I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1153: Come again

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"Didi, system task."

At this moment, a rapid voice resounded in Yu Sheng's mind again, and the sudden sound also shocked Yu Sheng slightly.


Yu Sheng asked a little surprised: "System, what task is it? Why does the task come again now?"

The voice of the system came into Yu Sheng's mind, saying: "Please destroy the Yinsi laboratory as soon as possible, and reward yourself based on the host's performance."

"Destroy the Yinsi laboratory?"

After Yu Sheng heard the news, Yu Sheng was a little confused. Yu Sheng was shocked. What a joke. Although he wanted to destroy the Yin Division’s laboratory, it was so easy to destroy the Yin Division’s laboratory. Is it?

What's more, there are quite a few master guards around the Yinsi Lab, and there are even super masters at the level of white impermanence and black impermanence.

If he destroys the laboratory rashly, he must die. More than that, he is under the surveillance of the white impermanence and the black impermanence all the time. It is basically impossible to destroy the laboratory, not to mention...

This laboratory is made of special materials and can even withstand missile attacks. If you want to destroy the laboratory, you have to use more powerful explosive weapons, unless it is a missile with great damage, but... this thing itself But there is no such great ability to do it.

Moreover, it is impossible to get it. As for returning to China, it is idiotic dream, as for getting it here, it is nonsense.

For the rest of my life, the brain is running fast. If you want to destroy the laboratory here, you can only destroy the data here, and then kill Dr. James. Dr. James is a very terrible scientist. This guy is a scientific lunatic. There is this guy. Even if the data is destroyed, it is estimated that it can be recovered in less than two years, and it will be a problem by then.

For a time, the rest of his life's brain was running fast, and he was thinking about the feasibility of this matter.

Yu Sheng lay in a place where the camera was facing him. As for Bai Wuchang and others, they also stared at Yu Sheng for a while, but did not continue to stare, but let others stare.

At this time, Ma Mian looked at Bai Wuchang and couldn't help but said, "Master Bai Wuchang, do you really want to join us for the rest of your life?"

Hearing this, Bai Wuchang sneered, and said faintly: "Where are there such easy, wolf-fanged people, all of them are hard to gnaw. If you want them to join, you have to use some means."

"But hasn't he been injected with drugs by us?" Ma Mian couldn't help but said.

"What can I do with the injection of drugs?" Bai Wuchang glanced at the horse's face and said faintly: "He didn't feel the power of the drugs, so naturally he wouldn't surrender so easily."

Hearing what Bai Wuchang said, Ma Mian took a deep breath.

As for how horrible the drug is, Ma Mian has a deep understanding of it, because he used to want to escape from here just like Yu Sheng thought. However, he didn’t know how horrible the drug was until the onset of the drug. It is really not working every day.

That kind of pain makes people unhappy.

Now thinking of this medicine, Ma Mian is still a little scared.

"Look at this guy well." Bai Wuchang said lightly.


Ma Mian hurriedly replied. There is a huge gap in status between him and Bai Wuchang, and the two are not on the same plane at all, so Ma Mian dare not go against Bai Wuchang's wishes.

Besides, for the rest of my life at this time...

Yu Sheng pretended to fall asleep, but in fact, he was studying the toxin in his body, and for the rest of his life, he was vaguely aware of the existence of the toxin.

What I didn’t expect for the rest of my life was that these toxins were so weird. Some of them flowed into one's own five internal organs. They were on standby at the moment of their own five internal organs. Some of them entered directly into one's brain. They even existed in other important parts of oneself. exist.

Once the toxins attack, these toxins will immediately destroy the nerves around you and plunge yourself into a state of death. Of course, there are some toxins in these other places. If it happens, these toxins will attack first, and wait for a while. After time, the severe pain will stimulate the remaining toxins and cause damage to the nerves. .

Of course, this requires a process, but this process is not very long, nor is it very short. This toxin is like a cunning person, and it is almost impossible to get these toxins out.

Even if you know where the toxin is, you don't want to pull it out. This is the terrible thing about the toxin.

The Yin Division is to use these toxins to control some people and make them work hard for the Yin Division. This is the terrible thing about the Yin Division.

"It seems that the first form of my 100-year-old poisonous herb gene does not have much effect?" Yu Sheng glanced at the scene in front of him, which made Yu Sheng's expression a bit heavy.

His 100-year poisonous herb gene can absorb toxins. Even if he eats some toxins, it will not cause any harm to him, but... this 100-year poison is not invaded, after all, it is less, and it cannot protect him completely. , This makes Yu Sheng a kind of urgency in his heart.

It seems that we have to find out the second form of the drug-addicting weed gene, but how do we unearth it?

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng's brain moved quickly, and gradually Yu Sheng entered a state.

At this time, Yu Sheng felt ignorant, as if he was in another world. After Yu Sheng came here, Yu Sheng was slightly taken aback.

"Is this falling into an epiphany?"

Feeling the changes in the surrounding environment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yu Sheng knew that he must have entered into concentration again. For a while, this made Yu Sheng a little surprised and delighted.

Because he knows that every time he enters the epiphany, it will bring great benefits, and his own poisonous weed gene is very likely to enter this secondary form because of this epiphany.

For a while, Yu Sheng was also quite expectant. I don't know what kind of form the secondary form of the poisonous grass gene is... Is it possible to detoxify the toxins in his body?

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng continued to pay attention to the world around him. Yu Sheng's eyes swept through the surrounding environment one by one, and he did not reveal any place.

What surprises Yu Sheng is that this place is a colorful world. This world looks very beautiful. There are various fruits around here, and these fruits exude an attractive fragrance. Not only that, but also river water. And so on, even the river water here looks so beautiful and clear, just like a clear spring in a mountain stream.

"What a beautiful place." Yu Sheng sighed disrespectfully.

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