I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1156: destroy

But the next moment, Dr. James fainted. Obviously Yu Sheng stunned Dr. James directly. Yu Sheng knew that if Dr. James was not stunned, he would not be able to enter the laboratory and would not be able to destroy the mechanical heart.

After all, the key to open the door is also Dr. James' pupils. If Dr. James dies, his pupils will be dizzy, and the door cannot be opened at that time.

Yu Sheng glanced at it casually, and then smashed the camera. Yu Sheng grabbed Dr. James' clothes and pulled him toward the laboratory of the mechanical heart.

Soon, the two of them came to this place. At this time, Zhang Yu used Dr. James to easily open the first door. Then for the rest of his life, he found his key in Dr. James and opened the second door.

Soon, a group of people came to the last door.

Zhang Yu looked at the last door with a solemn expression. This last door was not so easy to open, because this last door needs the eyes of Dr. James. In other words, he needs to give Dr. James to him at this time. Only when you wake up can you open the door.

The rest of my life thought about it, hesitated for a moment, and moved on Dr. James's body. Soon, Dr. James' eyelids moved. Obviously, this was a sign of waking up.

Dr. James opened his eyes slowly, but when he opened his eyes, his eyes were still a little trance, as if he didn’t know what was going on. However, Dr. James soon came to his senses. The look in his eyes became horrified.

But because of this moment, the laser outside the door has been scanned, the door has been slowly opened, and Dr. James said in horror: "What are you going to do? Who are you..."

Just after Dr. James said this, he saw Yu Sheng’s face clearly. Dr. James suddenly shouted: "Yu, what are you doing? Do you know what you are doing?"

Dr. James stared at Yu Sheng angrily, with indescribable anger.

"Ha ha."

Yu Sheng smiled indifferently and said calmly: "Will I not know what to do?"

The words fell, and the next moment Yu Sheng pinched Dr. James’s neck without hesitation, and then with a sudden force, Dr. James’s neck was severed by him, and Dr. James’s body also softened at this moment, and was loosened for the rest of his life. With his hand, Dr. James's body slowly fell to the ground.

Yu Sheng glanced at Dr. James casually, shook his head, and walked in. After Yu Sheng walked into the laboratory, Yu Sheng looked at the familiar scenes around him, his eyes flickered, and there were a lot of them here. Bottles and cans, and there are a lot of things in it.

Even some people were soaked in these bottles and cans. These people were filled with pipes. They didn’t know whether they were alive or dead, but Yu Sheng knew that, judging from the situation of these people, these people are definitely the ones who don’t want to live. kind.

Yu Sheng's expression was cold. He walked to the side according to his own memory. He looked at the hearts here. These hearts were the hearts developed by Dr. James. These hearts were put in a specific solution, and some were even Beating.

Zhang Yu took a deep breath, and he quickly came to the computer. Zhang Yu is also a computer expert. He carefully observed the computer. What surprised him was that there was a key destruction device in this computer. Said that as long as you press this button, the things here will be destroyed by themselves, and all the things will be destroyed.

Once destroyed.

It's impossible to get it back.

This made the rest of his life never expect that the other party gave a big surprise.

Because it will save the rest of my life a lot of trouble...

Yu Sheng did not hesitate to press this button. After pressing this button, Yu Sheng left here quickly. At this time, the containers here exploded with a bang. Not only that, but even The whole cave trembled rumblingly at this moment.

Such a big movement shocked many people in an instant.

Especially the horse face, who had been paying attention to his every move for the rest of his life, woke up in an instant. After the horse face looked at the video surveillance, he was shocked to find that the video surveillance had long been gone. This sudden scene made him The horse face also changed drastically.

"Not good... that kid escaped..."

After a second thought, Ma Mian thought of this.

Immediately, Ma Mian left here quickly. Ma Mian’s face was very ugly. He was watching for the rest of his life, but because of his negligence for a while, this led to Yu’s escape from here. Here, he is very bearable. The big responsibility, if the white impermanence and the black impermanence are known, maybe there will be big troubles.

It may even be punished.

Ma Mian quickly looked for the source of the sound. Soon, Ma Mian came to the place where the mechanical heart was hidden~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After Ma Mian saw this, Ma Mian's expression changed drastically.

"Not good... mechanical heart..."

Because Ma Mian saw that the laboratory of the mechanical heart was opened, it is unlikely that the laboratory of the mechanical heart would be opened at this time.

In other words, something must have happened in the laboratory.

"Shift, it must be the **** of Yu Sheng..."

Ma Mian thought of Yu Sheng for a moment. There are basically no outsiders here. To say that there are outsiders, only Yu Sheng is alone. There is such a big problem here. In all likelihood, Yu Sheng has a problem. For a while, his face is also It was extremely ugly, and immediately, without hesitation, he walked in quickly toward the door.

He wants to see what is going on here. If there is a big problem in the mechanical heart laboratory, he will probably die...

Not only him, but even the impermanence of black and white will be punished because of this incident.


Just when Ma Mian had just run out of two steps, a figure rushed out of the laboratory like lightning, and the sudden figure shocked Ma Mian.


Ma's face moved and avoided the figure. Ma's face hurriedly looked behind him. When he saw the figure clearly, the face of the horse changed slightly.

"For the rest of my life, it's you..."

However, Yu Sheng did not stay, but ran with all his strength and swiftly towards the outside world. For the rest of his life, he vaguely felt that this cave was about to collapse. If he continued to stay here, he might be buried here alive. , So it is safe to leave here immediately.

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