edge of the canyon, which is surrounded by mountains. Does he still want to attack Captain Sakura and Captain 707 from the mountain?"

"What a joke, that mountain, even the seal people can't get through, let alone this kid, before, the seal people can kill the fifth type of commando, but also from the other side, that side is better, as for On this side, the cliff is very steep, how can it be passed without any tools..."

"Yeah... this kid, if he really wants to go from here, is this a dead end?"

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