I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1116: Performing for the rest of his life

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"How can it be so steep."

All the people present at the scene were all talking about it. However, at this moment, Edley sneered and sneered. In this place, without any protective measures, even the SEAL captain did not. It's too possible to do it. This kid actually wanted to climb up from here.

"Hehe, this Huaxia kid is too arrogant. He wants to pass from here. How can he do it."

All the people present shook their heads, obviously they are not optimistic about the rest of their lives.

Even Fan Tianlei, Zhao Yunfeng and others frowned, their faces solemnly staring at the rest of their lives in front of them, revealing a little heavyness.

"Should I really want to climb from here for the rest of my life?" Yan Wang couldn't help but said.

"Isn't it?" The old fox hesitated for a moment and couldn't help but said: "This place is not so easy to climb up... Isn't this just looking for death if he crawls like this?"


For a while, even Fan Tianlei and others were a little nervous. If they fell in such a place, it would be death. There is almost no possibility of survival, unless you are lucky, but then you will have half Disabled.

"Climb, this kid is starting to crawl."

At this moment, they saw Yu Sheng swiftly climbing towards the mountain. They had to say that this mountain was not as steep as usual, and there was no good point of borrowing around it.


For the rest of his life at this moment, he was waiting strictly. Yu Sheng stared at the scene in front of him, his eyes revealed a strong confidence.

There was a faint arc between the corners of Yu Sheng's mouth.

For others, this mountain may be an insurmountable ditch, but to him, this mountain is nothing, because he has absolute self-confidence.

"The blood of six-eared macaques is exquisite."

At this moment, Yu Sheng's whole person is extremely relaxed, his body has become a lot easier, but his limbs have become extremely powerful, and the rest of his life's jumping ability has also been strengthened a lot.

However, in this next scene, the rest of his life can be described as shocking the people present.

"Oh my God, that kid is so fast."

In an instant, everyone present looked at Yu Sheng. They were shocked to see that Yu Sheng's climbing speed was too fast. Such a scene also caused the pupils of the people present to shrink suddenly.

"What... how is this possible, how can this kid be so fast? Don't kill me?"

"This kid's arm is very stable, and there doesn't seem to be any signs of losing strength. How did this kid do it?"

"It's so fast, I'm afraid, our special forces can't reach this level, right?"

"This kid is really a soldier king? How could the soldier king have such a fast climbing speed? What's more, there are very few borrowing points on this big mountain..."


But at this moment, Yu Sheng suddenly jumped up. This sudden situation shocked all the people present. Even Fan Tianlei was taken aback by Yu Sheng’s sudden behavior. His heart trembled suddenly, and his eyes stared at Yu Sheng.

"Oh, mygod, this Chinese kid, is he looking for death?"

"He actually jumped up at this time, jumped up in such a place, what does he want to do, is this to kill himself?"

The people present were stunned by Yu Sheng's actions again, but in the next scene, Yu Sheng's actions made them all shocked. They saw...

The moment Yu Sheng jumped up, immediately after that, Yu Sheng put one hand on the mountain, and then Yu Sheng quickly climbed up again.

The appearance of this scene caused them all to breathe a sigh of relief. They looked at the scene before them in shock, and there was a strong disbelief and shock in their eyes.

"How can it be……"

"Is this guy still a person?"

"Where the **** is this freak? How could his jumping ability be so strong? Even the top players can't have such a strong jumping ability, right?"

The people present were all frightened by Yu Sheng's actions, but the next scene dazzled them even more.

When he climbed the mountain for the rest of his life, his climbing method seemed to be constantly jumping. The scene looked a bit like a plot in a cartoon, and the speed was extremely fast.

Such a series of Sao operations can be described as blinding everyone present.

Everyone present was stunned.

They felt that they were waiting for someone as if they were watching a sci-fi blockbuster. This scene was really too dazzling. At this moment, the faces of all the people present became serious. At this moment, they felt vaguely that they must be small. Looking at the Huaxia kid in front of him, this Huaxia kid is definitely a master.

What made them most dignified was that they didn't even investigate this kid's information, which made them secretly regret it. At this moment, they felt that the rest of their lives might have been deliberately arranged by the wolf-toothed person. As for Bai Yang and others, It is estimated that it is to confuse the line of sight, and Yu Sheng is the main force of this game.

Thinking of this, everyone present couldn't help but cursed secretly.

It only took a while for the rest of their lives to climb to this mountain. When Fan Tianlei and the others saw the scene before them, they all breathed a sigh of relief. For the rest of their lives, they climbed to the mountain, which means that there is less danger for the rest of their lives. A lot of it, the scene of climbing the mountain just for the rest of their lives, really made them feel a cold sweat.

At this time Yu Sheng quickly came to a fringe area~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yu Sheng glanced around, and soon, he locked Captain Sakura and Captain 707. This scene made everyone present. It's a slight change in look.

"He wants to kill Captain Sakura and Captain 707."

I don’t know who screamed, which attracted everyone’s eyes. Even the person in charge of Lao Ri and Lao Man saw this scene, his whole heart was mentioned in his throat. If they were really sniped out by Yu Sheng, then the loss would be great, and now they have all reached the most critical moment of the game.

For a while, everyone present looked solemn.

"Hehe, it's you..."

At this moment, Yu Sheng's eyes flickered, and he locked Captain 707 in an instant. Looking at the position of Captain 707, it is obvious that he needs to see more clearly.


At this moment, Yu Sheng flung a shot in his hand. He fired this shot deliberately, because flinging the gun can make it more difficult for the enemy to detect danger.

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