I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1138: camouflage

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For the rest of his life, he did not really join the Yin Division, because his real purpose was to lie in some secrets in the Yin Division. Moreover, according to his knowledge, the Yin Division was hidden deeply. No one in the world knew the existence of the Yin Division, and no one knew about it. How many people are there in the Yin Division, and even more, no one knows who the highest leader of the Yin Division is.

Therefore, Yu Sheng wants to try and see if he can dig out the Yin Division. As long as I find the Yin Division base camp, everything will be easy to handle. Then, the Yin Division will become a mouse crossing the street. Everyone yelled and screamed and killed. At that time, the Yinsi person is almost dead, and the Yinsi will exist in name only.

This is why he pretended to join the Yin Division.

Of course, he also knows that people in Yin Division will never believe in themselves so easily, and they will join Yin Division so easily. These guys, one by one, are very powerful, and they will definitely let themselves turn in a certificate or something. Yes, as long as they hand in this certificate, they will trust themselves for one point, but...

It is absolutely impossible to trust absolutely. I am afraid it will take some time before he wants to contact the high level of Yinsi. The most important thing for him now is to survive.

First pretend to agree, and wait until there is a chance, at least you can choose to escape, or in other words, you can give the Yinsi a fatal blow at the critical moment.

Yu Sheng secretly took a breath, and he looked at Yinsi.

Hearing Yu Sheng's promise, Bai Wuchang also laughed and said, "Very good, good, good."

"Joining the Yin Division will definitely not make you regret it. You will soon know the terrible aspects of the Yin Division. People all over the world dare not provoke us. The Yin Division is also very powerful in the world. , You can walk sideways in some places."

Bai Wuchang’s words made Yu Sheng not care about it and wanted to walk sideways. It was almost impossible. It is impossible for any force to walk sideways, even the Yin Division. If the Yin Division can really walk horizontally. , Then why dare not to expose the base camp of Yin Division?

It's not because the Yinsi people are like little ghosts who dare not show up. Once they show up, they will inevitably be strangled by other forces. To put it bluntly, the Yinsi is like a mouse in the dark and cannot see people.

Yu Sheng sneered at this.

He is in China, as long as he has a vacation, he can go where he wants to go, there are no restrictions, he can spend money as he is willing to spend money, after all, his family has money, he does whatever he wants, as long as he does not violate the law and discipline, compared with these People in the Yin Division, don't know how many times stronger, would you envy them?

It's really ridiculous.

However, what made Yu Sheng most jealous was about the safety of his father Yu Wei. Yu Sheng thought about it secretly. This group of yinsi guys are really all-pervasive, and they are indeed a bit powerful. Even his father has investigated clearly. , It can be seen that this group of guys did not work hard.

So what he worries most is his father’s safety. After all, his father often goes abroad to discuss business. If something happens abroad, it’s not good. If these people use their father to threaten them, it will It will be more troublesome.

"It seems that I have to think about it and protect my father's safety."

The rest of my life thought secretly.

Yu Sheng looked at Bai Wuchang again. At this time, Yu Sheng said faintly: "Since I have joined the Yin Division, can you give me a scalpel, some gauze and the like?"

Yu Sheng's words caused Bai Wuchang to be taken aback. After Bai Wuchang saw the injury on Yu Sheng's shoulder, he laughed and said, "Almost forgot."

"I'll let someone come and help you deal with the wound."

"No need." Yu Sheng shook his head and said faintly: "I'm not accustomed to others helping me clean up my wounds. I can do it myself. You only need to send what I need here."

When Bai Wuchang heard the words, he smiled and said, "This is a place for prisoners. How can you continue to live here, go, I will take you to a room, and you will live here in the future."

When the voice fell, Bai Wuchang led Yu Sheng to leave here. Soon, the group of people came to a room. This room looked very good, and it was obviously also specially prepared by Bai Wuchang.

Yu Sheng looked at the room and walked into the room. As for the white impermanence and the black impermanence, they didn't go in, especially the horse face, his face was gloomy and a little scary.

Unexpectedly, Yu Sheng actually chose to join the Yinsi in the end, this bastard, how proud of the Huaxia soldier? Why is this guy such a soft guy.

This made the horse face almost mad! The current horse-mian really wants to kill Yusheng, but now Yusheng is a yin, who wants to deal with Yusheng, but it’s not so easy. Once they know that Bai Wuchang knows, the person who will die in the end will definitely be himself. .

There is no doubt that the yin is terrible. He joined the yin and naturally understood some things about the yin, which is why he resented.

He knew that his brother was dead in vain this time.

Unless Yu Sheng is willing to rebel against the Yin Division, it's just that the outcome of this betrayal of the Yin Division is generally very miserable, even if they dare not rebel against the Yin Division, because the Yin Division has a means of controlling people, similar to them, but it is nothing. It's just a small periphery, there is no need to control them by any means, even if they don't control them~www.wuxiaspot.com~, few people dare to betray the Yin Division.

He once saw someone wanting to betray the Yinsi, but in the end, the result made them creepy, because this person was tortured by the Yinsi for ten years.

For a whole ten years, ten years, the yinsi person will not let him die so easily, so he will be severely flogged on his body, and even use other torture to torture this person.

In the past ten years, this person has become a lunatic, and in the end, he was hit by a single blow, that is, because of the existence of this person, this has given everyone present a great deterrent.

Those who once wanted to leave the Yin Division finally all chose to serve the Yin Division weirdly. As for those high-level officials, naturally they also have the means to control the high-levels. So far, no one knows who the Yin Division's boss is.

In addition, the base camp of the Yin Division is extremely mysterious, and no one can find it. This leads to the fact that the Yin Division has always been very safe. In addition, because of the terrible nature of the Yin Division, many people dare not provoke the Yin Division. Trouble.

"Don't we just believe this guy?" Ma Mian asked unwillingly.

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