I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1117: fighting

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The dull sound also resounded at this time. The Captain 707 in the distance was also extremely sensitive to danger. Therefore, when his life was threatened, Captain 707's body instantly tightened, and his whole body was also covered with hair. At this moment, it seemed to explode.

"It's not good, it's dangerous."

Captain 707's expression changed drastically, and immediately afterwards, he flung a shot casually. He flung out this shot entirely by feeling, so he didn't know if he could stop the opponent's blow.


The crisp sound resounded, and the sound of two bullets collided. In the next instant, the two bullets were blown out in an instant. Obviously, Captain 707 shot the bullet for the rest of his life.

"so close……"

Captain 707 was sweating profusely. He hurriedly hid his figure. He didn't dare to look up at the sky because he knew that there was another figure above.

If this shot wasn't his luck, I'm afraid he would be eliminated from this shot. This is something he never expected.

"What's the matter? Why are there still people there?" Captain 707 was shocked. Isn't this too nonsense? How come there are enemies everywhere? There is another person outside of them. At this moment, there is another person lurking from above. Who is this person?

At this moment, Rao was 707 and he was stunned. They were almost finished playing. At this moment, more and more people are playing. What is going on? This Nima.

Now Captain 707 is also a little bit painful, and now he even feels a little bit nonsense, what kind of ghost situation is this Nima.

"Is there anyone else?" Even Captain Sakura was taken aback and hurriedly hid himself, but his position was not very good. He rolled around in a hurry, and then came to the other side. He couldn't figure it out. How come there are enemies in this high place? Haven't they already surrendered all the enemies? Why are there still enemies?

When did the enemy go up?

For a while, Captain Sakura's face also became a little gloomy, extremely ugly.

Because no one expected that things would develop into this way.

"Ba Ga." Captain Sakura cursed inwardly, obviously this scene was a bit beyond their expectations.

For the rest of his life, he looked at the two men from top to bottom, and it was clear that the two men had not yet discovered his existence.

The corner of Yu Sheng’s mouth was raised. Now he occupies the highest position. This position is very advantageous for him. On the contrary, Captain Sakura and Captain 707 are in a very poor position. As long as they move, they will be discovered by Yu Sheng, and this position is still very good. Poor, after all, the rest of his life is condescending, which puts them a lot of pressure.

"Asshole." Captain 707 murmured again. It is very difficult for him to shoot for the rest of his life, because he needs to hold the gun and shoot into the sky because of the light and some other reasons. Will cause very troublesome.

It is very likely to miss.

Therefore, this makes them all anxious.

"No, I can't stay here anymore, I must think of a way." Captain 707 thought secretly, he also knew that at this moment, it is not suitable to stay here at all, and there is a Huaxia guy staring at me. .

This has given them two great pressures, and the position of the two of them can be said to be extremely poor.

"Do you want to retreat inside?"

Thinking of this, there is currently only one way. If you want to avoid these people's sniping, you must retreat inside. However, where to retreat is so easy to retreat. After all, there is another one on the top, one time, two Individuals also have a headache.

At this time, Yu Sheng fired a shot and did not continue to stay in place. So far, Captain 707 and Captain Sakura don’t know that he has changed positions, so...

Now is the best time for him. Once the enemy finds out that he has changed positions, it will become even more difficult behind him.

Yu Sheng kept wandering, Yu Sheng's wandering speed was very fast, Yu Sheng kept shooting at Captain 707 and Captain Sakura. For a time, both of them were beaten in a frenzy.

At this moment, both of them are even a little skeptical of life. Could it be that there are so many enemies hidden here? But how is this possible? With so many enemies, when did they ambush here? Why did they not do anything after they waited for someone to break into the canyon? Is it because they were deliberately letting them in?

To use a Chinese idiom, is it to catch turtles in the urn?

With the battle between the three, the battle seemed extremely fierce for a while. The rest of his life used all kinds of methods, which shocked the rest of his life. Captain Sakura and Captain 707 are indeed the top special forces. Such capabilities, Even he is a bit beyond the reach.

Because of this, this led to a fierce battle between the two sides. Of course, Captain 707 and Captain Sakura also had their own ghosts. Both of them wanted to kill each other all the time, but they all knew , It is very difficult to kill each other, so you have to wait for an opportunity, as long as there is a chance, the two of them will kill each other.

Soon, they discovered something was not quite right.

Because, from the beginning to the end, the people who shot were shot from above, and they had exposed their bodies before. Logically speaking, if the opponent is a top sniper, then the opponent will never let go. After such a brief exposure.

It's just that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ didn't shoot for the rest of their lives. The sudden situation caused both of them to have their brains running fast. Obviously they were thinking about something.

Why did the opponent shoot? Or……

In that place, there is no one at all now?

As a top sniper, you know that after firing a shot in one place, this place is not suitable for firing a second shot, because it is easy to be detected by the enemy, and once detected by the enemy, it is easy to be caught by the enemy. Live, so many snipers, after firing the first shot, quickly moved the sniper point.

Only in this way can we not be caught by the enemy.

"By the way, there must be no one." Thinking of this, Captain 707's eyes flickered, which made Captain 707's face a little gloomy. If there is no one in this place, where is the person?

Thinking of this, 707 once again sold a flaw, such an obvious flaw, if he were replaced by him, it is absolutely impossible to let go of this flaw, thinking of this, Captain 707 finally determined that this place must be no one.

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