I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1154: Feeling the second form

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After hesitating, Yu Sheng walked in front of a big tree. Yu Sheng looked at the fruits on the tree. These fruits looked crystal clear and very beautiful, as if they were treasures in the world of cultivating immortals. , For a while, this left the rest of his life with indescribable excitement and emotion.

Yu Sheng hesitated for a moment, stretched out his hand, and stretched it toward the past on the big tree. Yu Sheng grabbed a fruit, and then violently pulled it down.

Yu Sheng carefully checked the fruit in his hand. For a while, this made Yu Sheng feel unspeakable excitement. The fruit smelled very comfortable, which made Yu Sheng want to take a bite.

Yu Sheng hesitated for a moment and put the fruit in front of his mouth. Yu Sheng hesitated, and then took a light bite.

As Yu Sheng took such a bite lightly, a scent of the nose filled Yu Sheng's mouth and nose.

For a while, Yu Sheng couldn't help groaning unexpectedly, Yu Sheng couldn't help it anymore, he swallowed this fruit into his stomach.


As Yu Sheng swallowed the fruit into his stomach, Yu Sheng's complexion changed slightly for a while, because Yu Sheng suddenly noticed that his stomach hurts and hurts. The sudden pain made Yu Sheng unable to help but suck. Take a breath.

"what happened?"

"Why does it hurt so suddenly?"

Yu Sheng endured the pain in his abdomen. He gritted his teeth and insisted on it, which made Yu Sheng's complexion more and more difficult to look at.

"No, it's poisonous... must the fruit be poisonous?"

Yu Sheng suddenly thought of something, his expression changed drastically, but Yu Sheng knew that generally speaking, the more gorgeous the fruit is, the more likely it is to be poisonous, especially in the deep mountains and old forests. If you encounter some fruits, you can’t Eat whatever you want, because these fruits may be poisonous products.

Obviously, the fruits that I ate were poisonous, because these fruits were too attractive, which caused Yu Sheng to relax his vigilance. It is true that the appearance of this fruit is too attractive, and because of this, it caused him to be poisoned.

Yu Sheng felt the colic in his stomach, which made Yu Sheng feel unspeakably uncomfortable.

Yu Shengqiang endured the severe pain and stood up. He looked at the plants around him. If he expected it well, the plants around him should be poisonous.

But at this moment, Yu Sheng suddenly felt that the kind of colic in his stomach was quickly dissipating. Invisible, there was a small grass in Yu Sheng's body, and it seemed that he became a little excited. The grass pierced through the ground, revealing young shoots, which seemed to be growing wildly.

The appearance of this scene also made Yu Sheng aware.

"This is... the poisonous grass gene?"

After Yu Sheng noticed this scene, Yu Sheng was also slightly taken aback? Immediately afterwards, Yu Sheng frowned: "What's the matter? How could the poisonous weed gene suddenly burst out at this time? And the kind of abdominal pain in my body seems to have alleviated a lot..."


Thinking of this, Yu Sheng seemed to be aware.

Yu Sheng hesitated and picked another fruit. As Yu Sheng picked this fruit, Yu Sheng swallowed it directly into his stomach. At this time, the severe colic came again, but...

At this moment, Yu Sheng was a little surprised to find that the gene of the drug-addicting grass in his body was growing wildly, as if he had encountered some nourishment, growing extremely fast.


At this moment for the rest of his life, he fully understood that it must be like this. As the more toxins he eats, the more resistant the poisonous weed gene is, and more than that.

For the rest of my life, I feel that the genes of drug-addicting grass are constantly evolving. Every time I eat a fruit, the genes of drug-addicting grass will use these toxins as nourishment to moisturize itself. This is the terrible thing about the genes of drug-addicting grass.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng's complexion also became a little joyful. If it was really so, then it would be very good news for him.

For the rest of my life, I didn’t have any hesitation anymore, and I started to eat the fruits and river water here. There are toxins everywhere in this world, and these toxins are strange and strange, and even after you eat several toxins, they will merge by themselves. Into another toxin.

These things were eaten into the stomach by Yu Sheng. At this time, Yu Sheng can be described as suffering and happiness coexisting, because every time he eats something, his body will suffer a toxin. These are all toxins. , I wonder what discomfort these toxins will cause him.

If you eat so many toxins, you will be half dead for the rest of your life.

But fortunately, the poisonous grass gene is strong enough, no matter how many toxins he eats, the poisonous grass gene can attract these toxins.

Moreover, these toxins will also be incorporated into the genes of the poisonous weeds. This poisonous weeds are also thriving. At this moment, the poisonous weeds seem to have a sense of maturity.

At this time, Yu Sheng was aware of this scene, and it also made Yu Sheng look happy. Obviously, this is the state of the drug-addicting weed gene to mature, but...

So far, he has basically eaten the poisons here. These poisons can't cause any harm to him at all, which means that the anti-toxicity of the rest of his life has become stronger.

"No, I've eaten everything here..."

At this time, Yu Sheng suddenly thought that the things here have been eaten by himself. There seems to be nothing shameful anymore?

There is nothing to eat, that is to say, I want to let the poisonous grass gene grow, which seems a little impossible, unless I can find other toxins.

It's just ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he is here, at least there are tens of thousands of toxins, right? So many toxins have formed drug resistance. What kind of toxins must be eaten to complete this last step.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng frowned. At the beginning, Yu Sheng had been tortured by these toxins for the rest of his life. There was an urge to die. But now, Yu Sheng has gradually fallen in love with this feeling.

For the rest of his life, I want to eat more toxins to provide nourishment for the genes of drug-addicting plants.

Just when Yu Sheng thought of this place, suddenly, Yu Sheng's eyes lit up.

"I have..."

As Yu Sheng thought about this, Yu Sheng’s expression became a little excited. Then, Yu Sheng opened his eyes. Only then did Yu Sheng realize that the time around here was just a moment. Opening his eyes for the rest of his life, his eyes flashed sharply.

"It's him..."

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng’s brain was running fast, and the poisonous weed gene in his body, at this moment, it seemed that he had encountered some difficult delicacy...

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