I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1137: Solicit

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"To shut up."

Bai Wuchang frowned, and he looked at the horse face beside him coldly, a look in his eyes, which made the horse face tremble, and he felt a little scared and horrified.

The horse face and the white impermanence are not at the same level at all, and in this Yin Division, the upper and lower levels are strict, so it is just a look that frightens the horse face.

Bai Wuchang looked at Yu Sheng calmly, with a little coldness in his eyes, and Bai Wuchang said indifferently: "So, are you not willing to join us?"

When Yu Sheng heard the words, he laughed blankly, and said faintly: "It's not impossible to join your Yin Division. First of all, you have to put forward the conditions that make my heart move."

"As you said, these conditions are not enough. A breakthrough is, for me, the simplest, unless you can come up with something that strikes my heart."

Yu Sheng's words made Bai Wuchang's expression condensed, and Bai Wuchang began to ponder a little.

If he can hang Yu Sheng with interest, this is naturally what he wants to see. With interest, then Yu Sheng will not be able to leave their Yin Division!

Therefore, they must have this thing in the Yin Division, but not elsewhere. Only in this way can they stay here for the rest of their lives forever, otherwise...sooner or later they will leave here for the rest of their lives.

Thinking of this, Bai Wuchang began to ponder, thinking about the feasibility of this matter, while Heiwuchang on the side looked cold, as if this matter had nothing to do with him. Heiwuchang has always been like this. Character, few words, and a cold look.

As for the horse face, the face was gloomy, the eyes that looked at Yu Sheng, the killing intent surged, and that appearance, I can’t wait to kill Yu Sheng and then quickly, Niu Tau is his best partner, and he naturally wants to avenge Niu Tau. But, for now, it might be difficult to get revenge, unless he refuses to join them for the rest of his life, so that he still has a chance for revenge.

Once Yu Sheng chose to join the Yin Division, it would be difficult to get revenge, which is why Niutou's face is so ugly.

At this time, Bai Wuchang suddenly thought of something. His eyes lit up, and then he glanced at Yu Sheng with a faint smile, and said with a chuckle: "Our Yin Division has a way to improve your strength. This kind of improvement is very powerful. If you can pass, then you can gain a strong combat power, and even the emperor is not your opponent. This is a shortcut, and it won't do much harm to your own potential."

When Yu Sheng heard the words, his heart moved, he probably had guessed something, and Yu Sheng knew something about these things, the rumors...

There is a laboratory in the Yin Division, but no one knows the specific truth and falsehood. Not only that, but also heard the news. There are many things in this laboratory. Some people are studying genes, and some people are studying some. Other potential-stimulating drugs may be to install something on the human body to change the human body.

There are only some rumors in this laboratory. No one knows if there are any. However, some drugs have indeed been developed in the Yin Division. These drugs can stimulate people’s potential and increase their strength. , These things are nothing, because in other research laboratories, such drugs can also be studied, but this drug has great side effects.

No one will use it as a last resort.

Therefore, when Bai Wuchang mentioned this matter, Yu Sheng thought of this place. At the same time, Yu Sheng was also very curious about these drugs. If he could get these drugs, it would be good for him.

Of course, he himself would not use these drugs. Such things have too much side effects. After using them, it may not be a good thing for him.

However, if it can be taken back for research, there may be unexpected gains.

Yu Sheng said indifferently: "What are you kidding about, where is that kind of magical thing? You can only practice your strength a little bit by yourself. Can you guarantee that there will be no side effects?"

When Bai Wuchang heard the words, he smiled confidently. Seeing Yu Sheng's appearance, he became confident. Bai Wuchang calmly said: "The world is so big that there are no wonders. You don't know, it doesn't mean there is no. We have such a kind here. Something that can replace the human body..."

At this point, Bai Wuchang stopped, and did not continue, but calmly said: "In short, you can make your combat power soar. At that time, whether it is money or beautiful women, you will be at your fingertips. I think you will definitely Like, how? How are you thinking about it?"

Yu Sheng's eyes narrowed, he did not rush to agree, but took a deep look at Bai Wuchang. He didn't say anything more, but showed a thoughtful appearance. He didn't dare to rush to agree, if he rushed to agree If this is the case, this is too obvious, and once they are alerted, it will be bad.

Seeing Yu Sheng's thinking, Bai Wuchang calmly said: "Now you have left that place. You can rest assured that no one can find this place, this place is very secret, and it is also the part of our Yin Division. Ministry, even if someone finds here, we can retreat all over the body. Since the Yinsi has left a reputation in this world, then naturally there is his truth, I think you should be clear."

The rest of my life heard this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and his expression paused slightly.

He heard the meaning in the words of white impermanence.

Obviously, Bai Wuchang is threatening him. Although the words are very implicit, the threats here are full of meaning, which means that if the rest of his life does not agree to him and join the Yin Division, then the rest of his life will not want to leave here. In persuading the rest of his life.

Don't think about someone coming to save you, because no one can save you. Even if someone comes to save you, they can still get out of their bodies. Because this is the branch of the Yin Division, they must be prepared and can leave at any time. Here, so this is also a warning to the rest of your life, don't give more thought to escape.

What's more, Yu Sheng's strength is not their opponent. It is basically impossible to escape. This is also the warning that Bai Wuchang gave to Yu Sheng. Yu Sheng is also a wise man, and he instantly heard what Bai Wuchang meant.

When Yu Sheng heard this, he laughed, and immediately said: "Okay, I will join Yinsi, but... I want to see things that can make me stronger."

As soon as these words came out, Bai Wuchang's heart moved, but at this moment, a cold light flashed through the depths of Yu Sheng's eyes.

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